Sibel Edmonds, a 32-year-old Turkish-American, was hired as a translator by the FBI shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 because of her knowledge of Middle Eastern languages. She was fired less than a year later in March 2002 for reporting shoddy work and security breaches to her supervisors that could have prevented those attacks.

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Well, done Sibel! Some day, those guilty will be served justice, I am sure of that. I too had a gaging order set upon me by the reinsurance company I worked for at the time of the event. I am sure they too had prior knowledge, as they sent us to cancel all their contracts in the middle east a few weeks before 9/11!
Brains, looks and balls.. What a remarkable woman.
Brains, looks and balls.. What a remarkable woman.
Brains, looks and balls.. What a remarkable woman.
Excellent documentary, that woman is really courageous. One day truth will come about that criminal bunch of neo-con or we will definitively know the game has long been lost…I still believe despise the general apathy about these questions…Thanks documentary heaven for these great docs!
Excellent documentary, that woman is really courageous. One day truth will come about that criminal bunch of neo-con or we will definitively know the game has long been lost…I still believe despise the general apathy about these questions…Thanks documentary heaven for these great docs!
It is incredible that the dangerous fundamentalist nonsense documentaries like “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” (Creationism) are among the most popular and commented here, while this chillingly relevant investigation into the powerful neo-con mindset seems not to have raised a ripple.
Neo Conservative is just a fancy way to describe the conniving cabal of self-interest-at-all-costs which characterised the Bush Jr administration, and has continued to gnaw at the stability of the World Community, American civic values, and the heart of Washington.
Americans, if you are at all loyal to the stated values of your country, watch this film, and wake up.