Around the world, journalists are increasingly being killed. They die in the crossfire. They die at the hand of criminals and corupt goverments. They die in tragic accidents. In the case of targeted deaths, these acts are meant to bury both the storytellers and the stories they?re driven to write. This film takes us inside the stories of 7 journalists who gave their lives, beginning February 2002, with Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl.

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[email protected]…. good life heard life here good morning dear care… Manchester care coming
the must life understand settings.. [email protected]……am jourlists from email explaning all doing from good understand parmission life …
am defense from good doing well to belive all my life doing one mining… [email protected]…understanding all connect with good lifecareer right to doing good
why is it private???
All I can say is
All I can say is
you fucking asshole
you fucking asshole
fuckin stupid
Why is it listed, if your going to keep it private, duh?
i did not make it private, i will look for an alternative
This video is private? Who’s is it?