In the late 1970s the conflict in Northern Ireland reached new levels of brutality. Among those caught up in the violence was UVF member Billy Giles, who retaliated against IRA acts by murdering a Catholic workmate.

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No surrender to the IRA scum! The Red Hand prevails.
Shut the f*ck up, you old fossil
When do people have a right to be “Here”?. In England we have large Irish Catholic communities who have been settled here for generations. They all feel both British, ( where they live, have comfortable, secure, lifestyles) yet are proud to be Irish.
That’s fine, and we welcome them and the diaspora. The contribution to Britain’s cultural, economic and political life is enormous.
However, when Irish pubs and pubs close in London , everybody, Irish and Brits, Caribbean etc, has to stand up and listen to the “Soldier’s song”. This a standard, accepted practise, and to my knowledge, no one has ever complained.
You will never hear a Brit tell and Irish person to go home, never. They are an essential, vibrant and vital, part of our national fabric.
I am a Brit, a Londoner, with a Scots father, and a mixed race, English mum. Essentially I am proud to be a Londoner. My wife is a true Tyke, a Yorkshire girl, yet, I have been racially abused and physically targeted by two recent migrants from the South. Please explain that to me. How log and for how many generations does one have to be settled in a land before they can , comfortably, truly call it home. The Protestant communities in the North and the South are already home. The nationalists and loyalists in Ireland, England and Glasgow re already home.
Grow up. Put the drums and the flutes and the scruffy black suits back in the cupboard. Buy the bloke sitting next to you a pint and for Gods sake throw away those old copies of Danny Boy, Londonderry Air. We all have far more pressing problems to address in this new century.
Regards to you all!
No country in 2012 should be held by another. The modern world is different.
No borders exist geographically in Ireland and that’s the way it should be. The British invaded Ireland and should have the decency to leave.
It’s in the Irish to rebel. Almost every generation has done and will continue to do so until the land is one.
I do not support the destruction caused in Northern Ireland but I do feel they should give a vote to see if they should join the Republic of Ireland.
That’s all most people want. The only reason it hasn’t been granted is because they know it will end up being voted to join the south.
Up the ra
I enjoyed this video alot.
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there inbred bastards like the so called royal family
If they want ”the right to remain british”. they can fuck off back to their precious Royalist Homeland.
And if you want to live in an Irish republic, you are quite free to do that too. The sheer idiocy of maintaining these stupid divisions from suburb to suburb and street to street is quite obvious to everyone who is not a puffed up little loudmouth fool. None of this on either side is an excuse to kill children.
And if you want to live in an Irish republic, you are quite free to do that too. The sheer idiocy of maintaining these stupid divisions from suburb to suburb and street to street is quite obvious to everyone who is not a puffed up little loudmouth fool. None of this on either side is an excuse to kill children.
And if you want to live in an Irish republic, you are quite free to do that too. The sheer idiocy of maintaining these stupid divisions from suburb to suburb and street to street is quite obvious to everyone who is not a puffed up little loudmouth fool. None of this on either side is an excuse to kill children.
Murder is wrong, be it by the UVF or IRA & INLA.
However Republicans (with the IRA & INLA being gangsters rather than caring about any community) have no right to force the majority of the people of Ulster to cease being part of the United Kingom.
by the way you obviously havent watched the documentary because then you would know that the uda and udf got their money through beeing gangsters also!
They do have the right, because the people of ulster are not historically from there. Read a history book. Murder is wrong, but Ulstermen are really the ones who provoked this into a war between two communities. At the moment they are still segregated and there is still a chance of a war happening again. The reason people say go home is because the island of Ireland is not where you are from!