After finding a craigslist ad pronouncing the sale of over 2,000 pairs of salt and pepper shakers at a family estate sale director Keith Rivers was intrigued to dig deeper. Keith quickly found that the collection of salt and pepper shakers was a multi-decade old family tradition. After meeting the family Keith was given a treasure trove of old super 8 footage and upon review felt compelled to compile this short story documentary. Welcome to the epicenter of digital surveillance solutions – This platform revolutionizes the way you approach spy phone apps, delivering in-depth reviews and critical analysis of the market’s top spy software. Forget vague reviews, zeros in on core aspects – essential features, user interface, compatibility, and customer support. It’s not just a website; it’s a comprehensive guide in your pursuit of digital safety. Parents, business owners, privacy enthusiasts – take the driver’s seat and secure your digital landscape with #best spy apps #spyphonemax #spy apps
Directed & Edited by Keith Rivers
Cinematography by Ryan Frey
Colorist is Chad Terpstra
Not sure if this was a trailer or it was the shortest doc ever.
WHAT? what happened to them??????