They can occur suddenly and catastrophically, they have swallowed cars, animals and people. They have destroyed homes and few an unlucky few have become graves. These are sinkholes, all across the globe enormous sinkholes have cracked the earths surface like an egg shell devouring every type of terrain with a destructive force that defies imagination. In Louisiana a 40 acer monster has been consuming the Bayou for two years. In Spain, sinkholes are tearing apart historic towns whilst leaving others in ruins and in Florida a sinkhole becomes a families worst nightmare. Why is the ground under our feet collapsing? What dangers lurk beneath the surface? Who’s home will be next?

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Let nature take its course. I don’t like seeing people losing their lives, but those snobs, elite, building their mansions right by the water (as if this is some kind of “status”), deserve to lose everything they have. Like those idiots who move to California, in full knowledge of earthquakes in the region.