Violence is running out of control in Mexico as rival drug cartels battle over the smuggling routes to America. Mexico’s president has declared war on the gangsters but the only result appears to be an escalation of the killings.
More than 7000 people were killed in drug-related violence in Mexico in 2009 and 2010 has already got off to a gruesome and bloody start. The man who runs Mexico’s most powerful drugs cartel, Chapo Guzman, continues to elude capture.
Ranked as one of the world’s richest and most powerful men, Guzman’s exploits are glorified in folk songs and his recent wedding was allegedly attended by senior Mexican officials.
Katya Adler journeys deep into the heart of a shocking conflict, uncovering the human stories behind the seemingly random and disturbing violence. She asks whether the continuing freedom of the world’s most powerful drug runner, Joaquin Chapo Guzman, is evidence that the Government’s war is toothless.

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“90% of these guns come from the US.”
Now, the effed up thing is that the US GOVERNMENT is responsible for it.
Look up BATFE’s Operation “Fast and Furious”. Read and learn. The US Gov’t wanted this statistic to be reported this way, and this ignorant journalist played right into the plan.
Now, ASK MEXICO how they feel about US foreign policy and Operation Gun Runner.
Then ask why Eric Holder, US Atty Gen. still has a job, moreover, why does he still have a license to practice LAW?
if you don’t want drug cartels just legalize drugs like in some parts of Europe common the mexican government is just making it harder than it is
if you don’t want drug cartels just legalize drugs like in some parts of Europe common the mexican government is just making it harder than it is
if you don’t want drug cartels just legalize drugs like in some parts of Europe common the mexican government is just making it harder than it is
oooow we cant cut down every bit of gods plant . to make it scaresso we can employ police and prisons ans supply the demand …… but we try …. cheers ……… bunch of _________!
The kids growing up in this war will be worse than the killers are now. They’l never stamp it out. Look at the school girls who said most of their class mates were involved. Crime is glorified, drug war or not. USA drug users will never stop buying the drugs nor will any other country in the worl where people can afford to. I think decriminalisation is a good option to try.
Frankly, I say suck it to the governments that run a War on Drugs. You are morons. What SIMPLER ANSWER could there be to this blood shed, than making drugs worthless? Decriminalise, and this particular problem vanishes.
Don’t whinge about violent drug crimes, when you tacitly support a black market through prohibition. Ever heard of a murder over a cigarette? No. Because even a whole packet isn’t worth anything. Yet it is more addictive than cannabis and most other illegal drugs.
Wake the #$%^ up.
There is a theory that if drugs are legalized drug traffickers will resort to other types of illegal activities such as kidnapping and extorsion.
You have got to be kidding me. So I, who take drugs and get arrested, will move to kidnapping and extortion if my drugs drop in value by 500%
Please, do not vote or go into politics.
You are insane.
you are indeed so naive. you should give your brain a break from drugs so you can see the picture more clearly.
Naive naive naive blah blah blah – try ADDING something to the discussion morons.
You fuckin right wing conservative bigots – only a handful of people who take and sell drugs are crazy fuckers, like you would like to believe in your Reagan/Nixon brainwashed fairy land.
Legalizing drugs wont turn ANYONE into a criminal – unlike CRIMINALIZING drugs has. Think about it ya stupid fucks.
“Please, do not vote or go into politics. You are insane.” <- You are the kind of people holding society back.
Naive naive naive blah blah blah – try ADDING something to the discussion morons.
You fuckin right wing conservative bigots – only a handful of people who take and sell drugs are crazy fuckers, like you would like to believe in your Reagan/Nixon brainwashed fairy land.
Legalizing drugs wont turn ANYONE into a criminal – unlike CRIMINALIZING drugs has. Think about it ya stupid fucks.
“Please, do not vote or go into politics. You are insane.” <- You are the kind of people holding society back.
you are indeed so naive. you should give your brain a break from drugs so you can see the picture more clearly.
You are so naive.
You are just a washed up old man. All you do is follow me around and troll. You dont know shit about anything but your flashbacks. “SurvivorVeteran” lol – what you looking for? Sympathy votes? Fuck off.
You are just a washed up old man. All you do is follow me around and troll. You dont know shit about anything but your flashbacks. “SurvivorVeteran” lol – what you looking for? Sympathy votes? Fuck off.
You are responding to a 4 month comment, yet I am following you?!? Naive and ignorant. The perfect dupe, congrats.
You are responding to a 4 month comment, yet I am following you?!? Naive and ignorant. The perfect dupe, congrats.
Yeah sorry I rarely bother checking replies – but when I do – I rock. BTW what the fuck do YOU think you are doing responding in just over 15mins??? Kinda makes your post a bit..well…ya know?
I feel so sorry for you “SurvivorVeteran”. Your life must be so hard, sitting at home gobbing off on the internet while trying to achieve sympathy with a daft name like that. Harden the fuck up.
EDIT: If you check the next comment down, you might see why I responded – one of your conservative shit-bag mates parroting the same BS as you.
Yeah sorry I rarely bother checking replies – but when I do – I rock. BTW what the fuck do YOU think you are doing responding in just over 15mins??? Kinda makes your post a bit..well…ya know?
I feel so sorry for you “SurvivorVeteran”. Your life must be so hard, sitting at home gobbing off on the internet while trying to achieve sympathy with a daft name like that. Harden the fuck up.
EDIT: If you check the next comment down, you might see why I responded – one of your conservative shit-bag mates parroting the same BS as you.
You are so naive.
“Mexico’s president has declared war on the gangsters but the only result appears to be an escalation of the killings”.
That’s kinda what happens in a war dumbass…
“Mexico’s president has declared war on the gangsters but the only result appears to be an escalation of the killings”.
That’s kinda what happens in a war dumbass…
“Mexico’s president has declared war on the gangsters but the only result appears to be an escalation of the killings”.
That’s kinda what happens in a war dumbass…
Drug policy worldwide does not work. Decriminalisation must be the way forward, how can current drug policy justify the consequences.
Drug policy worldwide does not work. Decriminalisation must be the way forward, how can current drug policy justify the consequences.