Documentary about Narcissists/Narcissism. Featuring the world’s leading expert on the subject Sam Vaknin.

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Documentary about Narcissists/Narcissism. Featuring the world’s leading expert on the subject Sam Vaknin.
Parts two and four are missing. The parts that do show are moderately interesting, but not enough to watch again.
Wow.I will never loosely call anyone a narcissist again
Ok..I think everybody has tendencies of narcissism but to bludgeon your parents and make up fake tennis games…come the f on??
I am NOT obsessed with myself
he’s not a narcassist, hes just a londener
Please watch I, psychopath ” Dr ‘ Vaikin oft quoted as a expert in this feild is exposed for what he is a liar , a convicted felon , a bully a diagnosed sociopath – who by the way does’nt have a PHD . Like most psychopaths he is parasitic living off others his hapless partner also featured in the doco
He is psychopath with narcissistic traits – but does not deserve the ANY credit for being a liar , a shyster and an aresehole !
Anyway, what is the difference between a jerk and a narcissist?
Who cares?
I think this was the third time I have watched this in various places.
I keep wondering why they don’t mention me. What is wrong with these people?