Da Vinci was one of the great creative minds of the Italian Renaissance, hugely influential as an artist and sculptor but also immensely talented as an engineer, scientist and inventor.

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Da Vinci was one of the great creative minds of the Italian Renaissance, hugely influential as an artist and sculptor but also immensely talented as an engineer, scientist and inventor.
18-05-2015 > Video doesn’t exist 🙁
Great docu. Thank you for sharing.
What, ?…
Da Vinci was one of the great creative minds of the Italian Renaissance….only one of the…only of the Italian Renaissance?, what about, the most creative mind, of entire human history.
I gotta say Im the handsy kind of drunk. Halfway through my second drink Im shaking hands, patting backs, throwing in some hugs. Feels good man.
Nice to hear Medici pronounced correctly for once.
get a grip
Great documentary! Thank you for the upload. Very educational!
Great docu. I am not even really in to art but thought I’d give it a watch since I had nothing better to do, and I was pleasantly surprised. Learned a lot of things about Da Vinci’s personal life and his peculiar way of thinking.
came here to read a thoughtful comment about it and what to i get fuckgreece,mind you shouldn’t be too hard on you as i’m amazed you could spell,Dickhead.
V Just has crappy internet… loaded up fine for me.
fucking dickheads and fucking youtube this shit doesnt even load. Please Upload megavideo next time
fucking dickheads and fucking youtube this shit doesnt even load. Please Upload megavideo next time
get a life
No … Megavideo is crap.
Also, it’s not DH that uploaded the documentaries. This site just links to where there have been uploaded.