Mao’s Bloody Revolution Revealed is hosted by Philip Short, BBC correspondent and author of Mao: A Life. Bloody Revolution can be divided into two parts. The first half of the documentary covers the course of the Chinese revolution up to the the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
The second half covers what is referred to as the Cultural Revolution decade of 1966 to 1976. About three quarters of the the second half focuses on the height of the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1969 or 1971; the remaining time mostly focuses on 1971 to 1976 and Mao’s death.
Bloody Revolution contains much boilerplate anti-communism of the ‘Mao was a butcher’ and ‘people ate their babies’ variety that has been addressed numerous times and in different ways. The narrative of Bloody Revolution is a convergence of the official revisionist Chinese state’s account and traditional western anti-communist ones.

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Somebody tell the narrator to speak up!
There are lessons here for all of us to learn today. Understand they have unfinished business even today.
The explanation is stupid!! Mao was indeed a butcher and revealing the crimes of communism is not being anti-communist propagander lol….There were indeed cases of cannibalism authored by a chinese author who returned to one particular village to see if what he heard was true!! His book was even banned lol….in china!!
And there were cases of cannibalism where people ate their victims’ even genitals!! It was not a case of starvation but motivated by political hatred!!!
One teacher who was killed at school and she was barbecued by her pupils at her school!!! All these testimonies are from chinese authors and survivors that are now available!!!
Background sound is too loud compared to narrator. difficult to hear
Couldn’t watch it-the background is so loud you can’t hear the narration.
terrible sound
Interesting documentary, but China – A Century of Revolution is way more comprehensive and better produced. It’s listed on this website but I can’t access it, but I did find it broken into it’s three parts on youtube.
Interesting documentary, but China – A Century of Revolution is way more comprehensive and better produced. It’s listed on this website but I can’t access it, but I did find it broken into it’s three parts on youtube.
Interesting documentary, but China – A Century of Revolution is way more comprehensive and better produced. It’s listed on this website but I can’t access it, but I did find it broken into it’s three parts on youtube.
Interesting documentary, but China – A Century of Revolution is way more comprehensive and better produced. It’s listed on this website but I can’t access it, but I did find it broken into it’s three parts on youtube.
haaaaaaaa More fucking propaganda they should make a documentary showing the bloody revolution of Capitalism.
Except that Capitalism is not a product of “Revolution”.
Owning what you produce, deciding who you will work for, what wage you are willing to sell your labor for, and voluntarily deciding what you will do with your peacefully gained property is the default. Capitalism, unlike all your “Revolutionary” ideologies, exists without anyone’s leadership, and the proof of it is that Capitalism is exactly the default on any single-person island.
It’s only when “evolved” “intelligent” benevolent super-beings like yourself decree “a better idea” upon others that “progress” leaps or leans “forward” and murder, imprisonment, and compulsion become necessary to enforce the new rules of making theft and political patronage systematic and practical.
How also is it that no Capitalist EVER needs a socialist to make “Capitalism” work? (National or World Socialist – your choice)
And no Socialist EVER comes up with a plan without some unwilling “Capitalist” (a.k.a – minority – a.k.a – “1%”) paying the price of whatever involuntary extracted benefit his majority “99% will enjoy? (Which no impartial law-abiding court could ever award them.)
Why are “Socialist” so unwilling to go off by themselves to be “Socialist” and so unwilling to allow “Capitalists / Petty Bourgeois” anywhere else in the world to exist and be Capitalists without their lust filled resentment? Perhaps you can explain why Socialists are never willing to voluntarily let anyone “opt out” of their programs- yet inevitably exempt themselves?
The obvious truth is that they are parasites.
They are in fact worthless unproductive parasitic “deciders” who in every case empower themselves by offering “free lunch” (paid for by “outvoted” and overpowered minorities) to whatever “majority” it can seduce, weaponize, and ultimately enslaves.
It is why “the minority” – a.k.a. “the 1%” is always demonized is always the central focus of their plan. A plan in which “Robinhood” always steals from the people to give to King John and his well armed Sheriff for “re-distribution” – instead of the other way around.
What is a Communist? One who hath yearnings For equal division of unequal earnings. Idler, bungler, or both, he is willing To fork out his copper to pocket your shilling. ” – Ebenezer Elliott
Awesome anyway; to think that this and so much else was active during our insular youth in the West. After all, the ‘war’ was won, dusted and done. We got busy with producing the excess necessary to support and sustain Communism in Russia, China, Eastern Europe, Korea, Vietkong and wherelse.
Both Russia and China enforced ludicrous farming policies, resulting in a favourable result of death by starvation. Cannabilism again. The perfection of indoctrination so sublime, that the youth would destroy thousands of years of their ancestry and this in itself was an awesome achievement, given the Chinese veneration for tradition and elders. No invading army necessary; just a foreign and pernicious ideology; an ideology which has come of age via the global communiterianism we’re morphing into. The youth, chastising parents for harming the Earth, chanting the new ideology of Climate Change. They’ll be every bit as vicious as the little red army; but with the added detachment of cultural, racial, religious and ideological distinctions. Oh, what a happy world.
As we are hearing of thousands of birds dropping dead en masse (as well as other species) and flooding, draughts, the insect populations will overwhelm as in Mao’s Machine. Food, water, air and earth are regulated. The target of radical and permanent depopulation will be achieved via starvation; the weapon of choice.
Mao left the core to do its thing via instructions from Britain and America. Now the Chinese own just about everything and there’s sooooo many of them. A recent ad showing a nice friendly Chinese (British) cop showing directions to a native – ah, yesso, this way to hell – leave organ in bin provided and no spitting.
That really shows how much your really know and understand communism. 30+ Years communism has been dead except for North Kroea Cuba and Vietnam look how great a place the world is. Stop patronizing and be a good sheep eat your grass and pay your taxes
vietnam communist???? what are you talking about. not communist at all. went there couple of months ago. the only communist states left is lao pdr and north korea (although not really communist) and to a certain extent cuba
This would be awesome if not for the sound issues. The layering is wrong, so the narration competes for prominence with the music, and when the translated dialogue plays alongside the original quotes, it sounds like one of those indecipherable arguments on ‘the View.’
ya the narration is way more quiet than the other sounds… very distracting!