Mind Control: America’s Secret War is the title of the History Channel’s excellent documentary exposing top secret government mind control programs. This powerful History Channel documentary reveals how for decades, top secret government projects worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind. Though for many years the government denied that these projects even existed, the details have long been preserved in thousands of pages of now declassified government documents reluctantly released through the Freedom of Information Act.

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Since April 2009 my life changed because you have people that take pleasure in destroying my and others like me lives. I have been torured, raped car computers destroyed having my car being controlled covertly to kill/ murder me. CIA just admitted to having these weapons and found embassy attacks to be credible. But mentioned nothing about why 60 minutes, senators, congress and going back to Obama I was ignored and assumed not to be credible even tho I reported the same thing 15 years ago why was these people mattered and I didnt. Its now 2024 and they use my body and mind without my consent or court order and has placed me on a slow kill program to mimic natural cause. You have allowed loss of life our kids, rapes, murders, suicides in the name of technology why our family’s are less valued over other communities using me as a surveillance no warrants my friends and family and doctors and others in my support including the good guys. Its not Russia or China its our own country the USA gov. And its a war crime to target Americans and can’t use national security as protection when involved in a crime, CIA perps/ handlers will kill me but every one will know who did it…
In my view, MC is as much; pseudo randomly following a story of expectation; as it is combining personal experiences with others, as it is experimentation & research in the known world but unknown world of our minds. Essentially, language (and learning) is mind control. What is often thought to be a cause, is merely an assessment of what level you bought out on. There is so much context in everything you read and hear about, the only real truth is in the replication of science itself. Strange then, how the 21st century skirts around the topic of invasive technology, almost justifying the effect (of MC) to medical science (and discovery in this field) whilst omitting the cause (for focus in that field). All I can add in this small caption, most have the wrong (or expected) perspective, and in my experience; there is no help out there (and least of all in sharing your opinion). We all go round and round on the topic generating so much false emotion on topics and buzzwords we are simply living false statements as lives. As others have said, these are silent times, and this is the best answer to you all. There is no cure, but there are certainty ways to detect and mess things up a bit (at least that’s my experience). Telling you more might just ruin your experience of it!
Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.
I had collected many reported articles which introduced ‘mind control technologies’. The
listing of these articles would not mislead readers; it was a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies were.
Stories about Soleilmavis Liu
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and remote electromagnetic Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
(http://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/kidnapped-by-mind-control )
Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures
I think I’m being mind controlled right now without my permission here in Baguio city, Philippines. I think it’s a government experiment, or an organization or even another government experiment. I am sure I am not deluded or hallucinating right now. (May 29, 2012) Whom shall I seek help? I have no privacy anymore so please help me. I made a video here but I’m not good in English verbally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdl1ghnItRc&feature=g-upl
another great documentary that goes into this is Human Resources
we are under the control of the media , the politics , the religion
never will we be free ,
we are bombarded with propaganda (buy this buy that and you will be happy) every minute of or lives ,
no wonder valium is selling like hot cakes .
And alcohol is the medicine of the modern world .
we are under the control of the media , the politics , the religion
never will we be free ,
we are bombarded with propaganda (buy this buy that and you will be happy) every minute of or lives ,
no wonder valium is selling like hot cakes .
And alcohol is the medicine of the modern world .
There are a lot of supporting facts about mind-control. google this: Police Mind-reading Wars-Verizon
I am madly in love with the fact that the FBI warning is still intact on this video.