
Shots In The Dark: Silence On Vaccine

Since they were introduced in the early 20th century, vaccines have been a tremendous medical and scientific success. Today perceived as a necessity, they are so familiar to us that their potential risks are rarely mentioned.

However, the stakes are significant. Based on recommendations of health agencies, North American children receive about 48 doses of 14 different vaccines before the age of 6 – double the amount prescribed 25 years earlier. Despite this extraordinary increase, few studies independent of the pharmaceutical industry have been conducted into their long-term side effects. This is a disturbing situation given the numerous toxins, including mercury and aluminum, contained in some commonly administered vaccines.

Several worried pediatricians and scientists are sounding the alarm. Some of the research underway indicates that vaccination is directly responsible for immune or neurological disorders among certain people genetically or neurologically predisposed to react badly to vaccine components. Cases of autism, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, encephalitis, paralysis and neuropathies indicate the seriousness of the situation.

Despite these findings, the pharmaceutical industry and government authorities deny there is a serious problem. Relying on perfunctory studies, some of which date back to the late 1920s, they reject out of hand any cause-and-effect relationship. Given the known fact that adding preservatives such as thimerosal (mercury) helps reduce production costs, the reaction of the pharmaceutical industry is at the very least puzzling. Preferring not to question a system that has proved its worth, a majority of the medical profession’s members reject any potential toxicity in vaccines.

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  1. Relax! – A new era is dawning on humanity – No diseases, no drugs, no vaccines, no vaccine industry, no pharmaceutical industry, no doctors, no hospital, no “therapies” like slicing, poisoning and burning, etc. BS – We humans will stay absolutely healthy all the time, living our Endless Lives – Any infections, allergies, cancers, polio, TB, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and any other diseases, known on Earth, will be erased from the face of the planet in just a few days, if everybody (kids and adults) start doing my discovery (just an exercise for a minute a day – the greatest discovery of all time on Earth and maybe in the Universe) – My WVCD – The Weapon of Virus and Cancer Destruction – By far more powerful than the human immune system, keeping it intact all the time, for any pathogens are killed the moment they touch us – We humans will possess the Infinite Health and we will become Immortal – Just like the Extraterrestrials, like our Creators from the planet of Nibiru – The Anunnaki, if I am paid 5 billion bucks to disclose my discovery – Just 25 million bucks per country in the world – As a proof of the power of my discovery, for more than 5 years now, I never got sick even of the common cold, my blood sugar level is 300 mg/dl, but I am not sick of diabetes, for I cannot get sick of it, or of any other diseases – I am the healthiest person on the planet, I am absolutely free to eat any food I like, no restrictions whatsoever, doing my discovery for just a minute a day – The only way on Earth for everybody to stay absolutely healthy all the time and of course being Immortal, for Infinite Health = Immortality.

  2. In the MMR vaccine controversy, a fraudulent 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield, originally published in The Lancet, presented supposed evidence that the MMR vaccine (an immunization against measles, mumps and rubella that is typically first administered to children shortly after their first birthday) was linked to the onset of autism spectrum disorders.[40] The article was widely criticized for lack of scientific rigour, partially retracted in 2004 by Wakefield’s co-authors,[41] and was fully retracted by The Lancet in 2010.[42]Wakefield was struck off the UK’s medical registry for the fraud.[43]

    This Lancet article has sparked a much greater anti-vaccination movement, primarily in the United States. Even though the article was fraudulent and was retracted, 1 in 4 parents still believe vaccines can cause autism.[44] Many parents do not vaccinate their children because they feel that diseases are no longer present due to all the vaccinations.[45] This is a false assumption, since some diseases could still return. These pathogens could possibly infect vaccinated people, due to the pathogen’s ability to mutate when it is able to live in unvaccinated hosts. In 2010, there was a whooping cough outbreak in California that was the worst outbreak in 50 years. A possible contributing factor was parents choosing to exempt their children from vaccinations.[46] There was also a case in Texas in 2012 where 21 members of a church contracted measles because they chose to abstain from immunizations.

  3. Wait a minute – all you smart guys saying ‘do your research’ – I have an idea for you. Look up: Diploid Cells – HUMAN CELL CULTURES.

    Viruses that infect humans need specific human-like conditions in the lab/factory to make mass-production possible. They need the cells that the virus wants to attack. So we use all kinds of fun cells – Dog kidneys, caterpillar skin, eggs and where we can’t get a close enough match – good old Diploid cells – AKA: ABORTED FETAL TISSUE. Yes – that’s dead baby… baby!

    So for example WI-38 (fetal cell line) used in the Rubella vaccine, is dead lung tissue – which they inject into your body – because they don’t separate it, they just kill it, with poisons (but it’s just a little bit of poison). Vaccine science 101 says that the body sees Rubella vaccine and learns to kill rubella… (no possible adverse affects from the poisons, heavy metals and detergents). But what nobody wants to talk about is the DEAD LUNG TISSUE floating around in your bloodstream! Had you eaten it, (crazy cannibal), enzymes and acids would make sure that no genetic code enters your blood. But you injected it, so there it is – Now your immune system which is learning how to kill Rubella, is ALSO learning how to kill whatever is left of the lung tissue genetic code. It’s only a partial print, but sometimes it’s enough for your body to start seeing this partial code all over YOUR lungs – who now become the enemy. You now have an AUTO-IMMUNE response against your lungs. How many kids had asthma 30 years ago? Remind me?

    Now you research hounds – go sniff out how many different types of human organs are being ‘represented’ (genetically matched) by the vaccine industry in order to grow their viruses – match that up to known chronic auto immune diseases that affect each organ and compare the increase in each of these ailments with the changes in the vaccine schedule over the last 50 years.

    I highly recommend you use World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control and as many big pharma Manuals like Merck and Pfizer literature to put two and 2 together. Wouldn’t want you barking up the wrong tree.

    Prove me wrong – but do it right.

  4. I think everyone should get vaccines… well… everyone else. YOU vaccinate YOUR kids and play the russian roulette… and ill gladly reap the benefits of group immunity for my kids, who are not vaccinated. When anyone asks my opinion if they should vaccinate their kids, i say go for it! But im not takibg that gamble on mine. I didnt even let them do the vitamin k shots at birth… those freaks can keep their needles out of my babies.

  5. In the latest attempt to
    “prove” vaccines don’t cause autism, the Institute of Medicine ended up
    admitting that standard childhood shots can cause brain inflammation,
    infection, body encephalitis, pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis and more. -William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

    • I developed an extreme mood disorder shortly after receiving a tetanus/diphtheria vaccination when I was 18 years old– in the summer of 2012. There probably was aluminum phosphate in that shot, and possibly trace amounts of thimerosal in it as well. Now, in 2022, I still have ups and downs with my mental health but I’m a lot more stable than I once was.

    • All medical drugs have some side effects. Any time you go the your GP’s surgery, and are proscribed a set of antibiotics then they’ll come with a long list of side effects, the worst of which are often long term or can even cause death. This doesn’t mean that all drug use should be stopped any more than the possibility of some side effects of vaccines should stop their use.
      I believe that one of the main problems with many people’s perception of vaccines is that they aren’t designed to treat current symptoms; they are a preventative not a cure. That doesn’t mean they don’t work, it just means that many people don’t believe they are needed. Because the vaccines work so effectively we no longer see many of the diseases they protect us against on a daily basis. This means that people believe the vaccines are no longer needed.
      I fully understand that this doesn’t count as hard scientific evidence but the strong correlation between the MMR scandal and the current outbreak of measles in Wales among the non-vaccinated population must show some signs that they are proving effective

  6. I personally believe anyone who does not vaccinate their child , and that child later falls victim of some kind of disease that either kills them or leaves them with permanent repercussions,(like brain damage)  should be tried for manslaughter or child abuse.
    Wake up people… we live in the 21st century, not the dark ages. Any adult who has been vaccinated as a child ….has NO RIGHT to deny an innocent child the rights to the same benefit you take for granted. If you have recieved no vaccines whatsoever your whole life and are a healthy adult of at least average IQ, have had no illness related surgeries, and live a life where you come into contact with other people everyday and don’t wear a space suit THEN and only THEN do you have the right to talk!

    I agree that “Big Pharma” does charge way too much (that is NOT the issue here)  and yes, some vaccines for illnesses that can be over come with some old fashioned bed rest are unnecessary,  but that does not mean that vaccines like MMR should be just dismissed as snake oil …you’ve been totally brainwashed by some special interest group or some crazy new age quack…for god knows what purpose. 

    • OMG are you serious?  Do you know my grandmother had no vaccine sas did no one she knew because they weren’t around.  She doesn’t “wear a space” suit nor does she even take ANY medications – quite impressive for a woman in her 90’s.  I have no idea what you are talking about there with space suits & surgeries…???  My father did though, sadly, probably GIVE his best friend polio because he had not yet been vaxed & they gave live vaxes back in that day.  Within 2 weeks of my dad gettig his vax, his BFF was in an iron lung.  So much for us curing polio.  Did you catch the news reports of how many people we GAVE polio to in 2009 in Nigeria with the same foolishness:

      You know who supports me most in not vaxing?  These people – the older ones, my gramma & aunts & uncles & such – people who remember the illnesses & realize that they aren’t as scary as the propaganda machines makes them out to be.  I also didn’t have the vast majority of what they vax for today AND a few they did vax for then, but they didn’t do it so early or often.  So for instance I had mumps before I was a year old.  I *think* tha twas my 1st “vaccine preventable” disease as they’d call it today.

      I think you ought to step back, rethink where you live, what civil liberties actually means, and ask yourself if compulsory prophalactic medical treatments is something you REALLY believe belongs within any free society?  I sure as heck don’t.  I wouldn’t want ot deny anyoen access to whatever kind of healthcare they want NOR would I want to force it on anyone – particularly those that are NOT ill.

      And my starting to rethink vaccines really started when my Dh got a shot for an oversease trip we were planning to take & went immediatly into convulsions.  Before then it never really occurred to me to question what was worse.  I wasn’t afraid of illnessess.  I’d ahd a few – I just figured if you could skip them, why not…then I saw him nearly die.  You bet your butt I wasn’t letting a Dr sweet talk me abou thwo unlikely it was my child would have the sam ereaction.  I saw a grown man drop, shake violently & piss himself.  You won’t ever touch my child with that garbage.  And the shot?  Hep B – we never had that as kids – we are “too old” for when that one started.  That is also, by chance, the SAME one they now want ot give newborns before they even get discharged.

      • I only wanted to add – the Dr who administered teh vaccine actually refused to say it was related to teh vax & instead listed whathappened ot my Dh as “fainting”.  I have worked in a medical field for over 15 yrs prior & I’ve never seen anyone “faint” like THAT in my life & I’ve seen fainting.  My Dh was fine – we were getting ready to leave, he told me he couldn’t hear & he felt funny & then he dropped.

  7. No offense. But anybody who thinks vaccines are completely safe has no clue what the are talking about. And most people dont know that the CDC(Center for Disease Control) actually operates as a huge marketing agency for pharmaceutical companies but because they called themselves the Center for Disease Control people asume that they are a credible federal scientific institution which is completely wrong! The best marketing in the world is when you dont realise that you are being marketed too. And someone said that vaccines account for only a small percentage of the profits but HELLO the global profit of the industry is 500 billion so let’s say there profits are only 100 BILLION!!! HELLO WAKE UP YOU DUMMIE!! You think they wouldn’t lie for that much money!!
    Some people lie for $100. And vaccines make us sick and weakens our immune system which is the reason why they make $400 billion in drug sales(for example). Man oh man…Some people have really not done there research!! And when the media tells you that flu season is coming and that you should get your vaccine shots well this is marketing…the drug companies spend over 20 billion dollars per year on marketing and it is the most profitable industry in the world by far!!! Trust me, i’ve done my research and will debate anyone on this subject….200ppm of mercury is considered toxic waste according to Federal standards and the avergage vaccine use to have 50000pmm(250 times what is considered toxic waste for an adult) and this is given to a new born baby who doesn’t have any immune system yet to fight this!! FREGGIN HELLO…LIKE I SAID BEFORE…IF YOU WANT TO DEBATE THEN GO LEARN SOMETHING BEFORE YOU COME AND DEBATE!!


  8. No offense. But anybody who thinks vaccines are completely safe has no clue what the are talking about. And most people dont know that the CDC(Center for Disease Control) actually operates as a huge marketing agency for pharmaceutical companies but because they called themselves the Center for Disease Control people asume that they are a credible federal scientific institution which is completely wrong! The best marketing in the world is when you dont realise that you are being marketed too. And someone said that vaccines account for only a small percentage of the profits but HELLO the global profit of the industry is 500 billion so let’s say there profits are only 100 BILLION!!! HELLO WAKE UP YOU DUMMIE!! You think they wouldn’t lie for that much money!!
    Some people lie for $100. And vaccines make us sick and weakens our immune system which is the reason why they make $400 billion in drug sales(for example). Man oh man…Some people have really not done there research!! And when the media tells you that flu season is coming and that you should get your vaccine shots well this is marketing…the drug companies spend over 20 billion dollars per year on marketing and it is the most profitable industry in the world by far!!! Trust me, i’ve done my research and will debate anyone on this subject….200ppm of mercury is considered toxic waste according to Federal standards and the avergage vaccine use to have 50000pmm(250 times what is considered toxic waste for an adult) and this is given to a new born baby who doesn’t have any immune system yet to fight this!! FREGGIN HELLO…LIKE I SAID BEFORE…IF YOU WANT TO DEBATE THEN GO LEARN SOMETHING BEFORE YOU COME AND DEBATE!!


  9. There is no, and i repeat NO (null, nothing, nada, none, nichts, rien du tout, zip) link between vaccinations and autism or related conditions. Neither is autism an illness, disease or a handicap, rather a condition or a way the brain is wired together. It’s not broken, it just works differently. Especially when it comes to the so called higher functioning cases. In many of the more severe cases there’s also a lower than average IQ which causes many of the problems, or comorbidity with other conditions. It also doesn’t have to be an obstacle for living a rich, productive and valuable life (as long as there’s not some serious other impairment) and it’s dealt with in the right way (note how I said ‘dealt’ and not ‘treated’ there).

    Most serious scientists agree the cause for autism almost certainly is to be found in the genes wich are carried over trough the male side of the family. That’s what’s raises question about whether it’s an illness. Because if these genes have survived trough generations, they may have been useful in evolutionary terms as many key inventors, thinkers, rulers and artists have displayed more than a few autistic traits.

    This is coming from someone who has studied neuropsychology, and was himself diagnosed as having asperger’s syndrome. It’s a complex subject and many things are unclear and misunderstood about it, even by the best experts. It’s ironic that the vaccine story is causing such a shitstorm, while that’s one of the few things we are actually pretty sure about.

    The vaccine story was initiated by a study that was discredited as quickly as it was released. Alas, as it goes, it was picked up by tabloid newspapers of dubious reputation that went to town with it. It also fell like hot cookies on the plates of the kind of overprotective soccermoms Sarah Palin represent so well. Instead of just loving their children, they are more concerned with them appearing ‘normal’ in school and vaccines give them a way to blame other entities for anything that;s less than perfect in their lives.

    If you don’t vaccinate your children, you are not keeping them safe from autism, you are however putting them at a huge risk for a couple of highly volatile, very real diseases, this risks of which we in the west may have forgotten about because they were driven into near extinction by worldwide inoculation programs. Worse, many of these diseases have graver consequences when contracted at a later stage, and you might contract a variant that may be a resistant to antibiotics or other cures thus making it as good as untreatable.

    There are cases of children reacting badly to vaccination, and some reaction is expected as the whole idea is injecting a near-harmless dose or variant of a virus, so the immune system can get ‘used’ to it and build the appropriate response. The human body is a complex system, so more extreme reactions could be down to allergies (most people are allergic to at least something, often without knowing it) or other ways the system is configured. Drugs don’t have the same effect for everybody, same with vaccines. So there is absolutely a risk there, but there’s the same and often bigger risks involved with any medical procedure and those risks may or may have not been covered up in the past in some places, but even if the cases in which it went wrong are sad, they are within normal variations. They are in any case preferable to going back to the situation where millions of children die every year of diseases we know perfectly well how to prevent and treat. Withholding research data shames the person that does the act, but going back to that would shame us as humanity.

    The people that repeat this kind of paranoid nonsense usually get this kind of tabloid paper message and very little else. The panic on the basis of hearsay, basically. Any idiot can make a webpage or story about something, and many idiots do. The lone fact that they are the kind of people that have the time to do something like that is a testement to the amount of excitement they get otherwise. Read the research, it is easy to find and you will know exactly what we know and don’t know. It’s easy to single out the research that supports your view, and allows you to make the links you want to make, but the entire body of research going back to about the second war just doesn’t support it.

    So, Brendan may be rude about it, but he is right. No need to attack supermom though, as her kids have obvious adverse reactions to them, so it would foolish to force it on them. First of all, do no harm… and free choice is ALWAYS the principle, even though the downside is that people may make the choices we’d rather have they didn’t. The people that wilfully expose their own children to entirely preventable diseases based on something they read or heard about somewhere..yeah, they’re total idiots.

    • I suggest you read Dr Russell Blaylocks Wellness Report titled “The Trouble With Vaccines”. He is a Neurosurgeon.
      Make sure you read the whole report…

  10. There is no, and i repeat NO (null, nothing, nada, none, nichts, rien du tout, zip) link between vaccinations and autism or related conditions. Neither is autism an illness, disease or a handicap, rather a condition or a way the brain is wired together. It’s not broken, it just works differently. Especially when it comes to the so called higher functioning cases. In many of the more severe cases there’s also a lower than average IQ which causes many of the problems, or comorbidity with other conditions. It also doesn’t have to be an obstacle for living a rich, productive and valuable life (as long as there’s not some serious other impairment) and it’s dealt with in the right way (note how I said ‘dealt’ and not ‘treated’ there).

    Most serious scientists agree the cause for autism almost certainly is to be found in the genes wich are carried over trough the male side of the family. That’s what’s raises question about whether it’s an illness. Because if these genes have survived trough generations, they may have been useful in evolutionary terms as many key inventors, thinkers, rulers and artists have displayed more than a few autistic traits.

    This is coming from someone who has studied neuropsychology, and was himself diagnosed as having asperger’s syndrome. It’s a complex subject and many things are unclear and misunderstood about it, even by the best experts. It’s ironic that the vaccine story is causing such a shitstorm, while that’s one of the few things we are actually pretty sure about.

    The vaccine story was initiated by a study that was discredited as quickly as it was released. Alas, as it goes, it was picked up by tabloid newspapers of dubious reputation that went to town with it. It also fell like hot cookies on the plates of the kind of overprotective soccermoms Sarah Palin represent so well. Instead of just loving their children, they are more concerned with them appearing ‘normal’ in school and vaccines give them a way to blame other entities for anything that;s less than perfect in their lives.

    If you don’t vaccinate your children, you are not keeping them safe from autism, you are however putting them at a huge risk for a couple of highly volatile, very real diseases, this risks of which we in the west may have forgotten about because they were driven into near extinction by worldwide inoculation programs. Worse, many of these diseases have graver consequences when contracted at a later stage, and you might contract a variant that may be a resistant to antibiotics or other cures thus making it as good as untreatable.

    There are cases of children reacting badly to vaccination, and some reaction is expected as the whole idea is injecting a near-harmless dose or variant of a virus, so the immune system can get ‘used’ to it and build the appropriate response. The human body is a complex system, so more extreme reactions could be down to allergies (most people are allergic to at least something, often without knowing it) or other ways the system is configured. Drugs don’t have the same effect for everybody, same with vaccines. So there is absolutely a risk there, but there’s the same and often bigger risks involved with any medical procedure and those risks may or may have not been covered up in the past in some places, but even if the cases in which it went wrong are sad, they are within normal variations. They are in any case preferable to going back to the situation where millions of children die every year of diseases we know perfectly well how to prevent and treat. Withholding research data shames the person that does the act, but going back to that would shame us as humanity.

    The people that repeat this kind of paranoid nonsense usually get this kind of tabloid paper message and very little else. The panic on the basis of hearsay, basically. Any idiot can make a webpage or story about something, and many idiots do. The lone fact that they are the kind of people that have the time to do something like that is a testement to the amount of excitement they get otherwise. Read the research, it is easy to find and you will know exactly what we know and don’t know. It’s easy to single out the research that supports your view, and allows you to make the links you want to make, but the entire body of research going back to about the second war just doesn’t support it.

    So, Brendan may be rude about it, but he is right. No need to attack supermom though, as her kids have obvious adverse reactions to them, so it would foolish to force it on them. First of all, do no harm… and free choice is ALWAYS the principle, even though the downside is that people may make the choices we’d rather have they didn’t. The people that wilfully expose their own children to entirely preventable diseases based on something they read or heard about somewhere..yeah, they’re total idiots.

  11. In the 1960s I was a uni student and as a pt job I typed up medical records for a large hospital. (Evenings) I can testify (1st) hand that there were
    several hand written changes that I had to incorperate in reports to down play, and cover up insidents regarding bad reactions to vaccines. Yes your right, Im sure it all better now.

  12. In the 1960s I was a uni student and as a pt job I typed up medical records for a large hospital. (Evenings) I can testify (1st) hand that there were
    several hand written changes that I had to incorperate in reports to down play, and cover up insidents regarding bad reactions to vaccines. Yes your right, Im sure it all better now.

  13. @supermom. Just so you’re aware, there isn’t a single legitimate study that has concluded there is a link between any of the above mentioned illnesses, and vaccines. Additionally, vaccines make up a very, very small portion of pharmaceutical sales, so there is little chance that companies would be promoting them for the sake of profit alone. I also want to say that your actions are putting other children at risk. Your stupidity is a danger to the public. The reason we don’t have widespread pandemics like we once did is because of vaccines. So when a you see the rates of things like mumps rise, and young boys go sterile, I want you to take some of the credit. Asshole.

    • Its interesting to hear you say these things. I believe suggestions such as yours should have its references cited to prove credibility. I have done my own research exploring dozens of reports from Doctors in various fields from Neurosurgery, Oncology, Pediatrics, and Cardiology who all state proof of the exact opposite of what you claim. There is proof of vaccines causing all of the above mentioned illnesses. There is also proof that the vaccine industry is a major driving force behind policy. Where do you get your information? You sound like a news reporter. Everything you said sounds like classic propaganda. Congratulations, Keep following the herd Sheep! If you want to open your mind and see some real info that the media and brainwashed doctors don’t have, check out Dr Russell Blaylocks Wellness Reports. He has several reports outlining risks of vaccines.

    • Brendan. I dont normally stoop down into dumb-minded arguments, but seeing how ugly you were to reply in such a way to someone’s honest opinion fourced me to reply!
      If you used your up most conscious intelligence, “which you obviusly havent found yet” then you would have noted the she said “each to there own”

      and reading your comment saying “your stupidity is a danger to public” and that she is putting her kids at risk????? all i can say is i really hope you are a 10 years old or near to, cos with opinions like that, it would be understandable.
      you can have your opinion, but you have no right to abuse another.

      Grow up and have some respect please. (this isnt a kids website)

    • Brendan. I dont normally stoop down into dumb-minded arguments, but seeing how ugly you were to reply in such a way to someone’s honest opinion fourced me to reply!
      If you used your up most conscious intelligence, “which you obviusly havent found yet” then you would have noted the she said “each to there own”

      and reading your comment saying “your stupidity is a danger to public” and that she is putting her kids at risk????? all i can say is i really hope you are a 10 years old or near to, cos with opinions like that, it would be understandable.
      you can have your opinion, but you have no right to abuse another.

      Grow up and have some respect please. (this isnt a kids website)

      •  I suggest you do some reading on herd immunity, as it turns out not vaccinating your child is a risk to the public, particularly the very young and old. The afore mentioned argument is based on fact, making there ramblings at least credible – therefore suggesting a higher age than 10.

        • Once again….Were did you hear that? The news right, or maybe some doctor who really doesn’t know any better. Herd Immunity is a myth. All the major diseases claimed to have been eradicated by vaccines were already in major decline prior to mass vaccination implementation, there is proof of this. Think about it! Why would a few unvaccinated children put anyone other than themselves at risk? If the vaccines are so great and work so well, than those young and old you claim are at risk should be fine…Right? Propaganda!
          Keep following the heard Sheep! 

        • some epidemics are engineered. mercury isnt safe for the brain. neither is aluminum. autoimmune reactions and blood on the brain are not uncommon for infants who die because of a recent vaccination. there is a government run adverse reaction compensation program ( so adverse reactions and death from vaccines is documented and does happen though people are too stuck in the herd mentality to have any benefits from herd immunity. 

  14. All I can say is I feel like I made the right choice to stop vaccinating my children. My first born was up to date until she was four and was ill so often despite the fact that we did everything right. Washing hands, even being a stay at home mom, with no day care or preschool. THen we had our son. We postponed any vaccines till 6 months. After his second round of vaccines, his leg had a knot the size of a clementine or small orange. He was ill for over 10 days and on day 8 after the shot, he had gotten so lethargic I took him to the ER. I was informed that NONE of those things were normal by the CDC and not to continue vaccinating him. The CDC, as well as a ton of my own reseach, showed me that vaccines, though they can be lifesaving, can also be just as life threatening and are also often unnecessary to have healthy children. One study I read, showed that a children who had NOT been vaccinated but brought up in America, the same situation as my children, with a stay at home mother who isn’t overdoing the handwashing and has a relatively clean home often had a stronger immune system than that of a vaccinated child in the same living situation. Our third child is completely unvaccinated and has progressed much faster in development than our other two. Obviously, to each their own; I just think that if I only had half the vaccines they push today and I’m fine and well educated, then my children will do the same if not better with none.

    • But you’re benefiting from everyone else vaccinating their children. This is why it’s so important for everyone who can get vaccinated to do so–so that those who actually do have serious reactions and can’t get the vaccines are more or less protected by herd immunity.

    • You made an excellent choice, and I applaud you for being brave enough not to flow the heard, it is very possible for entire civilizations to be wrong. Look at the Holocaust…
      I agree with you 100%

  15. Lol…this makes me laugh- why do they mention the *possibility* that these vaccines *could* be implicated in all sorts of rare illnesses- but not mention much about the millions who’s lived have been saved—ridiculous!

  16. Ponte Vedra where this took place is filled with nothing but over-privileged schmucks.

  17. Hi all, when I’m reading this I know that U know this topic very good.