Louis meets the ventriloquist who no longer enjoys the TV light entertainment limelight (and can’t hide his bitterness about that) but is still earning a good living. He has a flash car, an ex-model missus, a large home and a role in Crewe’s pantomime.

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I could watch Louis Theroux do a doco aboout paint drying, he’s such a dreamboat.
says need to install veoh web player to watch full 🙁
I just watched the entire film, no problems here. Not sure if something has changed since the previous comments or perhaps trouble on their end.
Why are you putting up preview videos…I agree with Ben W…pointless
Why are you putting up preview videos…I agree with Ben W…pointless
Preview only! We only got to see the first 10 minutes or so before it told us to download the Veoh player!
Don’t bother.