During the 2008 season of Odyssey Marine Exploration’s Atlas Shipwreck Survey Project in the western English Channel, the Odyssey Explorer located a significant and previously unknown shipwreck . Initial investigation of site MUN-T1M33c-1 using the Remotely-Operated Vehicle Zeus revealed a spread of over 20 cannon and several masses of amorphous, linear iron concretions. During the initial survey the ship’s bell was located lying on its side just west of the wreck nucleus. The artifact was recovered and sent for conservation to the York Archaeological Trust. Initial conservation exposed various French symbols, a date of 1744, and most of the letters of the ship’s name La Marquise de Tourny

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WHY. Why do these videos have to have spanish subtitles. I can’t think of an easier way to ruin a perfectly good documentary than by putting fucking subtitles across half the screen for the duration of it.