The amazing documentary film contains several cinematic sequences accompanied by recurring musical themes. The chapters on the Koyaanisqatsi DVD are separated and named by the titles of the musical sections.

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The amazing documentary film contains several cinematic sequences accompanied by recurring musical themes. The chapters on the Koyaanisqatsi DVD are separated and named by the titles of the musical sections.
This is the 2001 of docs –utterly strange & wonderful. A friend & I left a Dodger game early on a brutally hot aftenoon in L.A. & checked off to this film. What we saw absolutely blew us away. It still retains is magic more than 2 decades later. It weaves its spell. Philip Glass is virtually unmatched in the history of cinema & music. The sensory overload this film gives you is almost too much. It is 1 of my all-time favorite movies.