“An attempt to give an alternate perspective than what has ever been shown on mainstream media, I hope it inspires you to ask questions.
███ ██ █ ████ everything ███ ███ is ████ ██ ████ fine ████ ████ love. █████ ███ █ ███ your ████ ███ government
Latest release from Dominoes Falling Productions.”
WTF???!! I like the system. Not everyone is disgusting and poor, you know.
I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed and deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozin’ out
From your TV set
You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold
“I’m The Slime” by Frank Zappa © 1973
A bit boring even though I agree with a lot of the things..
“Boring” in other words means “…over my head. I want to entertained by mindless entertainers that take my mind off the things I do not understand but I would like to understand and what I understand is I must do as I am told or I will be put into a cage.”
The confusion of I am above it all and it is all over my head is precisely where they want you.
Saying “I agree with a lot of the things” is an attempt to convince the world you are not totally clueless but are totally helpless, that is until you finally breakdown then rebuild yourself. Bravery is not a lack of fear but acting in the face of fear.
Love this!
I think this documentry is quite nutty, simply because of the fact that this nigger has a sign up with comic sans font…. Fuck me! (@22:47)
Only BBC Cuckold white niggers ask to be fucked….so yes… Fuck You. ((@jumpstreet)
absolutely sensational documentary. well worth the watch.
Self respect starts with honesty, and the love of being honest, add courage to face what is real, and acting in a humane manner. Honesty allows trust, and trustworthyness allows and loves honesty. It is most satisfying, being well satisfied, as the Christ promised, because it allows love to flurish and the manifestation of our true nature, to enjoy people, as friends and works of the goodness of the only Holy One, who is the only One who is good, as He is the source. If you love goodness, you Love God, who gives it to us. A good and honest heart is required to bring forth fruits of th Holy Spirit.
The Zeitgeist shoul start a political party, get voted and change EVERYTHING from within!
So, you’ve basically just taken a whole bunch of other documentaries and spliced them together? Alternate perspective, really?
We all know that the wrong people control our society, but if the public were to wake up, we could change that. All of their power comes from us allowing them to keep it.
I gave up watching this after 22 minutes. At first it had seemed like an interesting film. Sorry.
I tried to jump ahead but the feed was way too slow.
I much prefered “The End of the Empire”, (forget the exact title, you know the one I mean if you’ve watched it).
Hope I didn’t “OFFEND” any body!
Let’s be honest: The only people who made sense in this doc were the comedians…I miss George Carlin…:'(
This is a powerful video…enough said. Please watch it.
Ron Paul is the man that the establishment fears. He will not allow Americans’ freedoms to be taken away little by little, as they are now. He believes that you should be able to live your life in the way that you see fit, as long as you do not harm others. He will not continue to fuel the war machine and waste our dear soldiers’ lives and our money. He will bring all the troops home instead of occupying all these other countries and making more and more enemies. We would not tolerate another country invading our land and patrolling our streets with armed soldiers wearing the uniform of a foreign nation. We should not do this to other countries either. For Freedom, for Peace, vote for the defender of the Constitution, Ron Paul!
(And whether you like him or not, please don’t let his enemies give you your opinion of him. I urge everyone, check out his site for yourself!)
Crazy Uncle Paul…(according to the mainstream) He is the only one of the recent GOP politicians who’s message has never wavered or changed. His ideas are radical, but only because the “leaches” of society might actually have to become accountable for their theft and rape of the planet, and maybe have to follow the constitution of the country that made them all richer than Midas.
At least he knows the names of the countries that America is bombing…the rest aren’t even sure where they appear on a map. This is probably why he will never be elected…he talks sense, from a position of knowledge. No room for that kind of BS in America. Not when there are only 16 shopping days left till Christmas.
The music in this makes me cynical.
The music in this makes me cynical.
The music in this makes me cynical.
The music in this makes me cynical.
Pre-watching comment:
We may be in an illusion, but we all have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. Even if people are controlling the structure and the system, if someone is determined enough, they can live their dream.
Pre-watching comment:
We may be in an illusion, but we all have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. Even if people are controlling the structure and the system, if someone is determined enough, they can live their dream.
Pre-watching comment:
We may be in an illusion, but we all have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. Even if people are controlling the structure and the system, if someone is determined enough, they can live their dream.
Pre-watching comment:
We may be in an illusion, but we all have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. Even if people are controlling the structure and the system, if someone is determined enough, they can live their dream.
thumbs up!
thumbs up!
Well Im still kind of wondering, but definitely an eye opener.
Warning – Backlinks is a known spammer who is inserting links to a fraudulent website.
People willing give over their lives to the silliest and most bizare of belief systems……..take religion for example.
I just realized my very first post here was never approved(maybe due to links) and yet I’ve referred back to it a few times in other posts when nobody else can view it, lol.
So here’s my first post again(minus the links), in response to the first ‘MasterP’ comment:
Nobody ever taught you to ‘read between the lines’ it seems, just accept what is said word for word as gospel and move on, eh?
“OUR ILLUSION”, “…an alternate perspective than what has ever been shown on mainstream media”. To read between the lines the title of this video should read – Our System is Structured as an Illusion.
The ‘secret/invisible government’ that manipulates the American/world people isn’t the so called ‘evil billionaires’ at the top of the ladder, they just created and shaped the secret government.
The secret government itself is propaganda/’public relations’ – the ILLUSION of a people that have control over an entity which actually has all of the control, and the ILLUSION that it’s all just a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off running around in chaos rather than a system that is built/planned that way for the benefit of a small minority.
Sigmund Freud’s nephew(the ‘Godfather of Propaganda’) who was a big part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information(CPI) during WWI had some very insightful views on this matter already way back when:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
>>>Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.<<<
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized."
~ Edward Bernays, page 37 of his book 'Propaganda', 1928.
Note: he also coined the term 'public relations' as a replacement for 'propaganda' because as he put it WWI had 'dirtied' the term propaganda to the American people.
If you care to elevate yourself out of the carefully crafted illusion of your life you can read the book in PDF form here:
www dot whale dot to/b/bernays dot pdf
(replace 'dot' with .)
Or you can buy it on Amazon.
So nobody is surprised by what they find:
I. ORGANIZING CHAOS ………………………………………….. 9
II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA…………………………………….. 19
X. ART AND SCIENCE…………………………………………….. 141
The 'secret government' is propaganda, the 'rulers' of that government are those that control the propaganda. Today over the entire world that is about 90% the corporate media and they control everything from what stories are 'newsworthy' to which politician get's face time for his campaign to which celebrity scandal is used to distract people from the important issues today, tomorrow and every other day.
Unfortunately most American's take people pointing these things out to them as an attack on their intelligence instead of being an attempt to free them from being victimized by those who consider their minds/intelligence something to be 'controlled' or manipulated.
They don't consider the average American 'little people' as actual people let alone 'free people', you're just a pawn used to ensure their continued control.
If America ever wakes up to this undeniable reality I hope they will cut to the heart of the issue and start protesting the corporate, banking and foreign interest lobbying that allows them to have the control.
Only American taxpayers should be able to lobby the American government, and only as American taxpayers with the taxpayers interests in mind – not corporate or foreign interests.
I've always found it funny that the American people who try to influence the government aren't considered to be 'lobbyists' but rather 'protesters', but the only reason they have to protest/demonstrate rather than directly lobbying the government as the private interests do is because the private interests don't allow it.
Seriously, they hire poor people to stand in line for hours before the meetings where the lobbying takes place to hold their places until a few minutes beforehand so that they get all the seats and regular taxpaying citizens are lucky to get in the door, or even see the door.
Of course if you criticize it they will talk about how they're helping those poor people by paying for their services, so what's the big deal?
I mean hey, the fact many of those people are probably poor because of past successful lobbying by those private interests is irrelevant, they're the good guys of 'American Democracy' and anyone criticizing them are the bad guys(anti-American or anti-democracy).
Of course the biggest illusion is the idea that there's nothing the average person can do about it all.
American citizens can attend the meetings and have their voices heard by lobbying the government exactly the same way the private interests do.
However if you want a seat at the meetings you might have to duke it out with the pro lobbyists or their poor 'place holders' who aren't gonna give up their payday easily.
So in other words the average person can make a difference, but the system is designed and manipulated to make it a big headache for those who do try to, so that most people aren't going to bother with even trying. If they even know the option is available to them, which most don't.
FYI – this an issue for the whole world today but as I've said before as the supreme 'superpower' of the world if real global change is to occur it will have to come from the USA, otherwise the USA government and the lobbies that control them will use America against those trying to make change a reality(as has been happening all over the world for many decades).
It's not just Americans that need to wake up, it's just that you're the ones controlling the dream for everyone else and we need you to wake up for us to be able to wake up fully as well and actually do something about it.
So you'll have to forgive some of us for being a bit fed-up and even outright hostile to the American dreamers still out there keeping the war machine going, but when so many lives are dependent on you waking the fuck up your personal sensibilities are MEANINGLESS to those of us who are HUMAN BEINGS first and foremost(not Americans, Canadians, Brits, etc.).
Those who have already woken up I have no issue with and apologize for the generalizations, but the dreamers can kiss my ass until they chose to wake up and escape from the dreamworld of Americanism and rejoin the human race here in reality.
If you watch the documentary, The Century of Self it talks all about this guy and the public relations spin because propaganda was a bad word after WWl. The guy was Freud’s nephew and he was a real creep. It shows how they manipulate people. He was one of the first to do product placement and to get women smoking after being hired by a tobacco company complaining that half the population didn’t smoke and how could he get them to do so. And he succeeded. Get doc, I think it is on youtube also. The guy was a real creep, in my opinion, but he sure got people to consume, consume, consume. Great way to see how manipulated we are.
anyone against you, won’t actually read your post. I did, and I agree, wholeheartedly.
Hey Johnny…”long time no chat”. You are one very interesting man. I am hoping you can give me some advice. What do you think are some additional options available to those of us who are unable to lobby government (for any various reasons), options that will help along the changes that must be made?
Also, I am having a hard time understanding why you would say that Americans are controlling “the dream” for everyone and that the global change needs to come from America. As far as I am concerned, there is no dream here in America, and I certainly don’t see America as the “super-power”…I think that is an illusion!
Thanks for helping to keep the interest alive interest! Ellie.
Just as an added thought: note the extremely good timing of the whole Charlie Sheen ‘Two and a Half Men’ scandal to allow for a high level of distraction as numerous American/Western backed dictatorial governments in the Mid-East are being deposed by The People.
The other day listening to a local talk-radio station for about an hour I heard about 45 minutes of Charlie Sheen drama, 10 minutes discussing sports and then 5 minutes mentioning the fact that the U.N had frozen the assets of some of those deposed dictators accused of gross human rights violations and low and behold the majority of their personal assets were in American, Canadian and British banks or invested in western corporations.
I don’t think the scandal itself was necessarily manufactured as it had been brewing for a while, but the focus on it has been blown extremely out of proportion by the media for distraction value.
There is almost always a good celebrity scandal right when our society’s dirty laundry is about become public.
The Toronto Sun the other day had 3 pages completely devoted to the Charlie Sheen drama including the entire cover, but it wasn’t till page 20-something that I found the first brief article mentioning the Mid-East ‘uprisings’ and their relation to the powers that be in our society.
Upon seeing that I was overcome by the sudden urge to shove that piece of trash “news”paper down Rupert Murdoch’s throat and watch him choke on it with great satisfaction.
No single man or woman has ever dumbed-down the world so much so as Rupert Murdoch, and sadly he seems to be proud of that fact. Disgusting.
Makes me sick too. News most of the time is a celebrity getting divorced. Not news at all. They are just robots reading what is put on the teleprompter. None of them are going to tell the truth, they like their jobs.
You are absolutely right, it is disgusting. It makes me sick. So many people I know think that when they hear of these MidEast governments being deposed, they view those countries and peoples as f’d up…but they dont realize America is just as f’d up as they are!
I would welcome a revolt against corporations, the private banks and the government. Well, at least I think I would, but I know that would result in innocent lives being lost and who knows how far these crazies (government, banks etc) would go to defend their powers.
What a mess!
I would highly recommend listening to the song ‘We Are'(responsible) by Ana Johnson, it sums up this whole mess we are in these days pretty simply and nicely.
And yes resisting the ‘powers that be’ physically is dangerous as they are literally built on the foundation of possessing supreme firepower and being ready to use it for any reason they can find/justify.
Physical conflict is exactly what they want as they can’t kill the truth but they can easily kill ‘terrorists’.
The U.S military spends billions on Public Relations to control the “truth”, if they could just kill the truth with bullets and bombs then they wouldn’t need the PR.
The pen really is mightier than the sword, in the right situations.
At the risk of being attacked for being a Nazi I would still recommend a film called ‘One Third of the Holocaust’, though very long it goes into great detail explaining how little evidence there is for (at least) 1/3rd of the Holocaust ‘Death Camp’ stories that are taught as fact in practically every school in the world today.
Understanding their biggest lies and why they made them gives you a good idea of how far they will go to maintain their ‘social and political order’.
Question: Originally the total Holocaust death toll was 6 million which included the official death toll at Auschwitz of 4 million, but then when the Auschwitz death toll was reduced by 3 million how much was the total death toll reduced by?
Answer according to official Holocaust mythologists: 0
6 million – 3 million = 6 million …?
Simple mathematics is not included in any academic Holocaust courses these days I guess. Nor is any basic understanding of the Typhus epidemic it seems.
Oh well, the details aren’t important when it comes to something as big as the Holocaust, right? [/sarcasm]
Be careful treading into those waters though, all the spinning can leave you seriously nauseous.
Hello again.
“What do you think are some additional options available to those of us who are unable to lobby government (for any various reasons), options that will help along the changes that must be made?”
Honestly the only option I have found is simply getting people to discuss the important issues, which is not an easy task in a society where news is considered ‘entertainment’ and filled with smut and celebrity gossip and discussing the real issues is considered boring.
This system works on influence more than anything else, so influencing people to at least start taking their very important democratic duties more seriously and stop accepting the media’s gameshow perspective on the politics where substance of the message is irrelevant and “credibility” of the messenger is everything.
Living in a democracy is a serious thing, but thanks to a society built on “influencing” everyone to mass-consume over the decades the political system has become entertainment itself to most people.
As for the ‘American Dream’ I fully agree that it doesn’t exist, all dreams exist only when people are sleeping and oblivious to reality. If they wake up the dream ends, hence the incentive not to wake up.
But the U.S being a super-power is no illusion although the term may be a bit too ‘glamorous’ for reality, one quick glance at the world military budget rankings will show the picture quite clearly.
Here are the top 3 spenders:
U.S.A Defense Budget: $515,400,000,000 [2009]
China Defense Budget: $59,000,000,000 [2008]
Russia Defense Budget: $43,200,000,000 [2008]
That money isn’t being spent to build schoolhouses for poor kids in Africa last I checked.
A portion of it gets spent on the U.S Navy’s 11 Carrier Strike Groups(CSG’s) that are used in conjunction with a global command structure as outlined here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articlePictures/unified-command_world-map1.jpg
But that’s a small portion compared to say the classified operations/back-ops spending, both legal and illegal.
And I do believe the U.S is still the top arms dealer in the world, which is only natural when you develop billions of dollars in new weaponry each year that you need to either sell or stockpile, and selling makes money whereas stockpiling costs money so it’s a no-brainer really.
The ‘American Dream’ and the ‘Super-Power’ terms are what people in the PR business call ‘spin’, it glamorizes it and makes it all acceptable.
The U.S isn’t the problem on it’s own but nothing can change if America does not allow it to, and for America to allow such a change requires a change with the people themselves that at this time is impossible.
Our society is literally built around “influencing” us straight from birth to be the way they need us to be for them to have easy control without appearing to have much real control at all, it’s not easy to go against a lifetime of influence.
But the only way there is any chance of change is to get people talking and thinking about it all, so simply engaging people in discussions on the issue is the only real option at this time in my view.
In order for things to change people need to know something needs to change.
I don’t believe we live in a democracy. I believe we live in a Capitalistic consumer based society where one is “judged” if they don’t have the newest shoes or clothes. If most of the people can’t vote because they don’t have picture I.D. how is that democratic. Give them free picture ID so they can vote, if they don’t drive. If you trace it back it started to be a consume society in the 50’s that is when they really started apparently, with you need this fridge, home etc. I read up on it.
You know, I just do not “get” why “they” would want so much control. They wont live forever and they certainly can not take it with them, why the need for SO much money, SO much control? When “they” die off, how could it possibly be that anyone would want to continue in their footsteps?
As humanity evolves and progresses, arent we learning to treasure human life? How can this inhumanity continue? Wont our minds evolve into a state of which we will not be capable of tolerating this hatred and selfishness?
Do you think that in our life times, we will see any substanstial progress of mankind actually caring for one another, regardless of class, status, skin color, gender etc and no longer have the desire for such huge riches, such large amounts of power?
Also, I am appauled at the amount of money America spends on the defense budget…and I dont really see it as a defense budget…it is an offense budget. It just makes me want to scream in frustration. I feel like I am living in a nightmare. What is wrong with these people??!!
I hear you and I feel the same way. It is a heart breaker, but they have had control for a very long time and they will hand it down to the next generation. I am pretty sure they would clone themselves too if they haven’t. They believe we are scum and only their bloodlines are sacred. It is a way to look down the rabbit hole but search and you will find.
ellie and johnny thank you both ….
this movie really opened my eyes as a 20yr. im going to show as many people i can because this issue…this system we r living in i wrong. im sure the rest of the world is ready for a change we just need to make it happen but how do we start im in australia.
Thinkers of all disciplines seem to have formed the consensus that there is no fully objective reality – or that if there is, it is not subject to fallible human perception. I think that it’s probably true.
In order to obtain our basic human needs, air, food, water, shelter it is necessary to negotiate with other human beings who are in a position to aid us (or to hinder us) in obtaining these needs.
But to be able to negotiate with others, there has to be some common ground between us including a shared meaning of the words we use, a mutual idea of who we are in relation to each other and a belief that negotiation is (at least sometimes) necessary for survival. But upon none of these conditions can there be total agreement between us – because that would imply an underlying objective reality – so we don’t insist on strict agreement, close agreement is good enough.
By these understandings we create and maintain a world of meaning which is in constant flux, where our notion of reality is constructed on shifting sand through the medium of negotiated relationships with others of our kind.
We have always operated like this since we first negotiated with our mothers to obtain milk and we are doing it now, implicitly, by me writing and you reading this comment. It is second nature – no it is first nature – and we take it for granted, it is so subtle, almost subliminal.
Engaging with this film and applying some effort to try to understand the many ideas and ‘ways of seeing’ that it contains, gave me a sense of the exhilaration that accompanies free thought and, at the same time, the oppression under which most people live their lives.
For me, these are embodied in the struggle that John Harris was having in trying to get us to share his insights into the mythology of government and our complicity in our own injustice and injury by signing away our property, even our children to a fictional entity. At first I thought he wasn’t expressings himself very clearly but when I saw him crying sympathetically over our willing acceptance of our own exploitation I realised that I just hadn’t been trying hard enough to understand him.
My thanks to him and the makers of this film which should be compulsive and repeated viewing for all from the age of 6 or 7 years and up.
The beginning cartoon didn’t do it for me however, I got past that and enjoyed it thoroughly. No way do I see it as conspiracy theory or trying to lead the viewer, there are so many aspects brought up here and on Moving Forward I’ve quietly asked myself for years.
Every time I see messages to “support our troops” I silently think “no!” they signed up, get paid and go get what they were paid to do just like any other employee.
I’ve learned even more today and if anyone wants to try and take away my child because I registered him they will have to bring in the troops!
There is lots of science to prove we are all in for a big change soon. But you have to be willing to listen and consider the possibilities put forward by others.
YOU can check out stuff on the web, the only source of information left that individuals can trust now. I suggest you start with “flouride”, “codex ailimentarius” and “Monsanto”. And please, don’t rely on any one source for information given by search engines, use multiple search engines to confirm you too are being duped and dumbed down.
And just so you know, the consistent message to everyone from the internet is that we are all connected and each of us is responsible as an individual to make things better.
People live reactive lives. There is no grand architect either for creation or our current slavery only circumstance we react to. People created God or Gods in response to ingnorance and the emotional need for purpose, money as a response to the difficulties of barter and society/law as a response to the outliers of the bell curve. As with everything over time they become hijaked by self interest and in these cases evolved into powerful political organizations to benefit but a few. Mankind although only around for a blip in deep time has managed to understand so much about not only the reality we live in but how we respond to it. Its about time we stopped passing responsibility for our lives to external entities and grasp the nettle. We need to “create our own epic” (Jung) ie take charge of creating our own purpose rather than inheriting one from the culture we grew up in. If we start to make this effort then quickly rationality takes us to an individual purpose that benefits all!
This film spends a lot of time highlighting the current systems failures due to its commercialism. This is simply a reflection of peoples own obsession with commerce not because of a conspiracy. The film offers no real solutions and perhaps there aren’t any until people realize that their best interest lies in the collective interest. The current global situation (climate, population, finance ect…) may well create this zeitgeist and if it doesnt we will all be dead anyway!
The occult is real. Illuminati/Freemasons/Zionist whoever exist today alive and well “billionaires” just doesn’t cut it. Billionaires meaning “The wealthy” right? It’s so easy just to blame our problems on those who have the most fortune who may in fact feel just as frustrated as you. Who engineered the capitalist model? Who engineered Christianity? Look at the map of the world. Notice the similarities between the ancient Egyptian structures uncovered there to say the Vatican, or The Washington Capital, or The British parliament. Pagan structures are everywhere. Look what happens when you connect the dots of disasters that have occurred in the last 20 – 30 years on a map of america.
You say billionaires are the problem? Who do you think made it possible for billionaires to exist?
I do not get the story of the Freemasons being secret evil pagan overlords because the symbolism they use predates Christianity and it sounds like a good story.
The Freemasons fought hard to free America from the control of the banker overlords, what do you think that massive Awakening statute in Washington is about – an entity representing prosperity and good fortunes breaking free from the ground in a so called awakening.
The Freemasons stood for personal wealth and prosperity for all of society rather than the oligarchical wealth and prosperity of the bankers we know well today.
Of course they commemorated their victory in freeing the U.S.A by incorporating their ancient symbolism(a symbol of freedom itself in times when the Church outlawed such so-called pagan symbols) throughout their new capital city that they viewed as a beacon of freedom and prosperity for the entire world.
Although some say they were not around then in my view the original founders of Freemasonry built the Roman Empire by taking away the power of the bankers to control money and ensuring that all classes of society had significant monies to buy lots of things and pay for lots of construction and have good lives(and pay lots of taxes so the state had lots of money for construction too).
The bankers or moneychangers as they were known then like to horde money for themselves for their own benefit, not give it away freely for the benefit of everyone. They make their money from transaction fees and interest on money transactions so the more control they have over the money the more profit they make.
When the bankers regained control it was not long before their backstabbing of allies and constant profiteering through war brought about the collapse of the once great Roman Empire.
Skip ahead a few thousand years and the Freemasons freed and built the American Empire and since 1913 when the bankers seized control again the American Empire has been crumbling as the war machine keeps churning endlessly, the wealth of the average American family has steadily declined to the point where most families do not know what wealth is due to them being buried under mountains of debt.
Of course the wealthiest 2% of which most are international bankers have just kept getting wealthier, a strange and meaningless anomaly I am sure…
Since their consolidation of power in 1967 with the assassination of JFK after he usurped them and printed hundreds of billions of dollars of government backed(not U.S Fed Reserve) currency without their approval it has gone to hell in a hand-basket faster than anyone could have imagined.
Killing the head of the Kennedy Family(aka the most powerful American and Freemason family and the key resistance to the foreign banking cartels) was the final straw as by taking him out they proved that anyone could be reached and since then there has been no real resistance, all sides have become one and the same. If you can not beat them you might as well join them I guess, though loose ends prevented them from taking total control until the early 1990s.
The Freemasons of today may not be any different than the bankers and other groups who are running things but what they originally stood for and believed in was a good thing. Just because there is a massive amount of Freemason conspiracy books and videos in the public realm does not mean it is true.
I believe it was a Nazi propaganda master who pointed out that if you tell a big enough lie often enough anybody will believe it.
That is why I always urge everyone to be objective and view all materials on a subject before forming a concrete opinion because then you are more likely to find the writing on the wall in the back behind the hundreds or thousands of people in your face yelling at you to buy their book or video so they can tell you the truth.
Maybe all those in your face money grubbers are part of the reason why so many people distrust the corporate media but still rely on it for most of their so-called news coverage – better the bullshit they know, made in U.S.A.
The Trilateral Commissions, Bilderberg Groups, Clubs of Rome, Madrid, Budapest, Beijing, London, Paris, etc., all the different secret societies and private trusts and such, the official government and political parties and all the different lobby groups are part of a giant matrix of illusion orchestrated by the corporate dominated media that allows them to have complete control.
I bet there are many people who wonder why supposedly secret societies and conspiracies seem to be anything but secret given the vast amount of videos and books and websites and blogs claiming to have significant amounts of info on them.
It is a giant shell game to the powers that be, with the stories(both official and unofficial) and the conspiracies being the shells and the truth being the ball(which was dropped into their lap long ago) and the only actual goal for them is to keep us distracted so they can keep taking our wealth.
Once we look beyond the shells and realize it is a rigged game then we will realize that we can chose to stop playing it and demand our money back and they will lose.
Everyone who is so afraid of the coming New World Order needs to wake up and realize that just as George Bush Sr. said in 1991 and David Rockefeller stated in 1994 the NWO is already here.
Trying to stop it from coming to be is a wasted effort, like trying hard to switch the rail tracks to save a train from certain doom an hour after the train already crashed instead of going to the site of the crash and helping out there where it is needed.
The most dangerous thing in the world to the powers that be is the truth, rather than ignoring the truth in the name of playing the conspiracy game the people should be focused on breaking the monopoly they have established on the truth.
I think Lenin said something about how the best way to beat your opposition is to simply control it. Controlling the so-called truth is the best way to control your opposition and is also the best way to slaughter the real truth.
I admit fully that I am full of conspiracy theories as well though I doubt they are ones that you will find being sold on your local tabloid newstand, but I do not care if people believe every word of what I say or none of it at all as my goal is simply to try to get people to think and actually research things themselves.
Never rely on other people to reach your conclusions for you, find the facts and look at all the arguments and come to your own conclusions. It is a simple principle but it is easier said than done these day unfortunately, and once the corporations take total control of the internet it will be even more difficult for the truth to survive.
Anyways I am sorry for the rant, I just was wondering if you had looked beyond the easy to attain books, websites or videos that are all over the internet these days in forming your views on this matter and I got a little carried away.
I agree with many here, it’s just another conspiracy theory attempt with different footage put together. To me there seems to be no red thread to follow or to keep me engaged in the film.
Of course, there are evil billionaires and millionaires, and so there are evil poor people and corrupt any kind of people.
Ask yourself the question, what is the root problem of mankind? Isn’t it that each and every person is in his heart of hearts selfish, me-oriented, and self-absorbed? Anybody who had the chance at a lot of dosh would grab it and has the potential to oppress, even if subtle, and rule over less powerful and less rich.
I did my thinking and continue to think without manipulative motives of clips put together.
It’s one person’s or group’s opinion, another brain washing scheme, especially when you have Martin Luther King Jr’s voice speaking about government etc. over film clips of G W Bush. It’s not a question of pro-or-anti Bush, but if you really want people to think for themselves, if that is your true objective, non-bias motivation, than your film (whoever made and posted it) doesn’t do your “motivation” justice.
But, nice try.
Very thought-provoking. Squz, if you get a chance you should watch this while you burn.
I applaud the intentions of this films, and I also agree with most of the information presented. As mentioned in an earlier post, a lot of the information is from other films and the music is terrible. This is consistent with most films of this type. However, Lets understand that these are very real issues here, and also that creativity and production value is also important anytime you present art. If anyone needs music for an educational doc. such as this one, or is in the process of creating a film dealing with these topics, please contact me at nicnotion@gmail.com, I will be happy to help. Lets all appreciate the time and effort that was put in to this film, PEACE.
@Skantea – I agree with you for the most part, though I don’t disagree with Johannes either as part of the system is specifically meant to turn ‘news’ into entertainment so that anything that isn’t entertaining no matter how important it may be is ignored because it’s ‘boring’.
So yes most people that are looking for ‘flash’ probably aren’t that interested the info being presented regardless what it is, but at the same time if you don’t try to make the film entertaining you are greatly limiting the audience and the potential to get the message out.
An entertaining film may get 90% of the viewers who really don’t care about the info and forget about the it within hours or less, but maybe the other 10% will take it seriously and continue investigating it and decide to get more involved.
Certainly I personally prefer information value over entertainment value, but in ‘Our Illusion’ today entertainment value can’t be ignored either if you actually want to reach the people who don’t already know the info you are presenting.
The key is trying to find the right balance, but in my experience films with the ‘right balance’ are very rare, and that’s unfortunate.
The piano music is so annoying, reminds me of The Sims. I like the stand ups, specially the guy with the dirty windshield.
Well done.. let’s work together to share this video, get people awake and alert. Together we will change things.
Love yourself well,
Bahahah Bahahaha
(Whatever sheep say?)
Most of this documentary is directly copied from Zeitgeist Addendum. The music is retarded and unnecessary. Still, it makes a good point! Whatever spreads the message 🙂
Not a film. It’s a collection of lectures trying to prove the same old point we’re all being controlled by a bunch of evil billionaires… whatev. the comedians account for the best part, they make some sharp points.
I never heard once in the film saying that ‘we’re all being controlled by a bunch of evil billionaires’ but i guess people are going to interpret information differently, and unfortunately your projection is wrong.
No my friend, it’s this films projection that’s wrong. the disclaimer is more like “DO NOT WATCH IF YOU DO NOT LIKE TO THINK EVERYTHING IS A BIG SCEME”. but thats just my opinion. you go ahead and enjoy yours.
That’s your right, but ‘everything’ is not a big scheme, it’s just propaganda.
There is no one or two people at the top, it’s thousands of people at the top controlling the ‘public relations’ and making sure their banks and corporations are given the rights of a person with the added privileges caused by being a multi-national corporation/bank with massive financial resources for extra influence.
Ever heard of ‘commercial free speech’?
How about the Telecommunications Act of 1996?
I doubt you’ve heard of the last one since the entire corporate media in the U.S only gave it 19 minutes of total coverage, over a 9 month period.
The news is whatever the corporations tell us it is, and that is based on demographics – since when is news a matter of ‘this demographic will enjoy this story’ rather than simply reporting major events that people should know about – aka news.
Meh, people can sleep if they want but they better not pretend they don’t have any responsibility for allowing it to continue unchallenged.
Also remember that those billionaires are as much a prisoner to the structure of capitalism as you are only with more perks. While they are busy controlling us they are also busy trying to gain control and advantage over each other and leads to inter-imperialist rivalry and war. Look at US actions in the Middle east in the attempt to contain China India and Russia-we are close to ww3 so this system has to go it is surely the most destructive system ever devised to meet the demands of production and reproduction of the species.
If awareness is what a film maker looks for, they usually go through the trouble to make it eye catching, pretty, and attractive to a larger target audience (rather than just the few people that this will be relevant to…)
yes Im 34 years young, and simply being realistic. and you’re being naive. you think some lazy compilation of lectures on stuff you can find anywhere on the internet is going to change anybody’s mind?? it’s the people who share the same thoughts ALREADY that are going to watch it. nobody else is going to make the effort. and that’s not because they all want ‘flash’, but because a careless film that tells me to care doesn’t work.
Johannes is obviously pretty young. Film IS a powerful medium, but the people who come to see flash are not the ones capable of effecting true change. They just want fuel for dinner conversation. The people who are serious are just looking for information. They don’t need to the puppet show to keep them from falling asleep.
Well, I can agree on that for sure! And its partly why I’m commenting on this ‘film’ like this. If you want to WAKE UP people, if you want to make them SEE and THINK for themselves, better make damn sure your film is EXHILARATING, VISUALLY alluring and extremely well THOUGHT THROUGH..! this thing is none of the above. which will make it lose it’s audience, and therefor it will never do what it’s meant to do. its a shame, because film can be such a beautiful and powerful medium..!
Nobody ever taught you to ‘read between the lines’ it seems, just accept what is said word for word as gospel and move on, eh?
“OUR ILLUSION”, “…an alternate perspective than what has ever been shown on mainstream media”. To read between the lines the title of this video should read – Our System is Structured as an Illusion.
The ‘secret/invisible government’ that manipulates the American/world people isn’t the so called ‘evil billionaires’ at the top of the ladder, they just created and shaped the secret government.
The secret government itself is propaganda/’public relations’ – the ILLUSION of a people that have control over an entity which actually has all of the control, and the ILLUSION that it’s all just a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off running around in chaos rather than a system that is built/planned that way for the benefit of a small minority.
Sigmund Freud’s nephew(the ‘Godfather of Propaganda’) who was a big part of the U.S. Committee on Public Information(CPI) during WWI had some very insightful views on this matter already way back when:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
>>>Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.<<<
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized."
~ Edward Bernays, page 37 of his book 'Propaganda', 1928.
Note: he also coined the term 'public relations' as a replacement for 'propaganda' because as he put it WWI had 'dirtied' the term propaganda to the American people.
If you care to elevate yourself out of the carefully crafted illusion of your life you can read the book in PDF form here:
Or you can buy it here:
So nobody is surprised by what they find:
I. ORGANIZING CHAOS ………………………………………….. 9
II. THE NEW PROPAGANDA…………………………………….. 19
X. ART AND SCIENCE…………………………………………….. 141
The 'secret government' is propaganda, the 'rulers' of that government are those that control the propaganda. Today over the entire world that is about 90% the corporate media and they control everything from what stories are 'newsworthy' to which politician get's face time for his campaign to which celebrity scandal is used to distract people from the important issues today, tomorrow and every other day.
Unfortunately most American's take people pointing these things out to them as an attack on their intelligence instead of being an attempt to free them from being victimized by those who consider their minds/intelligence something to be 'controlled' or manipulated.
They don't consider the average American 'little people' as actual people let alone 'free people', you're just a pawn used to ensure their continued control.
If America ever wakes up to this undeniable reality I hope they will cut to the heart of the issue and start protesting the corporate, banking and foreign interest lobbying that allows them to have the control.
Only American taxpayers should be able to lobby the American government, and only as American taxpayers with the taxpayers interests in mind – not corporate or foreign interests.
I've always found it funny that the American people who try to influence the government aren't considered to be 'lobbyists' but rather 'protesters', but the only reason they have to protest/demonstrate rather than directly lobbying the government as the private interests do is because the private interests don't allow it.
Seriously, they hire poor people to stand in line for hours before the meetings where the lobbying takes place to hold their places until a few minutes beforehand so that they get all the seats and regular taxpaying citizens are lucky to get in the door, or even see the door.
Of course if you criticize it they will talk about how they're helping those poor people by paying for their services, so what's the big deal?
I mean hey, the fact many of those people are probably poor because of past successful lobbying by those private interests is irrelevant, they're the good guys of 'American Democracy' and anyone criticizing them are the bad guys(anti-American or anti-democracy).
Of course the biggest illusion is the idea that there's nothing the average person can do about it all.
American citizens can attend the meetings and have their voices heard by lobbying the government exactly the same way the private interests do.
However if you want a seat at the meetings you might have to duke it out with the pro lobbyists or their poor 'place holders' who aren't gonna give up their payday easily.
So in other words the average person can make a difference, but the system is designed and manipulated to make it a big headache for those who do try to, so that most people aren't going to bother with even trying. If they even know the option is available to them, which most don't.
FYI – this an issue for the whole world today but as I've said before as the supreme 'superpower' of the world if real global change is to occur it will have to come from the USA, otherwise the USA government and the lobbies that control them will use America against those trying to make change a reality(as has been happening all over the world for many decades).
It's not just Americans that need to wake up, it's just that you're the ones controlling the dream for everyone else and we need you to wake up for us to be able to wake up fully as well and actually do something about it.
So you'll have to forgive some of us for being a bit fed-up and even outright hostile to the American dreamers still out there keeping the war machine going, but when so many lives are dependent on you waking the fuck up your personal sensibilities are MEANINGLESS to those of us who are HUMAN BEINGS first and foremost(not Americans, Canadians, Brits, etc.).
Those who have already woken up I have no issue with and apologize for the generalizations, but the dreamers can kiss my ass until they chose to wake up and escape from the dreamworld of Americanism and rejoin the human race here in reality.