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Bitcoin: Bankers’ Worst Fear

A short documentary on the effects of the newish but controversial currency known as Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a distributed peer-to-peer digital currency that functions without the intermediation of any central authority. The concept was introduced in a 2008 paper by a pseudonymous developer known only as "Satoshi Nakamoto".

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Birthrights: The Risk of Choice

Today in the United States, the most frequent surgical procedure is the C-section, the ‘caesarian’. It is an established practice, but the World Health Organization suggests it should not exceed 15% of all deliveries. In the US, the current figure is close to 30%. The growing debate about caesarian delivery questions its safety, necessity and viability.In this film we meet both sides, those wh

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‘Every child needs a father’ is a phrase heard often enough, but is there any evidence to support it? In this enlightening documentary, child psychologist Laverne Antrobus goes on a quest to discover why a dad’s relationship with his offspring is so important. She uncovers fascinating new research which is shedding light onto the science of fatherhood.Laverne meets a new dad who is experiencin

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BioBricks: Building Blocks of Life

In the race to decode the human genome, scientists have long developed the tools that allow them to read and influence the building blocks of life. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute are able to decode the genome of Neanderthals and compare it with the human genome. Synthetic biology is no longer just practiced in university laboratories anymore. The next step could be for scientists to bring

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Billions in Change

There are 7 billion of us in the world today and we are facing some huge problems, but talk alone doesn't help someone escape from poverty, awareness doesn't reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick, that takes doing and Manoj Bhargava, the billionaire CEO of 5-Hour Energy drinks has decided to put his money towards the cause in order to better the world we live in. Bhargava is investing 9

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Billionaire’s Paradise: Inside Necker Island

People have long dreamt of living in paradise, but for most it's somewhere just out of reach. Billionaire Sir. Richard Branson has tried to do the impossible and create Utopia on his 74 acre private island called Necker, which is located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. Enjoying this garden of Eden comes at a price, one weeks stay costs over £280,000. This is the story of the guests who come to

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Bill Hicks: Archived Scraps From Beyond

Back in January of 2009, I was busy digging up some old, *old* bits & pieces of material from the internet and stitching them together. Here is a bit of an eulogy for Bill, the mood suddenly struck me to make it.In it you’ll prominently see Bill Hicks as well as his friend Kevin Booth who’s now a film producer. It also features a few of Bill’s friends, like Joe Rogan, in one particular eul

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Bill Gates: How a Geek Changed the World

The Money Programme’s Fiona Bruce gains exclusive access to Bill Gates as he prepares to step down from full-time involvement with Microsoft, the company he helped found. Gates’s company has changed the world, but he’s a controversial figure, with his ruthless business leadership contributing to Microsoft being sued by the US government. In a special one-hour edition of the Money Programme, Fion

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