Over 100,000 United States Veterans are homeless every year. In a powerful, one-hour documentary, filmmaker Issac Goeckeritz takes viewers into the largely invisible world of homeless veterans and the difficult, but hopeful, pathways home.

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I’d be skeptical of the homeless who claim veterans, and blame their service for the situation. Most either never served, or did but lied about their experiences (especially those who claim all sorts of medals, special forces/LRRP status, that they were POWs, or recount war crimes.) A quick Google search on phony veterans or stolen valor will show how pervasive the problem is. VA benefits do not mean they’re telling the truth as they tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Just about every veteran highlighted by the Occupy movement have been found lying.
It is very sad to see what happens to the people that fought a war, for our freedom. My grandfather fought in WWII, and came back a total mess. He worked hard for 35 years, retired, and ended up in a situation similiar to these men. Contributed tax paying dollars, but slipped through the cracks when it came to him needing help (He had PTSD). His pension was peanuts, he had a hard time caring for himself, and in all died alone in a shack of an apartment. What saddens me most, living in Canada, an immigrant is elegible for more money than my own grandfather who fought for freedom. A vet pension is half of what an immigrant would get … I have nothing against immigrants; it is the Canadian Government … Sad reality.
The story is slow to start with, but it gets more interesting. The update at the end when the credits begin to roll is a touching finish. Citizens really need to distinguish between the decisions that politicians make (going to war) and the obedience of soldiers who have signed up to answer the call to duty. If you disagree with a war, take it to the politicians, and be not hard on the vets.
I understand how veterans of the draft era should be taken care of but to be honest, and I hope this doesn’t sound cold, but anyone who joins the army now is an idiot, who should be aware of the risks they take.
I tell you to jump off a bridge. you know you’re going to get hurt doing so but you do it anyway. Sure I’m in the wrong for telling you to jump off the bridge but you must have some responsibility for jumping, especially when I didn’t force you to jump.
don’t want to be a mental shell? don’t sign up.
nobody signs up, or accepts the draft if its brought back in, no war.
“war is hell” why would anyone want to go to hell?
@ Tyler, its because, as sad as it is, the American government does not give a flying fuck about the soldiers, or the sacrifices they make.
Just so long as the veterans meet their objectives and help the government’s interests, that’s all the government wants. And as soon as they come home that’s it. The soldier is a broken shell of a man, with no future and all kinds of unresolved mental issues, just dumped back in the U.S. and left to despise himself.
But hey, that’s the sacrifice he makes for his country right?
The people that profit the most from wars will never send their sons to war. But they’ll send ours. It’s a disgusting trick.
“You make the sacrifice, and I’ll pocket the profit. And when you want a reward, I’ll as good as spit in your face”
Yeah, views set aside, these people fought for their country. It’s a shame it’s like this, in Australia you are set for life if you serve in the army. Why is this not the case in the U.S?
Because our politicians are extraordinarily self absorbed and would sell their mother for the right price. Doing enough damage these days for that knowledge to be coming wide spread.
Sould can be lost, and souls can be found.
No matter what war, this people did a service to there country! They should be welcomed and celebrated.
I know I wasn’t born in the 60’s, 24 years to late, But I thank you!
Every city in America should have a place like this for veterans.They could be funded
by building less WMD’s since we already have enough weapons to kill everyone at least
ten times.Anyone who puts their life on the line for this country should never be homeless.
A gentle, thought-provoking film. Makes me wonder if there’ll be enough help out there for soldiers getting over their tours in Afghanistan and Iraq.