nside The Twin Towers. This film re-creates a minute-by-minute account of what happened inside the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Narrated by Terrence Stamp.

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nside The Twin Towers. This film re-creates a minute-by-minute account of what happened inside the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Narrated by Terrence Stamp.
We must not get complacent. We must take it to the terrorists and keep taking it to them without end….
This defuses the idea that the towers was an implosion, very moving.
I just watched United Airlines 93 on TV. Then I wanted to see if there was something about what happened inside the Twin Towers. Very sad but an excellent account of what went on.
I’m from Canada, and I visited the WTC Memorial in February of this year. I was overwhelmed from the tears that flowed from my eyes. I knew that I was walking in an area, that once was a ground of terror and death for many people. An extremely emotional visit to New York, but the most touching. I prayed as I walked through the area, that the souls of these individuals lost may be at peace. My heart and prayers go to the families of the loved ones lost. May God bring peace in their lives.
This documentary was touching. I was 3 when the towers fell, and have no memory of it at all, but this really gives you an INSIDE view of the whole horrible event. Thank you uploader!
I find 9/11 documentaries really interesting, and this seems to have been the one I was waiting for. Like most people, the only perspective I have of that day was from outside the towers looking in. And like many, I wonder what it must have been like inside. The dramatisation gave you a good impression of the situation inside, without being too over-the-top or hammy.
I find 9/11 documentaries really interesting, and this seems to have been the one I was waiting for. Like most people, the only perspective I have of that day was from outside the towers looking in. And like many, I wonder what it must have been like inside. The dramatisation gave you a good impression of the situation inside, without being too over-the-top or hammy.
So emotional. I am Canadian, and was only 9 when the towers fell, but learning more about it now broke my heart. So saddening.
Cannot wait to learn why the near 50 continuously welded columns in each tower didn’t bend or shear of twist, or break at one overloaded point for each column. No, it’s bite size chunks all the way down, 100% of the towers 100% of the columns, convenient for shipping to Asia for recycling.
Even better than that,.. can you explain building seven to me?