The shocking series gains access into Strangeways, a maximum security prison in Manchester with a history as rough as the inmates it houses. Three fascinating episodes unearth the idiosyncrasies and complex relationships between the most violent and dangerous men in the prison and the staff who work with them. Unique twists, like following a couple as they prepare for a wedding behind bars, and graphic footage of arguments and emotional breakdowns make for unmissable viewing. Adult Search – adult work jobs –

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How come the British feel such a deep desire to compare their (more or less lowly) achievements to those of the United States all the time – this is something for the British “criminal psychologist” to figure out.
Also, Louis Theroux’s documentaries always focus on the most extreme aspects of American life, if you haven’t noticed that yet.
They don’t. It’s Americans, with the massive chip on their shoulder caused by an inferiority complex, who imagine themselves to be the great achievers. The fact is Great Britain outclasses the USA, relative to size of country, in every way. You’ve proved the depths of most American’s ignorance of GB with your ‘lowly achievers’ remark. A nation that birthed Shakespeare, the Industrial Revolution & invented the jet engine is hardly ‘lowly’, nor is a country that has known, in living memory, a war that your country ignored for 2 and a half years only to take credit for ‘winning’ it ever since.
Here Here!
I can not believe we are paying to care for that fat ginger incompetent retard on episode 2.
I can not believe we are paying to care for that fat ginger incompetent retard on episode 2.
Don’t talk about your Dad like that, there’s no need for it.
Gone. The Youtube account has been deleted.
to find “bad” people who should be imprisoned look to tony blair and barrak obama etc etc, i hate to see my brothers and sisters caged 99% of the time they dont deserve it
to find “bad” people who should be imprisoned look to tony blair and barrak obama etc etc, i hate to see my brothers and sisters caged 99% of the time they dont deserve it
to find “bad” people who should be imprisoned look to tony blair and barrak obama etc etc, i hate to see my brothers and sisters caged 99% of the time they dont deserve it
hahaha let me tell you boys now manchester prison .. over Miami….hahaha it would b Miami
Yeah if you like dropping the soap and getting bummed, Maimi would be the obvious choice
Yeah if you like dropping the soap and getting bummed, Maimi would be the obvious choice
Get a grip, would you rather a prison system that keeps prisoners occupied and tries to educate which prevents escapes, riots etc. Or the US system of just dumping everyone in a jail/hell and left to fight it out between themselves, which produces a hardcore criminal once they are released back into society.
On a side note, think this doc is a pile of crap, how nice that the main focus seems to be a wedding rather than the people dumped into a system, often with mental health issues. Most of the people who are in the prisons have come right the way through the system from foster care, to juvinile prison, then into Cat A prisions. But hey, their tragic lives and the systems failing dont make as good TV as a good old wedding.
Finally, 15yrs in a cat A facility for suggling drugs . Murderers and rapist get less, another shining example of your hard earned tax money spent on the futille war on drugs. If this was a real war, the govenment would have colapsed and sued for peace long ago. But they cant have all these lower class members of society making more money from the supply of often harmless drugs, than the elite upper classes make from ripping us off in the banking and finacial systems.
War on Drugs = War on the lower class
Get a grip, would you rather a prison system that keeps prisoners occupied and tries to educate which prevents escapes, riots etc. Or the US system of just dumping everyone in a jail/hell and left to fight it out between themselves, which produces a hardcore criminal once they are released back into society.
On a side note, think this doc is a pile of crap, how nice that the main focus seems to be a wedding rather than the people dumped into a system, often with mental health issues. Most of the people who are in the prisons have come right the way through the system from foster care, to juvinile prison, then into Cat A prisions. But hey, their tragic lives and the systems failing dont make as good TV as a good old wedding.
Finally, 15yrs in a cat A facility for suggling drugs . Murderers and rapist get less, another shining example of your hard earned tax money spent on the futille war on drugs. If this was a real war, the govenment would have colapsed and sued for peace long ago. But they cant have all these lower class members of society making more money from the supply of often harmless drugs, than the elite upper classes make from ripping us off in the banking and finacial systems.
War on Drugs = War on the lower class
Get a grip, would you rather a prison system that keeps prisoners occupied and tries to educate which prevents escapes, riots etc. Or the US system of just dumping everyone in a jail/hell and left to fight it out between themselves, which produces a hardcore criminal once they are released back into society.
On a side note, think this doc is a pile of crap, how nice that the main focus seems to be a wedding rather than the people dumped into a system, often with mental health issues. Most of the people who are in the prisons have come right the way through the system from foster care, to juvinile prison, then into Cat A prisions. But hey, their tragic lives and the systems failing dont make as good TV as a good old wedding.
Finally, 15yrs in a cat A facility for suggling drugs . Murderers and rapist get less, another shining example of your hard earned tax money spent on the futille war on drugs. If this was a real war, the govenment would have colapsed and sued for peace long ago. But they cant have all these lower class members of society making more money from the supply of often harmless drugs, than the elite upper classes make from ripping us off in the banking and finacial systems.
War on Drugs = War on the lower class
Get a grip, would you rather a prison system that keeps prisoners occupied and tries to educate which prevents escapes, riots etc. Or the US system of just dumping everyone in a jail/hell and left to fight it out between themselves, which produces a hardcore criminal once they are released back into society.
On a side note, think this doc is a pile of crap, how nice that the main focus seems to be a wedding rather than the people dumped into a system, often with mental health issues. Most of the people who are in the prisons have come right the way through the system from foster care, to juvinile prison, then into Cat A prisions. But hey, their tragic lives and the systems failing dont make as good TV as a good old wedding.
Finally, 15yrs in a cat A facility for suggling drugs . Murderers and rapist get less, another shining example of your hard earned tax money spent on the futille war on drugs. If this was a real war, the govenment would have colapsed and sued for peace long ago. But they cant have all these lower class members of society making more money from the supply of often harmless drugs, than the elite upper classes make from ripping us off in the banking and finacial systems.
War on Drugs = War on the lower class
I cannot believe Lee Smith is being put into category A alongside murderers and rapists because he drove a van a few times for a measly £1500. Whether he knew what he was doing or not, he’s not a dangerous man. What a joke.
I cannot believe Lee Smith is being put into category A alongside murderers and rapists because he drove a van a few times for a measly £1500. Whether he knew what he was doing or not, he’s not a dangerous man. What a joke.
I have a hard time understanding. Where are the captions?
I have a hard time understanding. Where are the captions?
I can see why it was made for ITV; degrading, pointless wasting of life with ‘caring sharing’ screws who push the gear then raid it back again for resale; who can’t leave the poor bastards in R.I.P. but have to imprison them from even this release. It’s not the prisoners I feel bad about so much but the absolutely sick suckers who get paid to work these men into insanity. I mean, did I hear that right? 15 years for a ‘drug’ deal worth £1500? How many lifetimes would those feckless fuckwits who create the ‘war on drugs’ for billions then set up the laws to rip off the public and torture the victims of their heist? Seriously, the law doesn’t give jack shit if we hack eachother to death. What matters is that the military psychos get to do it and we’re kept in line like sitting ducks and away from lawful self defense. Sad sick joke.
I can see why it was made for ITV; degrading, pointless wasting of life with ‘caring sharing’ screws who push the gear then raid it back again for resale; who can’t leave the poor bastards in R.I.P. but have to imprison them from even this release. It’s not the prisoners I feel bad about so much but the absolutely sick suckers who get paid to work these men into insanity. I mean, did I hear that right? 15 years for a ‘drug’ deal worth £1500? How many lifetimes would those feckless fuckwits who create the ‘war on drugs’ for billions then set up the laws to rip off the public and torture the victims of their heist? Seriously, the law doesn’t give jack shit if we hack eachother to death. What matters is that the military psychos get to do it and we’re kept in line like sitting ducks and away from lawful self defense. Sad sick joke.
This is a joke to the”Victims” and this is luxury… try out Middle East, Russian jails or bali jails.
Guards and Medical team saving killers in this UK jail is biggist joke of all. Al
This is a joke to the”Victims” and this is luxury… try out Middle East, Russian jails or bali jails.
Guards and Medical team saving killers in this UK jail is biggist joke of all. Al
That’s what you get for hiring cheap labor. Sadistic, brainless assholes.
That’s what you get for hiring cheap labor. Sadistic, brainless assholes.
watch this and then watch louis theroux’s ‘miami mega jail,’ see how shitty america is.
wtf are you talking about? this prison is a hotel compared to the miami one. weddings, video games, tv’s, pool, own clothes? joke of a correctional facility.
Why is it when Americans go prison they all turn queer ?
thats what im saying idiot. the other one takes place in america, and it is way shittier.
well, you said “see how shitty america is”, which refers to the whole damn country. as if they were doing something wrong. but whatever, we agree on what the main point was.
i still don’t think you understand. america is entirely a shitty country, and the way it structures its prisons just reflects that.
i still don’t think you understand. america is entirely a shitty country, and the way it structures its prisons just reflects that.
still a better system than this cookie dough bullshit. i was complementing the US prison system in my first reply, and I don’t think it’s shit. so do you agree that the US solution is better than this joke as a punishment? If you do, then we agree on what I’ve been trying to point out. If you don’t, then all of your replies have been irrelevant and we have opposing views. Simple as that.
I am a professional criminal psychologist. I have a question for you. Why is it that if the American prison system is so great, that the rates for re-offending are some of the highest in the world, and certainly a lot higher than the UK?
I am a professional criminal psychologist. I have a question for you. Why is it that if the American prison system is so great, that the rates for re-offending are some of the highest in the world, and certainly a lot higher than the UK?
any prison would be difficult to live in. Louis’ take on the Miami prison did further demonstrate the view that American prisons turn small time thugs into hardened criminals. Also, it is a bit rude to judge a country by the people within the prison walls. Although America does often portray itself to the world as very ignorant, arrogant and self centred, this was not relfected in either of these documentaries…
wtf are you talking about? this prison is a hotel compared to the miami one. weddings, video games, tv’s, pool, own clothes? joke of a correctional facility.
wtf are you talking about? this prison is a hotel compared to the miami one. weddings, video games, tv’s, pool, own clothes? joke of a correctional facility.
wtf are you talking about? this prison is a hotel compared to the miami one. weddings, video games, tv’s, pool, own clothes? joke of a correctional facility.
wtf are you talking about? this prison is a hotel compared to the miami one. weddings, video games, tv’s, pool, own clothes? joke of a correctional facility.
watch this and then watch louis theroux’s ‘miami mega jail,’ see how shitty america is.
craig power nos
That Vass guy gives me the creeps.
That Vass guy gives me the creeps.
That Vass guy gives me the creeps.
That Vass guy gives me the creeps.
That Vass guy gives me the creeps.
look at the sort of person they are senting to prison,,,,,so wrong…..just to feed the system
look at the sort of person they are senting to prison,,,,,so wrong…..just to feed the system
look at the sort of person they are senting to prison,,,,,so wrong…..just to feed the system
great doc
Fantastic Documentary!
Fantastic Documentary!