Pig Business is Big Business. This film documentary investigates the
rise of factory pig farming, a system which abuses animals, pollutes
the environment, threatens human health through dangerous overuse of
antibiotics, and wrecks rural communities. The film shows how this USA
developed system has been employed in Eastern Europe where the pork,
often produced below legal animal welfare standards, is exported to
the UK and other EU countries, putting local farmers out of business.

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These factory farms are a disgrace ! The way the animals are treated,the impact on small,local farmers,and the environment.People should try and buy free range meat – Marks and Spencers,Waitrose is best or a small local farm shop – and or cut down meat consumption or go veggie.
And now horse meat has made its way into these products, because in Romania they have banned horse and carts from roads.
Great documentary….this comment is for those who agree with factory farming….part of the reason there is hunger and poverty is because of factory farming……do some research open your eyes….the world needs to wake up
sigh… you do realize there are poor people who need this kind of industrial technology to stay alive…. i swear it makes me mad that everytime there is some sort of activist documentary about something… idiots who talk in these documents, never saw hunger and poverty, so please…. if you have food and others doesnt, you need to shut the fuck up !
*sigh* You do realize a vegan diet is in fact cheaper than a typical omnivore diet? I’ve heard of vegans living off $20 per week for groceries. Also the only reason meat is so cheap (considering it takes 16lb of grain to produce 1lb of beef, meat is very inexpensive) is because the government subsidises meat. The reason poverty even exists is because the government doesn’t have its priorities in order. Poverty, like money, is man made and can be fixed by man, if enough people would only realize how corrupt the system we are living in is.
People don’t NEED to eat meat to live. If all the world stopped eating meat there would be more than enough food to feed the world…. Factory farming meat production is one of the worst polluters on the entire planet, not to mention the horrible life and painful murder that is done to another animal, all done so people can have a burger.
Evolve Cheers, become a compassionate human and stop condoning meat and factory farming. If you really cared about poverty and hunger you would do something about it and become a vegan… and stop your ignorant swearing towards those that are trying to put the HUMAN back in Humanity.
sigh… you do realize there are poor people who need this kind of industrial technology to stay alive…. i swear it makes me mad that everytime there is some sort of activist documentary about something… idiots who talk in these documents, never saw hunger and poverty, so please…. if you have food and others doesnt, you need to shut the fuck up !
Factory Farming makes me sick.
The excellent documentary lays bare all the hallmarks of the plague that is globalization. It is not just the farm animals who are suffering, it’s you and I.
Well said…
I know people who became vegans just because of facts that this documentary produces. The harsh treatment of animals is despicable.
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