Ross travels to Haiti to find out how life is there now one year on from the earthquake which devastated the island.

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Ross travels to Haiti to find out how life is there now one year on from the earthquake which devastated the island.
I have been there as a cameraman for one of the networks. This is the real deal. A very accurate account of conditions in Haiti.
i’m sick of people bad mouthing Ross Kemp! the guy risks his life in just about every documentary’s he does in order to show the world the most dangerous places and situations that people live everyday, walk a mile in his shoes before you go judging anything that he does!, all you haters don’t have the balls to do what he does, so keep your simpleminded iggorant comments to yourself
i’m sick of people bad mouthing Ross Kemp! the guy risks his life in just about every documentary’s he does in order to show the world the most dangerous places and situations that people live everyday, walk a mile in his shoes before you go judging anything that he does!, all you haters don’t have the balls to do what he does, so keep your simpleminded iggorant comments to yourself
i’m sick of people bad mouthing Ross Kemp! the guy risks his life in just about every documentary’s he does in order to show the world the most dangerous places and situations that people live everyday, walk a mile in his shoes before you go judging anything that he does!, all you haters don’t have the balls to do what he does, so keep your simpleminded iggorant comments to yourself
These programs are not about your ego you bald headed twat !!! fuck you !!!
its clear this program went completely over your head, arrogant fool
its clear this program went completely over your head, arrogant fool
Good comment.
Good comment.
Haiti’s people could solve their own shit out then..if they didn’t like the water, food, medical aid etc. what we gave them.
..Meanwhile in Japan they’re sorting their country back to order.
I’m going to assume you weren’t joking. Do you understand the difference between Japan as the 3rd largest economy in the world and Haiti as the poorest economy in the whole of the Americas? It’s not that they didn’t like the aid it’s that most of it did not get to them and that they have lost everything and can see no possible hope for the future. Do you really thinking if you were starving, homeless and living in disease ridden quaters, you would say “Oh but they gave us some food and water before so we shouldn’t ask for more”?
all the aid money gets sucked up by fat capitalism loving yankee puppets.
then again its the same with any charity nowadays, too many ppl only out for themselves at the expense of others.