Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717]

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It seems this guy has not had eating problems. Yah, people eat more. Not because theyres something wrong with their brain, because their eating unconsciously and wrong food. HELLO
I’ve always been within my BMI and come from a super-fat family. Genetics has very little to do with your weight. Exercise plays a role, but diet plays a bigger one.
My diet is restricted due to Asperger’s-induced sensory issues. Things I’ve always done by choice:
No soda
No red meat or pork
No alcohol
Avoiding these 4 things makes a huge difference. No extreme veganism or calorie-restriction necessary. Just avoid the worst of the worst items and use moderation when consuming the other “bad” things like chips or candy. Cook more meals at home from scratch and avoid eating out more than 1-2 times per month. Bake, boil, steam, broil or saute food instead of deep frying. Choose complex carbs instead of simple ones like white flour, sugar and rice.
You don’t have to deprive yourself to be healthy.
And as for the honey debate, it’s a super food. Yes it is a natural sugar. Like glucose. A “good sugar” our bodies can cope with it. We should (and did) use honey INSTEAD of sugar. I like to think of fructose of the “crack_cocaine” of sugar. Cocoa.
Cocoa cola.
They replaced the “coke” with sugar.
Cocoa is chocolate; coca is the plant containing cocaine.
It’s easy, low fat = mostly sugar. Fat free=Full of sugar
And sugar=diabetes + 8 conditions linked to chronic alcoholism.
processed + packaged food = adulterated food, ie. Toxic.
And to make it even more simple:
When you eat carrots, they don’t make you into a carrot so by the same principle, eating fat, doesn’t make you fat. We have all been lied to. Why are we not mad that we are creating a generation of sugar junkies?? I have had physical fights with my son trying to limit his sugar intake, it is practically impossible and we talk about the lack of manners and “the youth of today”. Have we seen what most schools and parents feed their kids?? Most people think I’m a dippy hippy. Thank you Dr Lutwig for providing the evidence!
Fantastic. Would love more of this type of educative video. The science helps a lot even if over one’s head a few times! So it’s not just lecturing it’s why one needs to change habits. Possible to have other endos etc helping lay people? Thanks.
Does anyone else have a problem following this? “Okay, I’ll tell you later… Okay?” He should tell us the facts, the theories and other stuff in an organized order! For example: Starting with the different kinds of sugars, where are those from and telling us why those are poison and how the body responses to them and where those sugars are used and why. And then telling us about getting fat. And leave all the unnecessary patronizing small talk out. Okay?
M’Kay?…… blah blah blah blah, M’Kay?
I am unsure about the honey subject as it is high in enzymes and breaks down cleaner than most sugars. If unrefined it is in its best state. I do believe it to be a healing food.
I am unsure about the honey subject as it is high in enzymes and breaks down cleaner than most sugars. If unrefined it is in its best state. I do believe it to be a healing food.
Wow. What a powerful presentation. I’m going to make a life change as a result of watching this.
Wow. What a powerful presentation. I’m going to make a life change as a result of watching this.
What a surprise. Fat people eating too much sugar. Watch more TV fatties, Im sure the corporations that brain wash you have your best interest in mind. Sugar, aspertame, bisphenol A, hormones, pesticides, big pharma… Americans are fat and stupid.
What a surprise. Fat people eating too much sugar. Watch more TV fatties, Im sure the corporations that brain wash you have your best interest in mind. Sugar, aspertame, bisphenol A, hormones, pesticides, big pharma… Americans are fat and stupid.
What a surprise. Fat people eating too much sugar. Watch more TV fatties, Im sure the corporations that brain wash you have your best interest in mind. Sugar, aspertame, bisphenol A, hormones, pesticides, big pharma… Americans are fat and stupid.
What a surprise. Fat people eating too much sugar. Watch more TV fatties, Im sure the corporations that brain wash you have your best interest in mind. Sugar, aspertame, bisphenol A, hormones, pesticides, big pharma… Americans are fat and stupid.
What a surprise. Fat people eating too much sugar. Watch more TV fatties, Im sure the corporations that brain wash you have your best interest in mind. Sugar, aspertame, bisphenol A, hormones, pesticides, big pharma… Americans are fat and stupid.
What a surprise. Fat people eating too much sugar. Watch more TV fatties, Im sure the corporations that brain wash you have your best interest in mind. Sugar, aspertame, bisphenol A, hormones, pesticides, big pharma… Americans are fat and stupid.
I’m eating stale peeps while I watch this. It’s a pretty good doc, but I can’t believe there’s still a shrill out there for atkins diet.
You must mean “shill,” not “shrill” (neither term applies here if you know word definitions).
Do you mean to say that in 90 minutes, all you came away with was one oblique reference to the Atkins diet? However, I agree with you that milk is disgusting and I can’t understand health professionals advocating consumption of milk.Aside from milk, this man sure seems to have done his homework and has forgotten more about nutrition that most of us will ever know.
You must mean “shill,” not “shrill” (neither term applies here if you know word definitions).
Do you mean to say that in 90 minutes, all you came away with was one oblique reference to the Atkins diet? However, I agree with you that milk is disgusting and I can’t understand health professionals advocating consumption of milk.Aside from milk, this man sure seems to have done his homework and has forgotten more about nutrition that most of us will ever know.
no honey is not industrialised food, anything not industrialised is not a problem. just make sure it’s really natural and you won’t have a problem. of course that doesn’t mean you can prefer only one type of food, eat seasonal foods and u’ll be good
That’s absolutely false! Natural=safe is really a bad way of thinking. What’s honey? It’s basically a mix of fructose (38.2%) and glucose… Yes, it is natural. But it is still a problem.
That’s absolutely false! Natural=safe is really a bad way of thinking. What’s honey? It’s basically a mix of fructose (38.2%) and glucose… Yes, it is natural. But it is still a problem.
That’s absolutely false! Natural=safe is really a bad way of thinking. What’s honey? It’s basically a mix of fructose (38.2%) and glucose… Yes, it is natural. But it is still a problem.
What about honey, is that a big problem too?
Of course it is a big problem, too. Honey is basically a syrup of fructose, glucose and other sugars.
That’s a very informative doc i endorse it thumbs up.