The streets of Detroit are home to a life and death struggle, Detroit’s gangs and the guns they wield threaten the lives of kids who spend every day growing up in fear of other kids. Now an elite police unit has been tasked with turning the tide in a war that has raged for decades, with aggressive tactics and unparalleled street smarts, they infiltrate a world of gangs, guns and deadly consequences.

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The Detroit Gang Squad approached my vehicle acting like I was a gangster when I am a black woman who does not own a gun do not know how to use one and nor do I affiliate with any gangs , never have and I don’t even have a criminal record. I don’t indulge in violence and nor do I have any friends. They do illegal and unethical things to innocent black women such as myself and then they portray themselves as helping to clean up a very criminal city and state that involves people of power that use their positions abusively towards innocent citizens. They have become the real STREET GANGS! the gang squad and some of the police. They are the real criminals, terrorists and trouble makers who have a badge a uniform and superiors who let them break laws and get away with murders and set ups of innocent people and victims. So this video is a bunch of hog wash. The City and state of Detroit Michigan needs a good investigation and a good cleansing. They are known for having innocent people GANG STALKED and the deeming the person as being mentally ill. The Team Wellness have joined in on this illegal crime of having people stalked, harassed and having psychological warfare and sensitization tactics used on the victim to get them to lash out and to suffer the consequences of being incarcerated, institutionalized, killed or pushed into suicide and they cover this covert crime to make it look like the innocent victim was suffering from schizophrenia when they were not but was pushed from all the repeated stalking, harassment, bullying, sabotaging, defamation and constant stress done by the Detroit police, some federal workers, spies, detectives, corporations, security companies, retired vets, mason cults, church members and leaders and people from within the communities. They all get together ad decide how they are going to stalk, hunt, extort, take down, destroy and possibly drive crazy a person who they don’t like or want to steal from and sabotage. This is the worst abuse of power ever known to all man kind.