Evolution is a term to define only one organism and that’s the self. The self is the universe, the self is the alpha and omega, god, and infinity, and that’s the only thing that evolves because we are all part of the self. Nothing goes through an evolutionary process alone or without direct benefit to the whole. So when you begin to think that there’s this controlling elite, this controlling hand behind the curtains leading the planet to destruction… When you think the end is near, the apocalypse, Armageddon, and when you think we as a species are doomed, it is not they, it is you that brought this about, and for a very good reason. You are evolving. Stop blaming everybody and everything else. Quit panicking about global tyranny and natural disaster and pay attention, because the world is telling you something; it’s tell you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it.

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An exposure of information (documentary) that is worth at least, 8 years of “higher education” in ANY university in ANY country. Don’t agree? Maybe you missed the point. Watch it again.
There are some apparent leaps in logic, and very little citation for some of the information they provide. It would be an error, however, to watch this with nothing more than a scientific rigor, or alternately, nothing more than a spiritual fervor. What’s impressive to me is the grand scope of the motive to enlighten all mankind to it’s faults and shortcomings. But don’t forget that the universe acting as an organism can produce no unnatural results. Even our egos, our wars, our psychic cancers, are as much a result of the universal organism evolving naturally as the attitude presented in this documentary.
This documentary has got far too many things it tries to prove, without showing nearly any sufficient evidence, often jumping to unfounded conclusions and assumptions. Many of whom aren’t even necessary to the central point of the whole film, or its premises.
Though, it asks interesting questions we really need to ask ourselves and did have some fair points.
I’d recommend watching this documentary, but not to take it too seriously.
Some very good points, floating in a puddle of crap and hypocrisy. Interesting facts, pretending to prove things they dont. Interesting anyway.
This would make for a good novel; belongs in the fiction section.
Overall very good – excellent in fact, however there is ONE ASPECT THAT IS WRONG!
The documentary hasn’t thought the ‘GENEALOGY’ aspect through correctly… and it is incorrect to infer that there is a conspiracy of blood… ( Wouldn’t to think so… fall into ‘THE FALSE EGO’ trap? – Ref: Pink Floyd – ‘Us and Them’ )EACH and EVERY human being’s DNA is 99.9% identical – that’s what differentiates us as a species – vis-a-vis – all the other trillions of life forms that exist. Via human genealogy… you can prove that anybody is genealogically related to anybody else. King to pauper. President to village idiot. WE ARE ALL INTER-RELATED TO EACH OTHER… and indeed (as observation of the human gestation period proves – which ironically the documentary fantastically illustrates)… TO ALL LIFE FORMS ON MOTHER EARTH..
Hahahah. I got to 3 seconds and then quit. Nonsense.
Just complete nonsense really, mysticism and superstition
it is all true. what he forgot to say is that nothing is ethernal and the solution to our present is the future.
Lots of bits of facts grasped from all over the place, occasional self-contradictory statements, a bit of pseudo-science, some supernaturalism and occasional pieces of good common-sense.
I think the presenter means well. If you know anything about science you’ll need to grit your teeth a bit.
It’s good to have an open mind, however it’s also possible for your mind to be so open that your brain falls out.
Lots of bits of facts grasped from all over the place, occasional self-contradictory statements, a bit of pseudo-science, some supernaturalism and occasional pieces of good common-sense.
I think the presenter means well. If you know anything about science you’ll need to grit your teeth a bit.
It’s good to have an open mind, however it’s also possible for your mind to be so open that it falls out.
“It’s good to have an open mind, however it’s also possible for your mind to be so open that it falls out.”
For one you should quote that statement instead of making it seem like that you came up with it. Second, do you have a scientific approach as to how far one should keep the mind open, or is that yet another uncorroborated statement masquerading as common-sense?
Pretty dang good documentary. I don’t agree with all the leaps in logic, and all of the side avenue’s they he goes down, but it’s, overall a pretty impressive assemblage of disparate ideas which sort of unifies materialism and spiritualism.
I don’t know if he fully supported his point, but I’m impressed that he made his point.
This was an interesting video. However, it is a mixture of fact and superstition.
Pretty good coverage of a LOT of info. It may seem sporadic but the world isn’t linear. All of these ideas/thoughts are put into the simplest form to squeeze in as much info as possible. Quite a task. Pretty well organized. Covers just about everything… aside from mentioning aliens.
Really really great work… There was a quote or two in there from Ken Wilbur, and in his book “A Brief History of Everything” he points out that everything is, and is made up of “holons” (a singularity that makes up a bigger organism) This seems to agree with that theory.
hmmmm yeah somthin like that.
quite a sporadic join-the-dots there. but if it wakes some people up then im all for it.