Louis Theroux travels to America for the chance to meet Michael Jackson, but getting hold of the man turns out to be a lot more difficult than he had anticipated. And then he discovered, Michael Jackson is ashley saunders in disguise.

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I love Louis’ dead pan face when discussing the masturbation call by Michael
with Terry who says, “it’s just a shame to focus on a ten second phone part or a call….well a three minute….” Like THAT time difference isn’t significant or even funny enough to laugh at ….at least smirk….
Oh God it continues …lol….I can’t….
adding the riveting brass section whilst filming in Vegas…
It’s Louis poking fun …..the hilarity of how passively aggressive…..
It’s sidesplitting …..lol
The instrumental Muzak they used …omg…lol….playing Billie Jean playing using an organ and keyboard is absolutely hilarious.
Joe Jackson really did a number on Michael. There was no fixing what was wrong with him however it’s a shame others including small children had to be hurt in his antics. Michael was talented but his success was also the result of countless writers, producers, musicians, and others who lent their talent to his work. For his part Michael squandered the money and fame on eccentric nonsense.
i have time true great knowing good job belive knowing..
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Isn’t this guy yet another backstabbing Jew in the line? When I was researching Jackson some 8 years ago, I read a great article from a guy who had an eerily similar last name, and that one backed Jackson up 100% along with Geraldo Riviera. I remember he was a journalist and he praised Jackson when everybody was hating him. Moreover, it was such a nice article, full of life and well-written.
Now I see this leech and he’s turned on a dime like they all do. F*ck their kin.
All Michael did was give to the world and they smeared his name and try to do it even after his death.
Square One is an indie documentary that dissects the original child abuse allegation against Michael Jackson in light of never before publicly known evidence in addition to evidence in the public record. Stream free at SquareOneMJ.net
Trailer: https://youtu.be/MUYq7dhJkow
people should grow a back bone and tell it as it is .This man was a filthy pedophile.If people was to put the children first instead of this monsters image.Alot less children would of not had to go through this mans vile sexual advances towards children.
awesome he got the interview with joe Jackson. Majestik was awesome too and a person of his word. the journalist should have had a little more excitement to his introduction and questions.
All the cloak and dagger stuff was to shut down anyone asking questions about Jacksons rampant paedophilia escapees. The guy was sick and most people are just too dumb to see it.
..that should read ‘escapades’.
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5ggg’s for 5 mins, damm Joe. Joe dont play!
Gellar is a fucking jew
He’s a fraud… Johnny Carson proved it…
Was Mike a p-phile? It hurts to ponder this question. I will say this, he was top five musical talents that ever lived. He did a huge amount for charity. And I just have to wonder… where were these parents? Were these children some twisted contract that Mike had with these parents, I mean he was acussed a decade ago yet his house was still filled with unatended kids! How dare these mothers and fathers then show up in court and acuse Mike of wrong doing without any fear of facing child endangerment and aiding and abetting charges. Let’s get real here people. Mike was the king of pop but he aint my kids. These parents should be tarred and feathered.
Yes he did a huge amount for childrens charitys .But what was he getting back from the poor children he used to summon to his I dont know about never never land more like never never let your kids go there land .
I hate the BBC, pushy interviewer just looking for some ground breaking (Car crash TV)…….they would expose there own kids for ratings …… typical british media……hang your heads in shame…….ps im not an MJ fan
As a Brit myself, I’m supposed to come with an inherit love for Louis, which I do; and have done for some time. However he CAN be slippery and snake-ish, making him more a mainstream Journalist with a gimmick rather then the stand alone Messiah as he frequently gets portrayed as.
I’m not saying he’s over-rated, I’m implying that ultimately his tactic’s of extracting information from someone are similar to a lot of other journalists. The only difference is that he’s got the most corrupt, influential and powerful broadcasting organisations behind him – the BBC.
This version cuts off the last ten or so minutes. Full version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epu8yPInojs&feature=related
soo inspirational I wrote a song about it!
where’s the rest of the program???!! -robbed!
Louis should do another one now ten years later, he was so right about a lot of things.
Its missing the end!!!
There is a bit more here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMCdM7ttRqY&feature=related
Well I agree with Louis beeing a bit sneaky, his kind of better in a way…
does any1 know why this doco finishes early, where’s part 2?
does any1 know why this doco finishes early, where’s part 2?
Louis Theroux is an interviewer….. He’s suppose to ask questions…. and tough ones. I hate how everyone says he’s a snake or an idiot cause he asks really good questions. He asks the questions we all wanna know. I hope one day he interviews me! Lol
Uri Gellar is such an irritating individual, he’s so patronising, and seems to have given himself the role as Micahel Jackson’s protector/father/owner. It’s a bit disgusting, and seems a bit predatory considering that Micahel Jackson was basically an overgrown child.
And with the whole Martin Bashir thing he really did well, that wasn’t damaging at all…Louis Theroux has always appeared to be an intelligent, impartial journalist with a genuine interest in his subjects, and as he said at the start, he’d wanted to interview Michael Jackson for a long time. I suspect that if he’d had the interview instead it would have been a lot less damaging and critical.
Right, what an arrogant jackass. And somewhat too physical with others. It’s not often you see a man putting his hands on another man’s face when barely knowing him.
soo inspirational I wrote a song about it!
A lot of of what you point out happens to be astonishingly accurate and it makes me ponder why I hadn’t looked at this with this light before. This particular article really did switch the light on for me as far as this particular issue goes. But at this time there is one particular factor I am not too comfortable with so whilst I attempt to reconcile that with the actual main idea of your position, let me see exactly what the rest of the visitors have to point out.Nicely done.
The documentary is cut short and the end is missing. Thats very sad. It should be replaced by a full version.
@Lord Xenu:
The comparison between MJ and A.Hitler is absolutely inappropriate. You cannot compare a mass murderer and dictator to an entertainer like MJ. It´s pointless and wrong all over.
Pointless and wrong why? Because your a fan of his? No matter how much i love gravy and hate shit, it doesn’t invalidate the argument that both are brown. I didn’t say that michael hated jews, i said he (Sony, Disney) uses children as a public relations tool. Uh, … the comparison is completely appropriate. And your reaction only further illustrates my earlier points. You lose sir.
You know what Michael…you are a beautiful person. I know that you have passed away and I really don’t have much to offer like the rest of the world does…in terms of opinion and love.
I respect you and your life and although you and I both know that family can be difficult and hard to forgive…you and I both forgive our mom and dad and brothers and sisters for any harm that has befallen us.
God bless,
Yep such a wonderful person, who jerked off while on phone calls to young boys.
…Ok? Anyone else notice that most (not all) MJ fans can’t talk for more than a min or two without sounding like creepy cult members?
It’s weird that his fans can “know” so much about about him and what a great person person he was. (especially considering how reclusive he was) Yet 99.9999% of you people DON’T know Michael. You’ve never met him. You just project your own psychosis and feelings of persecution onto him and create an ideal that’s reinforced by his PR-press interviews. Im a big fan of rob zombie’s music, but i don’t sit around acting like i know the guy. – He could be a total dick for all i know. or not?
There are very few people in the media world who’s personality one can attest to. One example is John Lennon – John opened his life up to the world and literally spent years before his death “bedding-in” with reporters, journalists and student groups among others for days or weeks at a time, giving in-depth interviews on his life, views, and politics to anyone who would listen. -Michael Jackson would wear disguises while eating dinner lest he be bothered by anyone who might recognize him.
The point is if you like his music, great. Go hard. (Most of which wasn’t written or composed by him so id hardly call it “his”) You want to praise what a great performer he was, or his effect on pop-culture – No argument here. But don’t sit around attesting to an image created by Disney and Sony like you grew up with the guy. There’s a fine line between being a fan of someone and being a cult member.
-Remember that Hitler also loved to talk about children and have his picture taken with them as PR tools to convince people he “was such a great guy”.
PS. Thank god MJ never took up Scientology or wed all be f*cked by the Candice’s of the world by now.
Lmao , again, true.
Flawless win.
How ridiculous that Uri Geller is questioning anyone’s integrity….
“Michael Jackson dying was a great shock for anyone who loves music”
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Michael Jackson was an entertainer not a musciian.
Whilst not commenting about his abilities & popularity as an entertainer he damaged music by further linking it with the vulgar & false side of showbusiness. He was far more a publicity machine than a musician.
He was more hype than music.
You are an ignorant fool if you think Michael wasn’t a musician. He knew how to play several instruments including the piano, guitar, flute, drums, and others. He wrote most of his own songs. He sang background vocals on most of his songs, in addition to the lead vocals. You are a complete moron if you don’t recognize the gigantic contribution he has made to music. I’d like to know what someone like you considers to be real music, if not Michael Jackson’s. You have no idea what you are talking about, and should be ashamed. The media are the ones who were vulgar and false, and you bought into it. That says more about you than it does about him. If I ever met you in person, I would slit your throat for disrespecting the greatest entertainer and MUSICIAN this world has ever known. Seriously, don’t ever let me find out who you are. We need to put all disinfo agents to immediate and merciless death!
You are an ignorant fool if you think Michael wasn’t a musician. He knew how to play several instruments including the piano, guitar, flute, drums, and others. He wrote most of his own songs. He sang background vocals on most of his songs, in addition to the lead vocals. You are a complete moron if you don’t recognize the gigantic contribution he has made to music. I’d like to know what someone like you considers to be real music, if not Michael Jackson’s. You have no idea what you are talking about, and should be ashamed. The media are the ones who were vulgar and false, and you bought into it. That says more about you than it does about him. If I ever met you in person, I would slit your throat for disrespecting the greatest entertainer and MUSICIAN this world has ever known. Seriously, don’t ever let me find out who you are. We need to put all disinfo agents to immediate and merciless death!
oohh don’t say a bad word about the strange pedophile… who by the way was NOT the greatest at anything except changing his skin color… disinfo agent? that is great… what else goes on in your imaginary world .. do you and Michael fall in love? good luck.. he’s dead now
He knew how do play them, but did he? And yes, yes slitting throats and violence is always the solution, i’m sure michael is proud of you.
Musically, Jackson was nothing more than a poor copy of Stevie Wonder. Talented yes, original no.
As for what made him tick, the only thing we can be certain about was his clear love of playing with children.
Therefore by the power invested in me from numerous out of court settlements to his victims and anatomical descriptions of wackos genitalia by said victims, I the Paedofinder General pronounce you, Michael Jackson, to have been a Paedophile.
Answer me this, do you think he was a paedophile. Simple question?
Michael Jackson dying was a great shock for anyone who loves music, though in hindsight it was possibly not so shocking. The criminal charges brought upon him saw the beginning of his deterioration. Once he began to depend on drugs to just get by, that was the moment there definitely was no way back, in my humble opinion.