People all around the world are becoming increasingly dependent on a
small number of large multinational businesses. Monsanto controls 90%
of the production of genetically modified seeds. Microsoft holds an
88.26% market share of the software industry, followed by apple with
Mac who hold 9.93%. Everyday, 150 million people throughout the world,
buy an Unilever product without even realising it. McDonalds, serve
58.1million meals a day around the world. 51 of the worlds 100 biggest
economies are businesses. The state loses power at the same rate as
businesses gains it. Globalisation has created a context which
requires a redefinition of the rules for global 21st century society.

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These commies are to naive to see they are exploited by the ruling class in their broke countries. Your rulers sell out your resources on the cheap for their own benefit, like capitalism. Thanks for the money loser, USA USA!!!
After watching the documentary, I’m much more pro-enterprise than before. What a bunch of communists. Give them the Sun, they’ll only see the black spots.
is that really what you got out of watching this documentary??
Excellent documentary that brought up a lot of issues associated with multinationals. I think a lot of Americans take it for granted that “Capitalism” means that corporations can do as they please, and the rest of us just have to lie down and take it. Am sharing this in hopes that lots of assumptions will come into question, and the will to confront these issues emerges soon.
Can someone tell me why we have an assumption that multinational corporations should be allowed to operate in our countries in the first place? Maybe the answer is to just not do business with companies or countries that violate human rights, and environmental rights. For example, our buying Chinese manufactured goods promotes the massive human rights abuses that are happening there. Why not just make some rules that companies associated with these rights abuses are not allowed to do business at all in our society? You want a strong economy, generate and keep your wealth inside your own community; you want your leaders to be responsible socially, make sure they live in your society. This whole globalisation phenomenon is slowly destroying our culture, not just our humanity and our environment.
make rules? <— ineffective
just vote with your dollar. it's individual, local and just that simple!
don't like what Company X or Country X is doing? don't buy their products…
You can`t make rules in your counrty if you own money to World bank and other banks. They tell you what to do.
Great Doc, brought many aspects of the problem together. One point I think may have been missed, is the connection between large corporations and the eradication of the middle class; which leaves most consumers with the inability to spend their money wisely, as they are just trying to survive and may not have the financial resources to pick and choose to whom their money goes.
good…not too biased either. unlike most videos on this topic, it had an international viewpoint, and several folks whom i bet if left in a room wouldn’t exactly ‘agree’ on everyone’s talking points. viva la documentary heaven!
This one had me thinking, great video.
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