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The Real Chernobyl

Following the success of the HBO & Sky Atlantic hit mini drama series Chernobyl, Sky have released a documentary special which heads straight for Ukraine in order to meet some of the real people who were involved in dealing with the nuclear disaster which occurred back in 1986.The series writer Craig Mazin said that he wanted to bring "the untold true story" of Chernobyl to the world, this

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The Real Eve

Mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to children, both male and female, unchanged and it mutates at a predictable rate; i.e., the more the genetic mutations in the DNA, the more ancient the origin of the population.Using these facts, some scientists are studying mitochondrial DNA to try to trace back the origins of the human race.Using this method, the scientists have traced the human race

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The Real Face of the European Union

"The EU has been sold to Britain as our best hope for the future . . . But behind the scenes, has another, more unsettling agenda been unfolding? The European Economic Community (EEC) began for Britain as a free-trade agreement in 1972. Today's European Union is well on its way to becoming a federal superstate, complete with one currency, one legal system, one military, one police force â even its

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The Real Goodfella

Documenting Henry Hill’s life. It tells of how he was smuggled onto the set of Goodfellas in 1990. He speaks about phone calls from Robert De Niro, who played Jimmy Burke’s character in the film Goodfellas, and his most recent criminal act, the smuggling of drugs through an airport terminal. He also tells of the cultural clash which he is still experiencing in the Midwest, even 25 years after he l

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The Real Jack The Ripper

In 1888, London England was the world's largest city and the first to experience a serial killer. Fear and confusion gripped the city for a ten week period now know as the Autumn Of Terror. Over a century has passed and the murders remain unsolved. What really happened and why wasn't Jack the Ripper caught? In separating the facts from fiction we uncover a Victorian era unprepared to protect its c

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The Real Jesus Christ

Around 25 years after the death of Jesus Christ, the movement he had inspired split into two factions, these factions held very different views of their leader, his identity, message and vision. A power struggle quickly ensued and one of these factions under the guiding genius of St. Paul emerged the winner.Eventually he had written his version of Jesus's story in the Gospels of the New Testam

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The Real Kenny Powers?

When HBO premiered the show east bound and down in 209 viewers got hooked on the character Kenny Powers a lovably offensive pro baseball burnout and followed each step of his hilarious and painful self inflicted fall from grace. One of the mastermind behind the character is the shows executive producer Will Ferrell who years before it even premiered impersonated a guy named John Rocker on SNL acco

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The Real Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins is one of the most celebrated fictional characters of all time, absolutely adored by generations around the world. She is a magical character who happens to also be very believable but the creator of Mary Poppins, the Australian author Pamela Travers has until now been virtually unknown and this was by choice as Pamela refused to allow herself to become famous and let people know abou

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The Real Neanderthal Man

42,000 Years ago, the only humans in Europe made clothes, educated their young, made tools. But they weren't the same as us. Now the very latest technology can reveal exactly how they lived, the dangers they faced and the communities they made in the Neander valley in Germany.We all know the word "Neanderthal" to be an unflattering qualifier for some of our more uncultured and dim-witted fello

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