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To Mars by A-Bomb: The Secret History of Project Orion

Nuclear propulsion offers speeds of 10% the speed of light and can make our solar system explorable as well as enhancing the unmanned satellite missions and furthering our knowledge. It is now clear to everyone that the USA only engaged in space exploration out of a despicable egocentric power struggle with the Soviet Union that only exists in the minds of the elites on all sides but not to every

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Today I Died

This BBC documentary is about the scientific studies of after death experiences. What happens after the body has stopped living? What experiences does the dying go through? Can the brain live on after clinical death or is it something else? What do we know about Consciousness? New science research reveals some startling findings.

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Toe Tag Parole: To Live and Die on Yard A

Many people think that serving a life sentence in jail is much better than the death sentence. This is probably true, seeing as you hold on to your life and you get to live to see your family every so often. But is it really better knowing that you have to spend your whole life confined to your jail cell and the prison where you will be kept? In a sense, it is a death sentence.For many people, m

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Tokyo Time

This is a short documentary about two college students on a journey through Japan. From the serene temples of Kyoto to the bloody Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo Time is an account of culture shock and personal discovery.

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Tom Felton Meets the Superfans

From Beatle mania to Beliebers, behind every success story there is an army of fans, most just want to show their appreciation, some take it further to prove their dedication but there is an elite group who go above and beyond the rest, they push the boundaries and walk the line between keen interest and life changing obsession, but why?In this BBC film Tom Felton, who played the villa

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Tommy Douglas: Keeper of the Flame

This feature documentary traces the political career of T.C. (Tommy) Douglas, former premier of Saskatchewan and leader of the New Democratic Party, who was voted the Greatest Canadian in 2004 for his devotion to social causes, his charm and his powers of persuasion. Known as the "Father of Medicare," this one-time champion boxer and fiery preacher entered politics in the 1930s and never loo

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Tomorrow’s World

Tomorrow’s World delves in to the world of invention, revealing the people and technologies set to transform all our lives. Liz Bonnin examines the conditions that are promising to make the 21st century a golden age of innovation and meets some of the world’s foremost visionaries, mavericks and dreamers.From a $20 million race to the moon to making ethanol from genetically modified bacteria, lev

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Too Ugly for Love

BDD, or Body Dysmorphic Disorder, is a largely undiagnosed medical condition that is said to affect 1% of the British population. Sufferers are obsessed with how they look and can spend hours obsessively grooming themselves. Often misunderstood as a vanity driven obsession, people with BDD are the opposite; they believe they are horrendously ugly. In fact they are so disgusted by their looks, one

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Too Young To Die: Sharon Tate

If we held up that mirror to the 1960s, the who is the fairest of them all mirror from the Snow White fairy tale we would probably see Sharon Tate looking back at us. Her own story like that of the decade began as something of a fairy tale but neither had a happy ending.Her professional life was on the up and up, in her private life she was married to the French-Polish film director Roman P

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