The Auschwitz Album is the only surviving visual evidence of the process of mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is a unique document and was donated to Yad Vashem by Lilly Jacob-Zelmanovic Meier. The photos were taken at the end of May or beginning of June 1944, either by Ernst Hofmann or by Bernhard Walter, two SS men whose task was to take ID photos and fingerprints of the inmates (not of the Jews who were sent directly to the gas chambers). The photos show the arrival of Hungarian Jews from Carpatho-Ruthenia. Many of them came from the Berehovo Ghetto, which itself was a collecting point for Jews from several other small towns. The photos in the album show the entire process except for the killing itself.

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This is a bit off topic, but it’s curious that Eva Braun was always referred to as Hitler’s mistress. Hitler married her shortly before he committed suicide, and I don’t think he was ever married prior to that.
The truth is no one really knows what happened with Hitler. I have a hard time believing he committed suicide though. I don’t buy that for one second. He would rather go out fighting than die by his own hands and leave that type of legacy. The reason they say he killed himself is because it makes him look like a wimp that gave up which is good propaganda. There are CIA reports which suggest he went to South America and there have been several books written on the subject which is more believable.
the real genocides of the 20th century were PERPETRATED by Judensau they were not its victims.
Where are all the documentaries about the native Americans, Congolese with no right hands, Chinese of the early century, women and children of 90s war torn Balkens, Stalin era Russia, etc. etc. I know there are docs. about those subject’s because I am really getting turned off how the holocausts has a patent on suffering.
Funny you left out the only other real comparison to the industrialized extermination of European Jews, gypsies, jehovah witnesses, homosexuals, soviet pows, nuns, priests, communists that was the holocaust…the industrialized enslavement of Africans, committed by many nations but finely tuned by the US. All this, everything you mentioned and much more is human suffering. Each individual. I have never heard a victim of any of the atrocities you or i mentioned imply they suffered more than other victims.
Great information and I actually saw this information before it became public, but the film is far too bias and engages in emotionalism instead of keeping an intellectual and academic distance to remain intellectually balanced. They use the works “killers” and “evil” but they don’t use those word to describe Stalin of General Lemay when he firebombed Tokyo
Its gotten so bad that they are not allowed to question WW2 in most of Europe because they will be thrown in jail for thought crimes
victors wrote the historic of it lies. How did Anne Frank get transferred to two different “extermination” camps then did in hospital of typhus? Jews lie, let’s be honest, holohoax. true genocide are perpetrated. by Jews
You insensitive f*ck. If you were a Jew in Nazi Germany, you’d be begging for your life when the guard hands you a shovel to dig your own grave. No human deserves to be treated like they were in a concentration camp. F*ck you, johnny t, f*ck you.
The key to understanding their mentality is EUGENICS and know that the whole Nazi party subscribed to the then popular belief that eugenics would improve mankind in the long run. Because of this, the Holocaust stands as a cautionary tale in all scientific ethics even today with DNA.
Basically, Eugenics was a popular theory as a method of wiping out many of man’s illnesses and deformities by controlling those that were allowed to procreate. The Nazi’s decided that, by removing those people with “undesirable” traits (which were not only Jewish people but all Negroes, Gypsies, and anyone with a physical or mental disability) they were improving mankind, altogether. As I said, a cautionary tale on how rationalization can subvert the reasonable mind.
One comment, also, on Joesef Mengle in particular. One of those interviewed for this documentary stated, “he had a PhD and a medical degree; he was very intelligent.” No. He was very KNOWLEDGEABLE and/or learned; not intelligent. Intelligence is how one USES the knowledge they have. But having knowledge does not make one more capable of using it.
Bulldozers Body`s Ovens whether they gas`d Shot Stomped. those people were dead thousands laying in mass graves burning in pile`s 10 feet high and I do not think it was self Inflicted . Black smoke will with Diesel “what the hell comes out of tractor stack?” lets all say it together BLACK SMOKE. I do not hate any race ,I hate narrow minded selfish pigs who think they know about people just by looking at them. you are the first to crawl on your knee`s in the face of danger and by your attitude makes me think you never have been under fire. never had a gun at your head or never had to take a life in the line of many dead rotting body`s have you had to step around? do yourself a favor and stay out of things you know nothing about.
Absolutely brilliant documentary, being able to see what they did to the jews makes for a very good day. considering what the jews are doing to the palestinians every day I look forward to the world waking up and re-opening the camps for the jews, only next time, and there will be a next time we have to make sure we gas, shoot, hang them all. the men, women and children basicaly no mercy.
You are a horror of a human being. I feel sorry for you.
By comparing the(visible matrix) in the two men,they are clearly not the same individual.
This makes me chuckle, i was waiting all film for the gas chamber photo’s and surprise surprise, its photos of them with there hair shaved, still not a nice thing, but it will stop the lice, to people dead on the grass, not many, maybe a hundred and thats that, there you go, prove that millions of jews were gassed, did you see the video of the gas chamber today, with the inside walls knocked down, no staining on the walls either. The ss officer only said what he did on tape to get a sorter sentence, he was out in 7 years.
And i love burning the bodies in pits, using each body as fuel, haha, what bull shit, when your cremated, the ovens are over 3000c, for one body, but sorry burning 1000’s of bodies in pits esp in winter, with diesel and matches.
Also fire and black smoke doesnt come out of a chimney when you burn bodies, but lies do.
Did you know they had cash in there too, to buy from the shops they had, a post office, even a swimming pool, right next to a gas chamber,lol. Also had a football league, theatre, dont believe me, have a look.
Jews couldn’t tell the truth unless it was an accident. Freaking liars.
I’ve been to Berkenau-Auschwitz (I’m not Jewish, white and pro-Palestinian, in fact) and there was certainly no shopping, football or anything of that nature going on at the time. Whether it was 1/2 million Jews, 6 million Jews or 600 million it doesn’t make a difference to the suffering that occurred at the time. The numbers are debatable but the way people treated each other isn’t. Nobody should be forced from their home by an aggressive and dominating entity, let alone segregated and tortured or killed in the name of race or religion. Both sides could learn a bit.
You are delusional.
Go eat a chunky greaseball.
It is sickness to hear each time same story showing Jewish people as a victim, while they are killing millions of other people and many nations. They have %100 control in USA government. US government and president doesn’t care for Americans bur only Jewish community. Before the election each of them visit Jewish organisations and get their approval for for presidency even though their population is very low in US. They don’t meet with Mexican community even though their population is very high. Jewish are the one responsible killing millions in Iraq, Afghanistan because they pushed the US parliament for war. Abbas
The anti-semitism in the comments is disgusting. The most horrible thing of all, is that when people say that ‘the jews are liars’ and other delusional things, people would reply ‘no actually, it’s the muslims that have been destroying the country’. I’ve never been more disgusted by a comment section in my life.
Jews are the serpent seed line and a curse upon humanity. Only problem is since they came up w/the paper money scam and bought up all the media nobody knows it anymore. There is no way a people can be kicked out of countries over 109 times and it always be someone else’s fault . I know most of these “radical muslim” attacks are really Jew false flags, peo,e believe anything they see on tv. stupid fools they are.Remember the USS Liberty and 9/11 out w/dual citizen Jews! The USE liberty proves who com trike America more than any other incident because people have never even heard of it. If it had another country besides Israel we would have pounded them back to the stone age. Israel gets a free pass to kill Americans and steal our money ?. Jews a re a curse.Satan’s seed line.
You Muslim towel-heads are the scourge of the earth. Go kill each other with stones. That’s all you are good for, throwing stones and making hidden bombs. You cowards.
Hmmm… Who’s smarter: Abbas, who has actual facts and can organize his opinions and said facts to form a convincing argument, or priscilla and DIE MUSLIMS, who sputter out racist and hurtful opinions, proving that they have to brain?
Well done, priscilla and DIE MUSLIMS. You’ve shown the world that you guys are brainless meatheads. Also, fuck you two, cause I’m Arabic and proud.
The banality of evil. And yet, I can not help but reflect on the stories being told by Israeli soldiers about how they abuse, beat and torture Palestinians. How they too, like the Nazis depicted here, must perpetrate horrible things, and then go home to their families, lovers, and friends. One can only wonder that the Israelis have become apt students of the monsters they survived in the Holocaust to be so like the Nazis towards Palestinians. One thing that is a bit of revisionist history, this documentary begins with the insinuation that the Allies only became awaree of the concentration camps in 1944. This is entirely false.
Very moving documentary! I applaud the makers. The world CANNOT forget what happened in these camps!
looks like Irak Satellite pictures “Here and here WMD” I try to these credibility to these facts but when you research a bit there are incoherent things and a lot of propaganda ,just look at the war on terror.
looks like Irak Satellite pictures “Here and here WMD” I try to these credibility to these facts but when you research a bit there are incoherent things and a lot of propaganda ,just look at the war on terror.
looks like Irak Satellite pictures “Here and here WMD” I try to these credibility to these facts but when you research a bit there are incoherent things and a lot of propaganda ,just look at the war on terror.
looks like Irak Satellite pictures “Here and here WMD” I try to these credibility to these facts but when you research a bit there are incoherent things and a lot of propaganda ,just look at the war on terror.
This is rubbish.
Hey bottom line is Hitler?….Love him or hate him! He did Kill alot of jews ….. :o)
why does everyone get mad about the nazi’s doing normal things they’re people, bad people but they’re people just because their job is mass murder doesnt mean that they’re going to not laugh and go for walks and enjoy themselves it was seen as normal to do that as a job for nazis and they had been doing it for years so it was just another day at the job think about midevil society they had sadistic torture and execution devices and it was just accepted as normal because thats what they did im sure torturers went home after work and did things they enjoyed my point is just because they killed people everyday doesnt mean they arnt people they’re immoral people but they still are people and they’re going to enjoy themselves
Another link to this movie would be much appreciated, whether ye be denier or pusher. No start button, just a black frame. thanks.
My Pardon…that @ RAND was for something completely different. It was this… I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that this site… was made by Budhists??? No?
Also, the point made by this poster here, and I Quote: “What kind of truth needs laws to protect it from debate? To think that an open and frank dissection of the points made on either side of this topic needs to go to Iran to be heard is an indictment on the state of freedom of speech in Europe.” Is without doubt the straw, etc that now shows me the difference twixt a mountain and a molehill. A very excellent sentence for what rand likes to call, an amateur. Amateur at what rand? insulting? debating? Because he bought and sold you on both. How many takes did it take to get that world famous picture of united states marines raising the macdonalds sign on Iwo Jima?
A Supermac meal deal for 6million to the winner.
That’s wrecked my head that has…What kind of truth needs laws to protect it from debate… A very untruth methinks sire.
Thanks. I haven’t heard from my old adversary for some time…not even on the aptly titled 100 Years of Silence. Shame, really.
My Pardon…that @ RAND was for something completely different. It was this… I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that this site… was made by Budhists??? No?
Also, the point made by this poster here, and I Quote: “What kind of truth needs laws to protect it from debate? To think that an open and frank dissection of the points made on either side of this topic needs to go to Iran to be heard is an indictment on the state of freedom of speech in Europe.” Is without doubt the straw, etc that now shows me the difference twixt a mountain and a molehill. A very excellent sentence for what rand likes to call, an amateur. Amateur at what rand? insulting? debating? Because he bought and sold you on both. How many takes did it take to get that world famous picture of united states marines raising the macdonalds sign on Iwo Jima?
A Supermac meal deal for 6million to the winner.
My Pardon…that @ RAND was for something completely different. It’s a general comment at no one in particular. I’m sure I could edit it if I was a card carrying member of site. however…
@ NAND Gate…Here, in the flesh is a denier, at least of the level at which murders were claimed. And murders they were, no doubt about that. I dont hate jews, but I dont have any particular liking for zionism or the promoters of. Does that make me anti semite? A phrase leveled at anybody who doesn’t accept that some omnipotent entity appeared to one man without any witnesses and promised them a desert as a homeland?
Apart from “the other side” who use the word infidels to describe those who dont believe/accept their religion, I believe jews are the only other religion that uses derogatory phrases and words to describe those that dont believe in their particular brand. Lost in my mind for the moment, but nevertheless, on the tip of my tongue are a number of hebrew words (with unpleasant meanings) given to non believers. I’m sure all these torahs, bibles qurans etc were all the rage when the earth was flat and I feel fully sure that had I been without knowledge of what is now the known universe,I too would have subscribed to one or the other based I feel, purely on my location on the planet, but back to the point in hand. The poster known as Anonymous at the top of the page is quite right. Documentaries,entertainment industry films, dramas, newspapers and any other medium I’ve left out that is owned or funded by zionists will hardly go against the grain. Will they? OK, now I will proceed to actually watch the movie.
FYI I was raised in/by catholic schools in England, and NO, I was not the victim of any abuse, other than a few strikes of a cane or a T square across my short trousered arse, or as in the case of one twisted Headmaster/Principle,Mr Docherty (The Doc) whacked across the outstretched thumb and fingers of upraised palms with 14 inches of serrated garden hose pipe. I know it was always carefully measured at 14″ because I stole it from him many times. As I did the 36″ thin cane favored by Mr Bird…the Deputy Headmaster/Principle. These days I am free of crazy beliefs that upon death I will be received to whatever particular paradise I’ve earned. Just like the flys you swat with a newspaper or SUV, or the ants crushed under your feet or corporately poisoned by whomsoever, I, just like your good self, will rot in the ground or water, or be scattered to the winds. Except for one thing which has just struck me…My body is promised to Gunter von Hagens et al.
My…that was some ramble. Now. The Movie.
Bulldozers Body`s Ovens whether they gas`d Shot Stomped. those people were dead thousands laying in mass graves burning in pile`s 10 feet high and I do not think it was self Inflicted . Black smoke will with Diesel “what the hell comes out of tractor stack?” lets all say it together BLACK SMOKE. I do not hate any race ,I hate narrow minded selfish pigs who think they know about people just by looking at them. you are the first to crawl on your knee`s in the face of danger and by your attitude makes me think you never have been under fire. never had a gun at your head or never had to take a life in the line of many dead rotting body`s have you had to step around? do yourself a favor and stay out of things you know nothing about.
There were enough eye-witness accounts to prove the Auschwitz death camp was just that — a death camp. There is also forensic proof of the mass murders.
It is madness to propose these deaths did not occur in vast numbers.
Only anti-Semitic individuals (people who hate Jewish people) would dare disclaim Hitler and his evil regime’s vile crimes against mankind.
They are people who would have willingly taken part in the Holocaust of WWII.
Has the leader of Iran (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) who today denounces the existence of the Holocaust and publicly calls for the destruction of Israel, seen any of this? If I were a citizen of Israel today, I would either join the Israeli air force, or move. Hitler, Himmler, Hoecker, whoever. Jesus!
Wild speculation and conjecture at the end. It clearly was not Hoecker on the ramp!! And the conclusion he “put on another uniform for the day the SS were photographing the camp” is laughable! No solid proof it was him at all in that picture. Good Documentary over all though.
…..I realized once again that the Jewish race
is the most dangerous one that inhabits the globe,
and that we must show them no mercy and no indulgence.
This riffraff must be eliminated and destroyed.
Joseph Goebbels – Diary entry of February 18, 1942…someone needs to tell Joseph that the Holocaust was all made up. Or, since the Jews “made up” the Holocaust, someone needs to tell Joseph he is Jewish.
Were u there at the holocaust? Are u Jewish? Because I am, and I’ve been told what it was like firsthand from family members. so stfu.
You seem to have provided the perfect analogy of a man wielding stones in his glass house. Here is why I think your post is important enough to reply to:
Open and honest public debate regarding the contentious points of this issue has rarely been entertained as a concept, let alone allowed to materialize in a forum with any substantial reach into the cocoon-like world of current Holocaust ‘fact’ acceptance. This cocoon has been strengthened by wide ranging and Draconian European law which has driven any such debate either underground, abroad, or as we are endeavouring to do here, online.
For too long the passive acceptance of the case presented by the victors of World War Two has coloured the glasses through which the period has been viewed by the general public. It is time to remove the distortion and pick up the magnifying glass instead, and this should be done without the fear of prison hanging over the heads of one side of the debating chamber.
There are too many unanswered questions about the curious use of hearsay and the substantial lack of physical evidence – both for the order to conduct the Holocaust and the execution of such a massive undertaking as the extermination of an entire people whilst fighting a world war – being silenced or mocked by those strong enough to ask them.
You mention the use of ‘obscure pieces of “evidence”‘ as something that counts against people who are interested in covering as much ground around this topic as possible; I personally consider this to be essential in gaining insight into any matter, whatever its size or importance. You are right about things such as Rudolf Hoess’ ‘confession’ being obtained after several days of torturous interrogation being obscure; most casual observers of the argument wouldn’t even know who Hoess was, let alone the substantial role his ‘confession’ played in convicting the defendants in Nuremberg.
I have no problem with you, with Jews, nor with debating difficult topics, and this is one of the most difficult. What I do have an issue with is the use of loaded dice in games of this degree of importance. I look forward to your open, objective, and considered rebuttal…
Here it is:
What makes you so arrogant, as to assume this discussion hasn’t occurred before – or that any that have discussed it, were ignorant? What makes you so arrogant as to assume that this has not been covered thousands – if not millions – of times before, by people with more knowledge on the subject and closer ties to the original events ( “passive acceptance of the case presented by the victors of World War Two has coloured the glasses through which the period has been viewed by the general public”)? Your ego – that is what.
Admittedly it is a struggle to think of any salient topic that hasn’t been discussed at length by others before me. Is it arrogant to still want to talk about them?
Countless subjects have been mulled over by scholars and laymen alike for thousands of years. Should we not talk about contentious issues such as ethics, beauty, war, and the existence of God because others have done so in the past? That would be a strange and unproductive attitude to have, and one that surely makes redundant almost any philosophical conversation worth initiating.
Science is also built upon the previous counterpoint and discovery of others, but any scientist who wants to excel at his profession excludes prior discussion in his chosen field of study at his peril.
My original point was that serious discussion on the subject in question involving the opposing view has not been entertained publicly in Europe, the continent that saw the most death and destruction of any period of mankind over seven terrible years last century. The idea of conducting a debate has been censured, and against all democratic ideals it has also been made illegal. Even when the estimated figures on how many people were killed are revised and lowered by Allied countries, as well as on the plaque at Auschwitz of all places, it is still illegal to dispute the initial figure they had quoted.
What kind of truth needs laws to protect it from debate? To think that an open and frank dissection of the points made on either side of this topic needs to go to Iran to be heard is an indictment on the state of freedom of speech in Europe.
A man named Socrates encouraged his students to question everything and construct their own opinions on matters that were universally accepted by the scholars and thinkers of the day. These ‘experts’ sentenced him to death because of it. These days the ‘experts’ prefer to use European law to imprison dissenters and silence their critics. Almost Stalinesque, don’t you think?
“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth.”
Peter Abelard
I get annoyed at all the wannabe amateur revisionist historians here, who make shit up to feed their own ego regarding how clever they are. Holocaust Denial is a classic case. You SERIOUSLY think that after all this time, YOU have something to add, or a source that can be pointed to, that will simply SMASH the time tested and accepted fact that is The Holocaust. Well – stand in line with the other 2bit contenders. You couldn’t research your way through your own childhood utilising accepted methodologies – let alone change history. “The Jews made up the Holocaust”. Give me a fucking break you deadbeats.
Here is something to help you understand yourself:
Read The Rudolf Report & the Leuchter Report.
..and couple of years later Israel was born..
of course it shows no gas chambers,you people are so easily duped. Just because Jews were rounded up and put in camps,does not mean they were mass murdered. You can believe the lies,or the evidence. Illogical people ignore evidence,and believe propaganda. Knowledgeable people know there was no holocaust.
Just because you don’t see gas chambers doesn’t mean Jews weren’t mass murdered. There is photographic EVIDENCE of mass Jews (and others) being killed with guns, starving to death, disease ridden and beaten. So, what do you say about that?
rofl. I have seen gas chambers. But then you would just say they weren’t. In fact, you would just say anything to push what you wish to be true – evidence or not.
Yeah all the video and pictures of torture and murder, the pits, the MOUNDS of dead bodies, that was all done on a computer #d rendering station right? YOu deniers are the STUPIDEST FUCKS ALIVE. Fucking Moron meat fucks.
I’ll watch at least some of this for the shots of those labelled ‘Hungarian Jews’ but for a start, National Geographic is owned by …… in association with …. and the film was funded by a ……….. organisation. In the description, we have evidence of NO evidence that the inmates were …… as these ‘two SS officers’ conveniently only recorded ‘the inmates’ ‘not those jews sent to the gas chambers’ boom boom. So no surprises here.
Is it that it is just too hard for you to swallow that people woukd do this? Or is it that you just hate jews?
You didn’t refute any of the points. I for one have not researched into this subject, and doubted the possibility, but I’m also surprised at the depth of the questions presented by cole.
Inability to weigh the reverse of your acusations is your downfall on debating such topics. Think about it.
ROFL. Just because some random person on the internet (me) decides not to respond or get involved in an argument with some other random person on the internet (him), is reason enough for you to draw conclusions about an event that occurred 70 years ago? You truly have no right to be here making ridiculous accusations. Think about it.
I am not interested in such a debate. I have no interest in changing your – or anyone else’s – mind. Think what ever you like. Just try and stop being a fool.
If you don’t have any interest in “changing anyones mind” why exactly are you posting on here with such emotion about an event “that occurred 70 years ago” as if it happend to you, yesterday and they killed your family in a gas chamber?
The questions presented are in physical reality. Chemical traces are an excellent starting point for discussion yet you seem to avoid the physical reality. I would guess from being a voice of dissent against popular conspiracy on this website that you would have the better half of information. Yet you limit yourself and serve a holocaust deniers with an unanswered question.
I wouldn’t call it a winning statment.
Read it. You are an amateur. Respect the truth, and try and downsize your ego.
You are not interested in such a debate, or a debate in general?
If someone picks me up on any inconsistencies in one of my points of argument, whether it be on the internet or face-to-face, I feel obligated to clarify my position through the delivery of supportive facts.
Pounding out descriptions of where I am rolling or how loud I am laughing doesn’t give me much satisfaction frankly…I guess this is one of the many areas in which we differ.
Im not surprised by your ignorance either.
For once I agree with you. I note all holocaust deniers hate jews. Where are the holocaust deniers that don’t hate jews? Kind of makes the holocaust hoax theory stink a bit of self-serving bullshit. I am no fan of the Zionists – and most of the jews I have known (Israelis) were annoying brain washed morons. But that alone doesn’t mean I should deny the holocaust – because there is plenty of evidence for it:
Thank u so much
“I note all holocaust deniers hate jews”,
First of all, You have no f***ing idea what nationality, race ore religion the people that post here or in any other forums have. So please if you’re going to post keep to the subject!
Second, if people have another view on something try to put forward your points in an adult way and show some proof why your view is the right one.
Lol the “Wikipedia isn’t a good source unless it is something I agree with” crowd. I have easily referenced to the best source here. Problem? Jelly?
Wikipedia is certainly the best at being the easiest source to quote.
To understand the truth of any matter it is always wise to jump the fence and review the counterargument. The majority of ‘information’ that points us toward the conclusion that six million jews were systematically exterminated by the National Socialists is hearsay. Not physical, but built on the tenuous foundations of word of mouth.
If the case was to go to an impartial court for trial the odds of it being dismissed through lack of evidence would be very low indeed. Go and see how concrete the findings were on the subject of mass extermination at the Nuremburg trials. You may be surprised.
Read it, and go back to your tiny pedestal.
That may be, But still, Stop saying stupid things like “I note all holocaust deniers hate jews”.
Just stfu dickhead. Deny all you want. I dont give a fuck. Morons like you just want to deny and rewrite history in your own image. You’ll say anything. Eat dick and go away.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I do not and have never denied the Holocaust. You just proved to the world that you are the biggest dickhead here. Please stop trying to judge people. My point is that just because some people don’t believe these tragic events ever happend, Doesn’t meen they hate jews.
I don’t hate Jewish people or any other person because of their race, colour or religion but I also have questions about the stunning lack of evidence that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.
For a long time I was unwilling to look at the evidence but when I was able to open my mind & deprogram myself so I could ask questions & search for the truth, I was stunned to learn the facts.
Rothschild Zionism was seeking to create Israel & the idea of a Jewish Holocaust was instrumental in this regard.
I ask all people to question & research what we are told by media & government & to not be scared to seek the truth, wherever it may take you.
Unless you place truth above myth creation, you remain both ignorant & abdicate your God given right to free thought & speech.
You shouldn’t let anyone tell you what you can & can’t ask, think , feel or say because if you do you, you acquiesce to mind control by another & that is a waste of life.
Separate Zionism from Jewish people. Many Jewish people oppose Zionism as the terrorist ideology it is.
There is lack of evidence because the Nazis didn’t want anybody to know, it would be dumb of them to picture it actually. But there were many MANY witnesses to the stuff that happened in gas chambers.
“Rothschild Zionism”?!?!?! rofl you and your ilk are SUCH amateurs.
Where are they? How about David Cole, who was hunted down and hounded by the Jewish Defense League until he renounced his previous findings because he was “afraid for his life and the relatives he was supposedly taking care of.” (JDL brag)
He wrote a sensational piece entitled “Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers”. See how many you can refute…
haunting piece … always difficult to mentality grasp the fact that this was a reality and people did this to other people…scary …
It has ads and my firefox has ad block. No other documentary website I use has ads to keep it running.