
Small Town Ecstasy

This documentary is about Scott, a 40-year-old divorced father, his four children; Job (20), Craig (18), Heather (15) and Sam (13).

Scott has been introduced to the rave scene, and Ecstasy, by Craig. The two of them go out on the weekends, with some of Craigs friends, and stay up all night, dancing in a drug-fueled trance. Occasionally, they bring Heather and Sam along for the ride. While some Dad’s might fancy a trip to the park or to a game, Scott prefers the drug soaked night life for his precious little ones. Hes also aware of his role as a protector.

The second half revolves around his legal problems, the extremely limited, supervised custody hes grudgingly granted, and the tear-stained faces of his children, who want to see him as much as he wants to see them. Or maybe they just want to do more drugs with pop, who knows. Regardless, it makes for one of the most fascinating and controversial documentaries out there.

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  1. 20 years later I wonder what street his tent is parked on in a city somewhere.

    Total loser.

  2. I actually just laughed out loud at the whole ‘it’s common for ecstasy users to graduate to harder drugs’
    It’s not ecstasy anymore it’s molly, BUT either way then and now LSD is 10/10 not a harder drug.

  3. I am just wondering where I can view this movie. Is it available anywhere?

  4. This is kinda cool… i think I might get into the whole ex mdma scene!

  5. Yeah I think people are kinda missing the point here. SURE it’s totally irresponsible to be engaging kids with drugs DUH but this doco is an examination of what it is to be a parent. He is a tragic figure, who says he is just ‘living his life’ but he satisfies his own wants and desires ahead of his children. He loves and wants to be apart of his children’s lives. Partying is a way for him to both love is children AND ‘live’ his life. It throws up heaps of questions about devotion, committment and identity as a parent. I’m not a parent myself but I found this one really interesting. Going to go call my dad now

    • I wonder, 7 years later, whether you’ve had children and, if so, has your view about this film and its subject matter changed at all? If so, *and if not, I suppose) how much of that shift, or lack thereof, do you attribute to having had children and understanding the role of a parent from a different viewpoint than simply imagining same. And if you have not had children, has your view changed, and if so, how and why?

  6. It is much ore responsible for Him as a parent to let them make the decision to do it at home safely first with him. However I feel it is Irresponsible for him to give it to his 13 and 15 year old because yes they are under developed in their cognition and overall brain function. Wether this is a “midlife crisis” or not the father shows that you can absolutely be a functioning and respectable figure of society and fatherhood while taking such a substance. He is a loving and supportive father and that is more than be spoken about a lot of fathers in the United States. So let him go for his supposed transgressions.

    • Not really. In the end it tears his family apart and his daughter sees his choice as one that ignores his kid’s needs. It’s pathetic to the extreme that this guy lacks the maturity, love and self-knowledge to see that if he told his kids he was quitting drugs to be with them full time they would love him for acting like an adult. Instead he and many of the scenes we see inspire disgust that insipid people like this make our country what it is today. People who can’t handle their drugs without abuse and can’t do them for spiritual insights instead of mindless sensation should stay away from them. Well made documentary, poses the right questions via the way the doc is shot and edited.

  7. the dad is clearly in the closet. SUPER GAY DAD

  8. Please someone tell me why thier wearing surgical mask!?I understand why they suck on binkys cause of the need to grind your teeth. 

  9. Sorry but this guy has no respect for his own children….doing this with his kids is way over the line of common sense….he can do what he wants when he is alone….but this…..he needs a smack upside his head.

  10. Very interesting. I would give it 8.5/10. Definitely worth a watch

  11. yeahh 13 and 15 are bit young… if they would be 23 and 26 would seem ok for me ..hehe.. that he is doing drugs…no problem whit that, drugs are fun when u know how to handle them 🙂

  12. This documentary was obviously taken around the mid 1990’s, so I am really curious to where and how the family is now. Anyone know of any updates?

    • They struggled a lot. They went through some terrible times. They got addicted to other drugs and fell to the bottom of the pit. Their father became addicted to other drugs and still is. But ultimately the kids cut their father out of their lives and changed. Three out of four are happily married and have beautiful children but it was the hardest road they ever had to go down. They woudl take it all back ifthey could.

  13. “aren’t people great?” That is the perfect way to sum up how you feel on ecstacy. I don’t agree with the old man rolling with his son mainly because it is kind of weird! But man… if a dad and his son can get half cut on alcohol, why cant they feel the amazing empathy and love that comes through ecstacy? Shit… this drug was created as a tool to assist with marriage councelling, there are worse things dads could do with their children. The social stigma comes from the government’s prohibition of it, if it was legal, people wouldnt be up in arms about a dad sharing a night on ecstacy with his son.

    • MDMA was not created as a tool for marriage counselling. It was created by the German company Merck in 1912 as a precursor to another compound they were developing.
      After its human pharmacology was studied in the 1970’s it was then used for that purpose. It was also studied along with mescaline and LSD by the CIA as an interrogation tool in MKULTRA

    • ok… I wrote the above comment only a few minutes into this doco, 19 mins in… being at a house party and ENCOURAGING your 13 year old son to roll is beyond fucked up. What a shit excuse for a dad. I take back much of the above.

  14. It’s uncomfortable to watch.. How he’s gonna feel if his kids go further than extacy? He seems to be a loving father  (weird..,but loving),still though introducing xtc to his kids at this young age,is just wrong.Plus making choices as a 16year old,doesn’t mean you have to look like one.

  15. It’s uncomfortable to watch.. How he’s gonna feel if his kids go further than extacy? He seems to be a loving father  (weird..,but loving),still though introducing xtc to his kids at this young age,is just wrong.Plus making choices as a 16year old,doesn’t mean you have to look like one.

  16. There are two major crimes taking place here:
    1) Selling E to your young children.
    2) wearing a yellow visor and vest at 40.

  17. Im with Chris on this one, Its not the fact that the guy was taking drugs.More so the fact that he was doing it with his children,…That was fucked up.

    From my experience, The dad acts like a typical junkie, overly nice but fake, almost like he’s trying  to compensate for somthing

  18. When I wrote my first comment it was before I finished watching the program…but I was very happy to see the father go to jail.

  19. It’s one thing to party with your adult children but 13 and 15. This man needs to be arrested. Hopefully the mother puts a stop to this before his kids end up dying.

  20. It’s one thing to party with your adult children but 13 and 15. This man needs to be arrested. Hopefully the mother puts a stop to this before his kids end up dying.

  21. It’s one thing to party with your adult children but 13 and 15. This man needs to be arrested. Hopefully the mother puts a stop to this before his kids end up dying.

  22. Being someone who enjoyed the rave subculture for over 10 years, but now no longer really attend and have moved on with life, I understand the phase (hopefully its a phase) that the father is going through. Its quite apparent he did not get to spread his wings when he was younger, he got into the serious parts of life too early and am now making up for it. That, I don’t have a problem with, he’s paid his dues, he’s raised 4 great children (although he still has parenting to do as they are all not 18) My problem lies with bringing his two youngest into that scene. 

    I have two kids, and I would never let them get involved as minors, even though I still love the music, still love to dance, etc.  I feel for the father though, I really do. I know he’s thinking he is thinking with his sound mind, but when you get involved in the drug culture side of raving, you are not in my right mind, no matter how much you think you are. Again, hopefully this will be a phase and the drugs will no longer matter to him and he can repair the damage he’s done to his children, but still embrace the good aspects of the culture (music, togetherness, being yourself, etc). 

  23. Being someone who enjoyed the rave subculture for over 10 years, but now no longer really attend and have moved on with life, I understand the phase (hopefully its a phase) that the father is going through. Its quite apparent he did not get to spread his wings when he was younger, he got into the serious parts of life too early and am now making up for it. That, I don’t have a problem with, he’s paid his dues, he’s raised 4 great children (although he still has parenting to do as they are all not 18) My problem lies with bringing his two youngest into that scene. 

    I have two kids, and I would never let them get involved as minors, even though I still love the music, still love to dance, etc.  I feel for the father though, I really do. I know he’s thinking he is thinking with his sound mind, but when you get involved in the drug culture side of raving, you are not in my right mind, no matter how much you think you are. Again, hopefully this will be a phase and the drugs will no longer matter to him and he can repair the damage he’s done to his children, but still embrace the good aspects of the culture (music, togetherness, being yourself, etc). 

  24. Being someone who enjoyed the rave subculture for over 10 years, but now no longer really attend and have moved on with life, I understand the phase (hopefully its a phase) that the father is going through. Its quite apparent he did not get to spread his wings when he was younger, he got into the serious parts of life too early and am now making up for it. That, I don’t have a problem with, he’s paid his dues, he’s raised 4 great children (although he still has parenting to do as they are all not 18) My problem lies with bringing his two youngest into that scene. 

    I have two kids, and I would never let them get involved as minors, even though I still love the music, still love to dance, etc.  I feel for the father though, I really do. I know he’s thinking he is thinking with his sound mind, but when you get involved in the drug culture side of raving, you are not in my right mind, no matter how much you think you are. Again, hopefully this will be a phase and the drugs will no longer matter to him and he can repair the damage he’s done to his children, but still embrace the good aspects of the culture (music, togetherness, being yourself, etc). 

  25. Being someone who enjoyed the rave subculture for over 10 years, but now no longer really attend and have moved on with life, I understand the phase (hopefully its a phase) that the father is going through. Its quite apparent he did not get to spread his wings when he was younger, he got into the serious parts of life too early and am now making up for it. That, I don’t have a problem with, he’s paid his dues, he’s raised 4 great children (although he still has parenting to do as they are all not 18) My problem lies with bringing his two youngest into that scene. 

    I have two kids, and I would never let them get involved as minors, even though I still love the music, still love to dance, etc.  I feel for the father though, I really do. I know he’s thinking he is thinking with his sound mind, but when you get involved in the drug culture side of raving, you are not in my right mind, no matter how much you think you are. Again, hopefully this will be a phase and the drugs will no longer matter to him and he can repair the damage he’s done to his children, but still embrace the good aspects of the culture (music, togetherness, being yourself, etc). 

  26. you know, Im not against experimenting with drugs especially when your young, cause god knows we put enough crap and poison in our bodies on a daily basis. But I can not in good conscious condone a parent giving more poison to their children, your suppose to protect them teach them, not be their buddy, that’s the responsibility of being a good parent. 

    Also, I use to take alot of E and work the light shows in the NY club circuits. I’ve watched kids O.D. on the shit and as far as long term effects, I dont really know about any side effects that you need to be medicated for expect for epilepsy but what I do know is I could spot the e-kids when they would come in, there was always something off about them when they would speak to you sober, like they had a mild form of  brain damage, reasoning skills and common sense would go out the window as if you caught them in a daydream.we use to call them e-tards. I know that’s not funny but its true. 

  27. you know, Im not against experimenting with drugs especially when your young, cause god knows we put enough crap and poison in our bodies on a daily basis. But I can not in good conscious condone a parent giving more poison to their children, your suppose to protect them teach them, not be their buddy, that’s the responsibility of being a good parent. 

    Also, I use to take alot of E and work the light shows in the NY club circuits. I’ve watched kids O.D. on the shit and as far as long term effects, I dont really know about any side effects that you need to be medicated for expect for epilepsy but what I do know is I could spot the e-kids when they would come in, there was always something off about them when they would speak to you sober, like they had a mild form of  brain damage, reasoning skills and common sense would go out the window as if you caught them in a daydream.we use to call them e-tards. I know that’s not funny but its true. 

  28. Can I be on the fence with this one? Frankly, if an employed middle-aged, divorced, bill-paying father of four wants to go out and dose on the weekend, far be it from me to stop him. Part of me would rather he did that than pounded beer or over ate.

    But doing it with his kids? Especially a 13 and 15 year-old? They can’t make those decisions and their brains aren’t formed yet. That’s fucked up.

    But so we’re clear, I’m judging his parenting style, not his choice of substance. Or even his hair. Although the hair is shitty.

  29. I think this is great. There is nothing wrong with taking drugs.  I would however (in this unregulated market) not take street pills because you don’t know what is in them. Mostly people will be OK, but keep to medicinal plants for your mind altering experiences.  Don’t need chems at all. Plants give us everything we need.

    What is kinda distressing abut this movie is that the statements about the harms to MDMA at the beginning of this video were not true. MDMA does not cause brain damage nor dehydration (unless your are being active while on MDMA)   and MDMA is not cause hallucinations.

    MDMA is a very important medicinal drug used in psychotherapy.

    What we need is to legalize drugs and plants so they can be regulated for safety and adult use.
    Now all we have is a free for all ruled by criminals. That needs to change.

  30. I think this is great. There is nothing wrong with taking drugs.  I would however (in this unregulated market) not take street pills because you don’t know what is in them. Mostly people will be OK, but keep to medicinal plants for your mind altering experiences.  Don’t need chems at all. Plants give us everything we need.

    What is kinda distressing abut this movie is that the statements about the harms to MDMA at the beginning of this video were not true. MDMA does not cause brain damage nor dehydration (unless your are being active while on MDMA)   and MDMA is not cause hallucinations.

    MDMA is a very important medicinal drug used in psychotherapy.

    What we need is to legalize drugs and plants so they can be regulated for safety and adult use.
    Now all we have is a free for all ruled by criminals. That needs to change.

  31. what an awesome dad. I love X.  most people dont realise it was legal in the early 80’s when it was used by shrinks to calm their patients and help them talk about their feelings.  the only reason its illegal now is because the government cant tax it!  I’ve done it for years and I am now extremely successful, have a great job making excellent money. in moderation, it certainly doesnt cause any problems. alcohol is far more destructive.  just look at how many people end up in hospital every weekend getting their guts pumped out….thats if they didnt crash their car and kill themselves and others….too many people just dont know what they are missing

    •  E is entirely taxable. MDMA is the chemical that non-garbage caps should have an abundance of, and as it being one single chemical it’d be easy to patent  and distribute. Weed is what is untaxable because it’s original each grow, all the chemicals vary because it’s organic. MDMA was made illegal because it got abused, ie this dad.

  32. This is why America should be buried under a pile of concrete.

  33. Ha it is a highly controversial topic but this documentary was reality tv gold!

  34. To be fair 13 is probably too young, but in a sense i can understand his rationale, my parents let me have the odd half pint of beer from when i was 12 and i wouldn’t say its turned me into an alcoholic, quite the opposite in fact, To give credit to him his kids generally do seem to be well adjusted despite or perhaps because of their dads ecstacy use. Ecstacy by the way is a far less harmfull drug than ecstacy, while a dependance can build up, it is more psychological than physical, e.g. you don’t crave it, you just feel strange in certain settings without it, sooner or later he’ll get bored with it, in much the same way his 18 year old son did, as did myself and 95% of other users.

  35. To be fair 13 is probably too young, but in a sense i can understand his rationale, my parents let me have the odd half pint of beer from when i was 12 and i wouldn’t say its turned me into an alcoholic, quite the opposite in fact, To give credit to him his kids generally do seem to be well adjusted despite or perhaps because of their dads ecstacy use. Ecstacy by the way is a far less harmfull drug than ecstacy, while a dependance can build up, it is more psychological than physical, e.g. you don’t crave it, you just feel strange in certain settings without it, sooner or later he’ll get bored with it, in much the same way his 18 year old son did, as did myself and 95% of other users.

  36. “if jesus was here, he’d probably go to a rave” ha ha ha ha ha!! 

    midlife crisis to the extreme… and as for the matching eminem hairstyles…..

  37. MDMA or Ectasy is a drug with positive and therapeutics effects

  38. MDMA or Ectasy is a drug with positive and therapeutics effects

  39. that mans retarded 

  40. as bas as this looks this isnt really that un common go to a rave and you will see young ass kids taking pills its crazy

  41. The thing that I dislike about the anti-brigade is that their opinions are biased toward a moral imperative that is not based on empirical evidence. That said, giving a child anything that can potentially harm their development legal or not needs to carefully evaluated.

    Further, people need to realise that the vast majority of drugs that cause serious harm are those that are regulated or require a prescription. There is a large body of reliable and statistically significant data that evidences this claim, for anyone who cares to do the research. For the incapable begin with the documentary big-pharma.

    At least think about your own socialisation and the historic basis upon which your assumptions are based.

  42. although letting his 13yr old kid do a pill was not good

  43. there is nothing wrong with taking ecstacy, apart from the few days after where you feel extremely ill.
    although i agree that this guy is definatly haveing a mid life crisis, but to be fair he didnt drink and do drugs when he was a teenager so now its his time. Also he seems to be a very loveing father.

  44. Heartbreaking, discusting, horrible. What a disgracfull excuse for a father. It makes me sick to see those young children being fed this shit by someone who is suppose to look after them. I really hope his children get taken away from him and he dies a lonely old man.

    • you are a sick, sad little person. anyone with a heart would simply hope that everything turns out okay, for the kids and father alike. we all make mistakes and its easy to cast the first stone. i just hope when you fuck up someone is there to help you, although judging by your comments on this board i am not sure friends are your strong suit. it also shows how out of touch you are that you think group homes are the answer. go to your states youth authority and ask how many inmates came from group homes.. by the way, i raved from 95 to 01 and guess what? this fall i start grad school at ucla… believe all the junk science you want, but search a little closer and you will find that all of those “hole in the brain” studies were fabrications paid for by anti drug associations.. you know, the same ones that used to claim pot made you a homicidal maniac rapist. judge not less ye be judged yourself.

    • you are a sick, sad little person. anyone with a heart would simply hope that everything turns out okay, for the kids and father alike. we all make mistakes and its easy to cast the first stone. i just hope when you fuck up someone is there to help you, although judging by your comments on this board i am not sure friends are your strong suit. it also shows how out of touch you are that you think group homes are the answer. go to your states youth authority and ask how many inmates came from group homes.. by the way, i raved from 95 to 01 and guess what? this fall i start grad school at ucla… believe all the junk science you want, but search a little closer and you will find that all of those “hole in the brain” studies were fabrications paid for by anti drug associations.. you know, the same ones that used to claim pot made you a homicidal maniac rapist. judge not less ye be judged yourself.

  45. corporate fatty food stuff.  If i saw one more goddamn Adidas logo I would have no choice but begin to think that the next major sport would be how many of my kids i could bring to rave day.  MRI’s are still incapable of telling you how many years you did coke or heroin or acid or E.  Viewing this makes you fucking stupid and I am stupid for having viewed this; don’t make the same mistake I did.

  46. His wife was a total nosy cunt though 

  47. I live in this community and have met this guy, not a real winner

  48. Father of the year right there..what a dumb ass.

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