A trip to the bleak Romney Marsh is where Aubrey finds himself and he searches for clues to a haunting and empty landscape that humans colonised then abandoned.

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A trip to the bleak Romney Marsh is where Aubrey finds himself and he searches for clues to a haunting and empty landscape that humans colonised then abandoned.
Are you serious ?! A ”documentary” about a piece of shit of a land ?! Seriosly ?! Who gives a shit about your backass country.A boulder in the ocean.An old pedophile creep trys to find where the medieval trolls of england had gone.Who gives a fuck!One remaind and made this piece of shit !
Makes you realize how miniscule your own life is in the grand scheme of things.
Not the most exciting doc, but the last 5 minutes had an interesting surprise. I can’t tell you; you have to watch and find out.