Ross Kemp travels to Kingston, Jamaica, the murder capital of the world, were gangs historically aligned to Jamaica’s two political parties. Ross discovers the gangs have moved away from their political roots and now engage in a bloody turf war, funded by drugs and driven by tit-for-tat reprisals, that has spawned a new generation of even more violent gangs.

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No solution at all to these problems. None at all.
the don in last segment, was an extremely sincere and articulate dude, unapologetic……..their struggle is sad, a dude with his composure, intelligence and heart, could be pretty much anything he wanted to be given the opportunity…..but I guess he feels it necessary to do what he does…..I know its misguided and ultimately devastating to the well being of their society, but you can tell he believes its necessary. I know a ton of you folk will disagree with me here but I have mad respect for that…..more heart than most
wow Ross Kemp seem to be knowledgeable in weapons.special agent? just
i dont know if this is sarcasm but he played a gangster in a british soap called ‘east enders’ for years.. i dont think he has special expertease. im guessing its just good research..
i dont know if this is sarcasm but he played a gangster in a british soap called ‘east enders’ for years.. i dont think he has special expertease. im guessing its just good research..