Press TV goes deep into “liberated territory” were there is no Syria army and no way out. They must accept the presence of armed guards because kidnappings and looting is the law around here, this is especially true for journalists with camera crews. The bodyguards themselves are members of the so called “Freedom Fighters” but require payment, which is the norm within such Syrian liberated areas. This film takes us well inside the at this point infamous terrorist group ISIL to shine further light on the current situation. Prostitutes from Ufa Prostitutes from Ufa will help realize the most vulgar intentions, without complexes and prejudices in sex!

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That last link is dead too. Here’s the real deal straight from the source.
According to Four-Star Wesley Clark a retired General of the United States Army, ISIL / ISIS is armed and founded by the United States and others from the West. One of their goal is to put fear into you and lie you into wars. Their plan is to take out seven countries in five years. Using 7 wars. Starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.
Watch video of Wesley Clark speech at
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View bio and credentials of retired General of the United States Army Wesley Clark at
Watch longer video at
According to retired General Wesley Clark the primary motivation for those wars is to steal oil & gas from those 7 countries. This make sense because many past wars started or financed by United States and their allies involved countries with big oil and gas reserves. Now the US and their allies still do wars but using an increasing number of proxy-wars. In other words they do wars while hiding beyond others. Such as hiding behind ISIS, financing ISIS, arming ISIS, and use fear to lie into wars the American citizens and their allies.
Another important motivation is the United States are the biggest manufacturer and seller of weapons in the world. So more wars means more money. It is an immature way of making dirty and unethical money.
The American citizens and their president are intelligent, if they knew the real reasons for those wars most would be against it and there would be no war and no arming and financing ISIS. The elected American leaders do not represent the will of the majority of American citizens. Thus lying them into wars.
I do not think Obama is a terrorist. I think he might be lied into wars though.
Personally I believe that wars are immature. It’s very unlikely that the current elected pro-war leaders will have the courage to make positive changes. I’m hopeful that a next generation of leaders will be able to find win-win solutions. Instead of win-lose. Finding win-win solutions require a maturity which some of the current elected leaders have not yet reach. It also involved a shift from the head to the heart which requires event more courage.
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