Louis Theroux travels to California to meet the man dubbed “the most dangerous racist in America”; Tom Metzger. Louis meets him, his family and his publicity manager as well as following him to skinhead rallies and on a visit to Mexico

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A shame the audio is so bad.
Lamb and Lynx got cancer in high school, started smoking weed and became peace loving, hippie , healers. True story. Also Bakersfield was just named one of the top five most illiterate city’s in America. You can’t make this stuff up.
Lamb and Lynx as of 2012
Racist fucked up skinhead “You like Popsicles? hahahahaha
I’ve got a lot of respect for Louis as a journalist, not only does he present his documentaries well and come at it from an average person’s point of view but he can be around people like the WBC and these fuckers and have the self control to not attack or go off at them, idk how he does it…
Turns out he’s not Jewish and was born in Singapore (Wiki). I think he is an excellent documentary maker and did a good job to expose these moronic hate mongers, In terms of refusing to acknowledge whether he was Jewish or not, I thought that was a great bit of impromptu interviewing and it extracted the devil waiting to come out of these twats. When push comes to shove, these people would be violent to other races, isn’t that what Hitler’s legacy is all about, and a slight show of hospitality doesn’t override this kind of sociopath.
I could only watch the first part – it was not only offensive and disgusting, but I needn’t waste my time listening to the delusion and hate that emanated from that sad and insane man. To watch this distaste, listen to his views and react to his sick beliefs only feeds his hatred. It’s reality that this world is plagued by bitter and twisted minds like his, but lets put our energy into positive topics and put an end to fuelling attention to racism. We don’t need to entertain it to know it exists.
All I can conclude from this documentary and the many comments below – is that there are ever so many people in this world that believe that their opinions should be the opinions of others. My advice is that if the opinion of another is of no direct harm to you, and does not affect your life in any way at all – who cares what they think. If you are selfish enough to think everyone should follow by your rules, then you should be selfish enough to keep it to your self. The purpose of life is to be happy – do what makes you happy. Simple.
Interested program. This only illustrate that hate divide people and the people who follow that path are not God’s followers. We have not seen any of these people praying but only gathering about bullshit and wasting their energy feeding hate. THey deserved to stay like they are and end up together in hell where the Satan happily awaits for them. Their energy is dark and they is that devilish look on their face. When they will pass over, they will regret to have made that choice. Comment from a Black christian woman whose best friend is a jewish man.
‘I could only assume that for Tom, karaoke sometimes took presidence over racism.’ Brilliant line.
Louis Theroux makes great docs
you can tell that toms “manager” is still a fuckin coke head…haha.. those people are just retarded and to be honest i wouldn even look at them as people… they are the “things” id teach my children to hate and beat the shit out of them if they ever stepped in to my house….. they think louie is brainwashed… HA!.. burn in hell nazi scum!!!! W.A.R White Arseholes Ranting
LOL @ “I think its a neat looking symbol.” Turns out that study that proved racists are dumb is absolutely right. Fucking morons.
Wow! Ha ha. These folks are about as itelligent as a bag of bricks? Unreal. Judging people because of the pigmentation in there skin or there religious orientation is beyond stupid. Pigmentation is a function of proximity to the earths equator. All humans as a whole across the globe are equal. Social and economic status plays a much larger role in the way humans behave. Look no further than the behavior displayed by these white trash racists. All humans originate from the area we now call Africa. Scary. It’s too bad these kids of racists are having such a horrible negative start in life.
these people need to simply stop procreating.
the whole movie was really aqward
I think it’s pretty astounding that a person of 60 plus years on this planet a person has only ‘progressed’ to this level of maturity and development. Why can’t these people put their energy into something positive instead of promoting hatred based on old outdated views. Idiots… And then to pass it onto others. I’d be willing to bet the kids will work it out eventually. Only people with some deep seated issues need to spend time thinking like this about race. All normal people have accepted you get judged on your personalitiy, and what you believe in or do as opposed to you exterior..
there just stupid ignorant hiks
there just stupid ignorant hiks
Complete and total clinical narcissism. “We are normal and everyone else is distorted.” That’s like thinking you are right and everyone else is wrong. Absolutely amazing. These people need to see a psychologist.
Complete and total clinical narcissism. “We are normal and everyone else is distorted.” That’s like thinking you are right and everyone else is wrong. Absolutely amazing. These people need to see a psychologist.
Total and complete ignorance on the part of these racist morons. Louis was amazing in this documentary as usual. Racism is complete idiocy in all regards. There are idiots in every race as well as great people. The sooner people get over differences in race and religion the better the world will be. So many wars and murders have occurred over race and religion. Think of all the lives that have been tragically ended because of skin color or a religious belief. People need to get over their ignorance and arrogance.
Total and complete ignorance on the part of these racist morons. Louis was amazing in this documentary as usual. Racism is complete idiocy in all regards. There are idiots in every race as well as great people. The sooner people get over differences in race and religion the better the world will be. So many wars and murders have occurred over race and religion. Think of all the lives that have been tragically ended because of skin color or a religious belief. People need to get over their ignorance and arrogance.
MBell how do you cope with islamophobia
Total and complete ignorance on the part of these racist morons. Louis was amazing in this documentary as usual. Racism is complete idiocy in all regards. There are idiots in every race as well as great people. The sooner people get over differences in race and religion the better the world will be. So many wars and murders have occurred over race and religion. Think of all the lives that have been tragically ended because of skin color or a religious belief. People need to get over their ignorance and arrogance.
Total and complete ignorance on the part of these racist morons. Louis was amazing in this documentary as usual. Racism is complete idiocy in all regards. There are idiots in every race as well as great people. The sooner people get over differences in race and religion the better the world will be. So many wars and murders have occurred over race and religion. Think of all the lives that have been tragically ended because of skin color or a religious belief. People need to get over their ignorance and arrogance.
Total and complete ignorance on the part of these racist morons. Louis was amazing in this documentary as usual. Racism is complete idiocy in all regards. There are idiots in every race as well as great people. The sooner people get over differences in race and religion the better the world will be. So many wars and murders have occurred over race and religion. Think of all the lives that have been tragically ended because of skin color or a religious belief. People need to get over their ignorance and arrogance.
Total and complete ignorance on the part of these racist morons. Louis was amazing in this documentary as usual. Racism is complete idiocy in all regards. There are idiots in every race as well as great people. The sooner people get over differences in race and religion the better the world will be. So many wars and murders have occurred over race and religion. Think of all the lives that have been tragically ended because of skin color or a religious belief. People need to get over their ignorance and arrogance.
Wasn’t impressed with Louis on this one. Came off like a jerk when he visited the Nazi’s house, sure the Nazi was a dumbass, but for Louis to accept the wankers hospitality then refuse to divulge his religion is weak. The Nazi was kind and open with Louis and Louis didn’t return it. Shit, that’s one of the reasons Nazi’s hate Jews. They can be seen as selfish, and if you think he was doing it because the guy was talking smack about beating him up, he wasn’t. He said the first thing about being Jewish to provoke his hosts, then like a weasel back tracked and was like “I don’t want to say.” If he was really interested in getting to know them he would have not closed the dialog.
But I guess Louis is pretty wrapped up in himself with zero sense of decorum. Like on the show he did on black groups. He was standing in one of the churches and the Muslims were standing with their hats off waiting for Louis to ask some questions or contribute something and he stood in their church with his hat on and a shit-eating grin like he was waiting to be entertained. Sometimes he’s good, other times a prick, I just don’t take these as documentaries anymore. Documentaries are less judgmental and more informative. This guy is a British version of ‘Jackass’. Almost like going into a black neighborhood and yelling nigger or into a nazi home and yelling ‘I’m a jew”. But british, with fake moral authority and a facade of propriety.
I see calls on these forums for him to do one of these things on eugenics. Probably won’t happen, won’t see anything substantial. His show was called “Wild Weekends.” Serious is for Monday-Friday (morning).
The point of not revealing whether or not he was Jewish was an attempt to avoid validating his host’s beliefs. If he admitted to not being Jewish, he would have received a warmer welcome, if he claimed to be Jewish, they would’ve been more hostile than they already were in the video, but by avoiding to tell them, he also avoided giving them the satisfaction of knowing whether or not they were being hostile to a Jewish man. And I think that fact that implanting the idea that he MIGHT be Jewish brought about such hostility and suspicion made it a relevant and a worthwhile addition to the documentary.
I don’t see it. “An attempt to avoid validating his host’s beliefs.” Validate them in what way? What ever the host was (religious/ethnic/gender it’s not a statement on the interviewees. The nazi’s had their own beliefs, which had nothing to do with what ever the host was or was not. If he said yes, then they would have been more upset, but it wouldn’t have reflected on the host and they could have possibly had an actual discussion. If he said no, they would have gotten into a conversation about their actual beliefs. Other than, derp, they’re nazi’s. The host chose to be a weasel and stop the conversation.
As for the host ‘also avoided giving them the satisfaction…’ Just kind of solidifies my point that he was being as ass. My statement was about the host, regardless of who he was talking to. I notice no one has mentioned the other instance I have given of Louis’ jackassery. These arguments just add up to “Louis is good, nazi’s are bad.” Sigh.
Host is a “weasel” – I can see the point you are attempting to make but your language is pretty far off base. I get your points and even agree with several but you have expressed them in a very blatantly antagonistic way attempting to spark pointless argument. I can only wonder as too why
Addition – This is actually the issue i have with the whole doco Louis just seems to “at odds” with the Nazis if you know what i mean. He could have just smiled and nodded a bit more and it might have gone a bit smoother at points
Louis Theroux is actually an atheist. So a big hunk of your comment is redundant! He said he wasn’t going to respond to the question as he didn’t want to participate in their racism. Simples 🙂
Actually, my comment didn’t even mention what religion or lack of religion Louis was. I stated the situation as I saw it. I don’t think he had in mind that he would be participating in their racism if he answered, because it wouldn’t have mattered. What if he said he was atheist? How would that have been participating in their racism. Even if he said he was jewish, that would have given him a chance to further the discussion.
From that point he could have made his ideas clear or even contrasted them with the nazis beliefs, while further examining what drives these nazis beliefs. But he chose to sit there with a shit-eating grin, while the nazis were trying to figure out who the hell this guy was that they let into their house and home. If he wanted an interview he should have set up an interview and kept it professional, instead he decided to ‘get homey’ then act like an ass. Seriously, Loius asked “what if I was jewish?” to a nazi, AFTER he had shared a meal with them. What did he think the response would be? These are nazi’s.
The reason he did not divulge was given right in the documentary. It doesn’t matter and shouldn’t matter. Just because someone invites you into their home does not mean that you have to provide your religion or racial heritage. He asked a hypothetical question and of course the ignorant Nazi’s ran with it. He wasn’t saying that he was a Jew, he was simply asking what if. Obviously your ignorance blinded you to this fact. Honestly you sound like one of these racist morons.
That’s hilarious, you know nothing about me but feel okay enough to judge me. You’re the one blinded by ignorance. I watched the documentary, and although it shouldn’t matter whatever the hell Louis believes in, he was trying to engage these people. Louis’ the one that made it matter by not being free and open with it. So fk off rude bitch.
In the words of Louis himself, ‘you’re outvoted’. Sorry.
That means nothing. You have added nothing to the topic and just validated someones rudeness. The poster basically called me an ignorant racist moron when they couldn’t even respond to my original post. They just heard what they wanted to hear.
You “Louisphile’s” are a joke. Look at these documentaries objectively and not with your noses up Louis backside. Go get your million served at McD’s, you waste of time …. ‘outvoted’. You’re just as rude at MBell, probably the same person coming back to vote themselves up. None of the comments I have responded to have added anything to the subject matter, just insults and Louis ass-kisses.
i mean regardless of weather his tactics were devious or sneeky, he was trying to illustrate the vile, ignorant, angry and hateful ideas of these people. they were trying to present the image that there regular normal responsable people just with different beliefs, but the moment he brought up the question of if he was jewish they start talking about beating him and throwing him in the street (if there was no camera) simply because he might “have a lil jew in him” not a practicing jew just a lil heratage, how is that normal and rational, to viciously attack someone because there ancestory might be a little jewish. sly though the tactic may have been all he was doing is breaking through this facade there were trying to put up that there realy just normal people, and showing the brutal ignorant monstors underneath.
I see what you are saying, but I don’t give Louis that much credit. It was unclear if these Nazi’s thought being jewish was genetic or nurtured and what they felt a jew was supposed to do either way. Did they think the bible supported their beliefs? Was there some nazi propaganda about race mixing throughout history or were they just some ‘good-ol’boys’ from the woods with little to no ‘education’? Just showing how ‘vile and ignorant’ these people are is not opening minds. This is supposedly a documentary, not a PC propaganda piece.
I also think these are just normal people. Normal people have prejudices, rational or not. That’s why people have fetishes. From my understanding it’s better to ‘hate the sin, not the sinner’. Sure their mental functions are stunted and can’t see though their irrational understanding of ‘race’ or w/e (was kind of unclear from the scene). As far as I can tell, this interaction didn’t enlighten me or the nazi’s so it ends up being a wash with Louis just trying to set some people up to look like jerks. When, through a frank discussion, they would have shown it themselves.
If Louis was indeed attempting to do as you say, why did he wait to ask ‘what if I was jewish’ after spending so much time with them, why not before the meal or even when he set the interview/afternoon up? Why did he not respond after they asked if he was jewish or not? Just to make them look like jerks? Not very professional or useful, and it’s a little petty. I think it just reinforced the nazi’s beliefs (whatever they were, and
as misguided as they might be) and gave the viewer no bigger insight
into the subject.
Thank you for responding and I appreciate your view on his actions, I just don’t see it that way. Looked more like he was just trying to start some shit when they had been nothing but kind and open. He had nothing to put on camera so he said some dumb shit. Seriously…..to a nazi….”what if I was jewish….” I didn’t need a documentary to let me know what the response would have been. I needed a documentary to understand where this belief comes from, how it relates to where they are now, even how others in the family actually felt.
Thanks again for the rational response, I just don’t give Louis credit for being so thoughtful as to have ‘orchestrated’ that situation as you describe it. Seemed more like an ‘off-the-cuff’ remark to get something on camera, not enlighten the viewer or explore the subject.
well said smack, here is where il admit my own bias, my grandmother is a holocaust surviver, and though i have no religious beliefs at all i grew up in the shadow of servere antisemitism, even in my own life (though only as verbal insults and it never realy botherd me), and to be honest my first reaction to that scene was fear, mixed in with anger. i took when the woman said “you got a lil jew in you, look at that nose”to mean that they hated the mear possibility of heriditary jewish genes, and i am a verry obviously a carrier of those genes, big ol nose, curly black hair dark eyes. this felt like a personal attack and i reveled in louies antagonistic aproach “yeah fuck those nazi dickheads, show the world how wretched there lives are”. but after reading your last post, i have to admit how unproductive that line of thought is. i agree a more gentle, understanding aproach could help illuminate how these people came to have such hatefull ignorant philosophies. i also agree that as much as i want to see them as monstors, there realy is no such thing, there just people, normal people who realy seem quite affraid alot of the time, scared there loosing their identity and their history to foreign influence, especaily in the last scene with the twins mother.
hating on these people solves nothing, but if we better understand what goes into creating such a mindset we might better be able to help them update some of their quite antiquated ideas. i mean other than the visible phsical characteristics (and even that getss messy) race realy means nothing, most anthropogists today agree that there isnt realy any kind of pinpointable race other than the human one.
as for louis journalistic integrity, ive never realy seen him as a documentary filmmaker in the true sence, more like a kind of gonzo maveric out to report on the world through his eyes. i mean he dosent even try to hide his bias, “i wanted to see if i could convince” or “well i believe like this bla bla” i watch it for its entertainment value, often there is fantastic information to be gleaned and some hipocracies of the subjects are often revealed through the socratic method he seems so adept at (another reason im fond of his work, i sware oneday someones gonna make him drink hemlock). but as for a true to heart docco, no, i believe it to be mostly equal parts entertainment and information, but like a pendualim it swings between the two concepts sometimes more info sometime more entertainment value. and i dont think hed blink twice at a chance to up the stakes a lil, i mean that scene realy was great television haha.
i appreciate a mirror being held up to my own ideas, to see for myslef where my thinking has gona astray and for that i thank you
Whoa! An actual moment of communication! That’s awesome, thank you. I also see the value in the inflammatory rhetoric that Louis sometimes employs and I might of even been a little over-bearing in my initial post calling him a ‘jack-ass’, but I’m kind of a harsh critic.
I agree with what you said, most of the time these people are just scared. I just try not to let their negativity and violence get to me, even if I die. Thanks again for the thoughtful response, and for the sharing of yourself. Best of luck to you!
Here smack when are you and Belteshazzer getting married. Is it a full on church do or just a simple registry office?
Here smack when are you and Belteshazzer getting married. Is it a full on church do or just a simple registry office?
The reason he did not divulge was given right in the documentary. It doesn’t matter and shouldn’t matter. Just because someone invites you into their home does not mean that you have to provide your religion or racial heritage. He asked a hypothetical question and of course the ignorant Nazi’s ran with it. He wasn’t saying that he was a Jew, he was simply asking what if. Obviously your ignorance blinded you to this fact. Honestly you sound like one of these racist morons.
The absurdity of the views that some of these racists held was comical. The ‘international conference’ to Mexico, Tom’s agent, and his Mexican friend. I feel the mother of those kids was just trying to exploit them.
Thumbs-up to Louis for exposing these clowns.
These guys are not TRUE nazis
These guys are not TRUE nazis
ancient aryan good luck symbol?The swastika is a historical sacred symbol in Indian Religion is one of the 108 symbols of Hindu deity Vishnu and represents the Sun’s rays, upon which life depends
ancient aryan good luck symbol?The swastika is a historical sacred symbol in Indian Religion is one of the 108 symbols of Hindu deity Vishnu and represents the Sun’s rays, upon which life depends
The swastika is flipped isn’t the same
The swastika is flipped isn’t the same
That was terrifying.
That was terrifying.
That was terrifying.