2008 Emmy Award-winning Dispatches story of an estimated 15,000 children in Africa’s Niger Delta being denounced by Christian pastors as witches and wizards and then killed, tortured or abandoned by their own families. Two-and-a-half-year-old Ellin is one such child. Found at the side of the road, her body having been severely burnt with boiling water. Nwanakwo, eight years old, had acid poured over him after being labeled a wizard, and later died. Return to Africa’s Witch Children is a documentary that follows the work of Gary Foxcroft, an Englishman whose charity, Stepping Stones, raises funds to help care for more than 150 children accused of witchcraft, and blamed for catastrophes, death and famine. Narrated by Sophie Okonedo.

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That is messed up pay up or wait 30 mins?
I wonder how that b****h lawyer would feel is someone branded her child a “Witch” or a “Wizard”, and her child was systematically abused, tortured and then murdered for something which is completely untrue. How can anyone brand these tiny little children as “Witches” or “Wizards” and also, who are they to contradict that Witchcraft and Wizardry is bad? If there was such thing then I’m sure alot of people would use it to do good, especially in s**t hole countries like that. This documentary is terrible, If I had a helicopter with some attached rockets, I would blow that stupid ass lawyer all the way to Timbuktu, stupid ass b***ch.
Gary V
Gary V
I get so fed up with people spouting their big fat mouths off, who are ignorant, thick or just plain uneducated. You people know nothing of Africa, because you have never been there. And all you know is what the moronic web and or tele tell you.
So let me explain it to all you little Christ bashers who like to run up your mouth.
Christianity has spread far and wide in parts of Africa. But in some parts of Africa Christianity is mixed with all sorts of pagan and shamanistic witch doctor voodoo crap.
These are not the Christians that you find down the local baptist church over here. Jeeez you lot are as dum as fuck
I get so fed up with people spouting their big fat mouths off, who are ignorant, thick or just plain uneducated. You people know nothing of Africa, because you have never been there. And all you know is what the moronic web and or tele tell you.
So let me explain it to all you little Christ bashers who like to run up your mouth.
Christianity has spread far and wide in parts of Africa. But in some parts of Africa Christianity is mixed with all sorts of pagan and shamanistic witch doctor voodoo crap.
These are not the Christians that you find down the local baptist church over here. Jeeez you lot are as dum as fuck
I get so fed up with people spouting their big fat mouths off, who are ignorant, thick or just plain uneducated. You people know nothing of Africa, because you have never been there. And all you know is what the moronic web and or tele tell you.
So let me explain it to all you little Christ bashers who like to run up your mouth.
Christianity has spread far and wide in parts of Africa. But in some parts of Africa Christianity is mixed with all sorts of pagan and shamanistic witch doctor voodoo crap.
These are not the Christians that you find down the local baptist church over here. Jeeez you lot are as dum as fuck
We need more Men like you Gary Foxcroft 🙂 god bless you all
We need more Men like you Gary Foxcroft 🙂 god bless you all
Why is everyone so stupid? Can’t you see that religion is just supersticious lies? It’s time for the human race to move on and get rid of idiotic traditions. As for “Secular Humanists”, “Atheists” and “Agnostics” you’re just as bad. If you want to be anything it should be anti-theist.
If this is what Christianity does to people then I’m glad that I’m a Secular Humanist. This doc just shows the evil things that Human beings can do to each other in the name of religion.
This is revolting, but please, whoever gets here to watch this documentary (which are very few, most will be watching “Britney Spears” on YouTube…), don’t think their parents are bad people, that they deserve to die or be tortured, they are just ignorant people, and they didn’t choose to be so, different from other people who are able to make this choice. It is more our fault than theirs, we are the ones to blame, because we having the knowledge we have, and the resources we have, should be doing something to help them, instead of just saying “oh! how bad, i hope it changes”.
Ignorance is what makes the evil, it has always been, from the slavery, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, prejudice, to the blindness from the different faiths (which effects the documentary shows).
The ONLY thing that can change this is education, laws may temporarily help, but they won’t extinguish the belief, and we (people who are aware of it) have the power change this, there are many ways to help, from publishing, sharing links, donating money, to going over there like Gary Foxcroft, so find your way of helping, don’t just be like everybody else and easily do nothing…
This is revolting, but please, whoever gets here to watch this documentary (which are very few, most will be watching “Britney Spears” on YouTube…), don’t think their parents are bad people, that they deserve to die or be tortured, they are just ignorant people, and they didn’t choose to be so, different from other people who are able to make this choice. It is more our fault than theirs, we are the ones to blame, because we having the knowledge we have, and the resources we have, should be doing something to help them, instead of just saying “oh! how bad, i hope it changes”.
Ignorance is what makes the evil, it has always been, from the slavery, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, prejudice, to the blindness from the different faiths (which effects the documentary shows).
The ONLY thing that can change this is education, laws may temporarily help, but they won’t extinguish the belief, and we (people who are aware of it) have the power change this, there are many ways to help, from publishing, sharing links, donating money, to going over there like Gary Foxcroft, so find your way of helping, don’t just be like everybody else and easily do nothing…
It doesnt supprize me at all ..Its just the poor innocent kids I am concern with as it cuts my heart like a knife to realized that we the black race are lacking proper education. and his bitterly slaughtering our childern .I am from the caribbean and I am here as a result of the same black Africans who sell out the country and capture my foreparent and sold them into slavery.
There are no love for humainty in the mother land its for material things and we will continue to face these kind of evil until one of us who are wealth take up arms and do the honourable deeds of Moses , David, and Joshua but forming a harm force that hunt and distroy all those who commit these crimes against these innocent kids.
My friends do not speak of goevrnment cos they are the biggest sellout of the black people, their home land and its wealth …these guys need to be piosoned as they fed form the land and their death must be grusomely exectued.
They foster these behavior by keeping the people poor in a bit for power and supreme rule forcing people to resort to desparate meassures.
To the innocent Kids .. worry not my child the lord remembers you as he look down on his humble subject you the child …. there will be an end to it all and your tears and blood wont go unnotice by God and his angels …. they shall pay along with their kids and all involved… God be with these kids and swiftly cut off those involved in this evil …may it be done heavently one..
As an African I believe that part of this is due to ignorance and exploitation by our own people.
Warms the heart good on you mate !
why the hell doesnt he know what is happenening in his country…hes there to meet and say a speech to them and doesnt even know what to say or what they are all doing there..what sort of governing do they have there dummies right at the top too!
what a pack of fools how dum are they!
Link for you:
God gave us a free will. It is easy to blame a God for something that humans or sometimes also called “animals” are doing to each other. Free will is a powerful thing that can have a terrible consequences. Just remember that Einstein told the world trough the mathematical formula that energy cannot be destroyed, so after death comes for us a new life will begin!
Don’t be fucking stupid. You don’t know that. You only believe it in your brainwashed confused mind. You don’t know what happens when you die. I am really fed up of hearing nonsense from empty brains. and you do not know if there is any god. How could you?
I refer to divine presence but its not controlling nor does it create things out of nothing which religions or [bibles] have said.
Also the god or gods that created us are actually beings from other planets. DNA doesn’t lie. Look at our Junk DNA. oh and chromosomes.
Also when we die we actually join up with our extraterrestrial planet races which is referred to heaven. Or if you think inner plains you can go there as well join the people that havent exited the dimension downwards.
Theres many dimensions through the universe. Were coming to the next stage in human evolution which people will move up plains. It will happen just like it happened to the Ancients. Mayans, the old civilizations.
Atlantis is close again and our creators are coming back. NASA has been having a hard time hiding the photos of planetary space ships coming closer to earth each day.
oh and that dwarf star which also has planets around it has come back into our solar system and coming right back close to earth.
That World Nibiru is also said in the bible as the destroyer and dragons and lizards will once again roam the earth.
As they did in the old days and the days after those days. Or I should say years. Thousands of years ago.
People better be ready.
Ex Royal Canadian Military Air Force Cadet
Oh and the air force gets alot more activity of the paranormal and “alien” activities that happen on this beautiful planet.
P.S. watch out for Greys also known as DOWs in military, there not your friends. If they abduct you, you probably have a chip in you screwing your emotional traits and many more things. Kill on sight. There clones.
They are controlled by the Draco. Yes they are Dragons.
They come from the Draco constellation. Or in English the Dragon constellation. DOWs or Greys come from Orions belt.
Oh and Atlantis was destroyed by the Draco if anyone was wondering. There also referred to as the demons or Satan/s under the earth. They can grab you when your exiting your body when you die and bring you to there domain under the earth.
Thats why Hell is in every religion. There also referred to having horns tails, wings. Because the Draco do. There reptilians obviously as they are Dragons. They are in everything! Just look at how many stories there in or pictures and fables in ancient civilizations. Also fairy tales and all that stuff.
Run you ass off if you see one. There the most scariest thing you will ever see. Big huge Bastards with no care for any life. Oh and there the reason why so many children are missing.
Just a P.S. note for everyone. Hope it makes things clearer for people.
As well as all the fighting of everyone saying no thats not true or screw you god will get you.
Its time people started waking up.
WTF!!! If you are trying to “clear things up” you have failed miserably. Sorry, but that’s seems like gibberish to me. As do others , I suspect.
Ok then feel free to believe what you believe.
Ive done my part in telling you. Lots of people have died saying that information.
Bill Cooper for one.
Very vital information I must point out.
Look up the Montauk Project.
No worries dude. Next time I see a lizard in the yard, I’ll get the cat right on it.
Religion is the mechanism by which these bad men acquire authority. It allows for an untouchable priest class who hold the power of life and death over children. I don’t blame God, I blame faith.
As for the conservation of energy goes; the second law of thermodynamics says that energy also dissipates. There is no new life we’re approaching; the cosmos will become cold and lifeless and remain like that forever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_fate_of_the_universe
A very informative doc on how terribly bad Nigerian children are treated if they are suspected of being witches or wizards. I have to say that seeing the work that is being done to help shelter these children is very touching.
God has the blood of hundreds of children on his hand. This is why I’m an atheist.
You mean Christians have tons of blood on their hand. If your an atheist you dont believe in god- you arent “against” him.