Filmed at the “Lawful Rebellion” Conference, The British Constiution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009.

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Filmed at the “Lawful Rebellion” Conference, The British Constiution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009.
He’s wrong on so many points…..
The year after I got my driver’s license…SoCal was definitely starting to downsize…a couple or three Falcons, a Chevy II, a Vair, a Rambler…The ’57 Chevy looks like my wife’s first car (three on the tree that locked up between 1st and 2nd occasionally)…Odd to see a picture from this period with no Studebaker in it…Wouldn’t you just love to own the Chevy Wagon or the VW Kombi today? Looks like Imperial Highway around Aviation, maybe…Corona was just introduced and Corolla, 510, Kadett still to come. Picture this scene 10 years later.
I didn’t quite understand what his problem was with the system. I’m not suggesting that there aren’t necessarily any problems with the current western “modern” society, but he didn’t articulate a clear proposition. I heard a few interesting facts about the difference between a natural human and a legal person, but the correlation between the two and the need for each, I thought, was clearly understood by the average member of society.
Take his car ownership argument for example, is it really unjust of society to demand that public roads are used responsibly and that each member who decides to use said roads are subject to certain regulations and taxation in order for the roads to function properly? We need money to build and maintain public roads, ergo taxation on car owners (who, by using the roads, share a common responsibility by force of sheer necessity to keep them in functioning order). We need clear rules of conduct in order to ensure that the roads are as safe and ordered as possible, ergo society should have the power to strip car ownership of any member who breaks these rules and thereby unjustly putting other members’ health at risk. So no, in a strict absolutist sense, you do not truly own your person or, as it were, your car because we ALL have duties and responsibilities towards each other. We respect and CONFORM to certain modes of conduct simply because we believe that being a member of this grand enterprise (i.e society) is the best way to ensure that order and peace rules. Now there are many ways of reaching the “perfect city” – many conflicting ideas – hence we have politics (the free exchange of ideas) where we try to discuss how to best solve the issue of creating the best and most prosperous enterprise possible. Democracy might not be the ultimate answer, but it is, as Churchill once said, still our best one.
Harris also made a point where he complained about society not giving the human a choice as to whether he or she actually wants to be a member of it or not. Presumably, the human who is born is so in a hospital run by society. He (or she) is aided into existence by doctors who are trained and given knowledge by society. He or she enjoys electricity, medicine and comforts which, without society wouldn’t exist at all. Being human means being part of civilization. Being part of civilization should reasonably mean every human born into it should be registered and acknowledged, given rights and should be bestowed with duties and privileges entitled to all members. And all have right to be members.
So social services can take your kids away, why is this so bad in principle? It’s, of course, heartbreaking to imagine parents being unjustly robbed of their children but we should NEVER forget why they exist in the first place. It’s not for some ambiguous conspiracy network to enslave your posterity. We realized, as a society, that some parents abuse their children. They sometimes treat them with more contempt and hatred and neglect than love, compassion and tenderness. Does society have a responsibility towards such children? Should we not include this protection as one of our most proud principles? Parents do NOT own their children, they have rights that go above and beyond the family bond. If you bring a child into this world, you better take care of it, or else you may lose that privilege.
I’m rambling. Peace out.
Society in itself is an organization that promises to allow its members to live under certain conditions,conditions equally enforced, and when you are born and you expect to be considered a part of the society, you need to be registered. Otherwise if someone comes and by sheer force robs you of your belongings( or does you any harm), you will have no right to go to the police and ask for any help. The police is only for the registered member of the society, the hospitals are only for the registered members of the society and the court of justice is also only for the registered member. If you dont register,you are on your own in a way you cannot even imagine. Which is why I find this gentleman s enthusiasm slightly misplaced. Correct me if i am wrong….
Interesting way of looking at things. I especially likes the video example of the police having to back down! I think he’s right when he says that you have to go and find out and confirm this info yourself.
Interesting way of looking at things. I especially likes the video example of the police having to back down! I think he’s right when he says that you have to go and find out and confirm this info yourself.
Sacrifice the Person !!!!
Sacrifice the Person !!!!
everyone should watch this.
I just finished watching it and was about to say the exact thing when I noticed your post, haha.
Although I have been aware of all this for years this presentation is undoubtedly the most easily understandable review of the systems basic components that I have ever seen. Highly recommended regardless of nationality.
Oh, for fellow Canadians out there a visit to might be interesting…a few of the legal companies out there today:
Legal Name: Government of Canada
Operating As: Parlement Du Canada Députes Fédéraux
Address: 496 rue Sacré-Coeur O City/Town: Alma
Province/State: QC Postal Code: G8B 5W1
Legal Name: Canada Members Of Parliament
Address: 2325 Preston Ave Unit 71 City/Town: Saskatoon
Province/State: SK Postal Code: S7J 2G2
Legal Name: Government of Ontario
Operating As: MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES Ministry of Children and Youth
Address: 11 Beechgrove Ln City/Town: Kingston
Province/State: ON Postal Code: K7M 9A6
Legal Name: Government of Ontario
Operating As: Ministry of Citizenship
Address: 7 Queen’s Park Cres S City/Town: Toronto
Province/State: ON Postal Code: M7A 1Y7
Legal Name: Ministry Of Education
Address: 350 Brant Ave City/Town: Brantford
Province/State: ON Postal Code: N3T 3J9
Legal Name: Government of Ontario
Operating As: Ministry of Justice
Address: 21 College St City/Town: Toronto
Province/State: ON Postal Code: M5G 2B3
Legal Name: Ontario Provincial Police Association
Address: 119 Ferris Lane City/Town: Barrie
Province/State: ON Postal Code: L4M 2Y1
Legal Name: Canadian Police Association
Address: 141 Catherine St Suite 100 City/Town: Ottawa
Province/State: ON Postal Code: K2P 1C3
Legal Name: International Police Association
Address: 15 Vicora Linkway Suite 501 City/Town: Toronto
Province/State: ON Postal Code: M3C 1A7
Legal Name: Justice Services Judiciaires
Address: 10 boul Sainte-Anne O bureau B City/Town: Sainte-Anne-des-Monts
Province/State: QC Postal Code: G4V 1P3
And if you keep digging there is plenty more to discover about our corporatocracy.