This documentary examines the remarkable case of Issei Sagawa –the self-confessed ‘godfather of cannibals’ who walked free from prison and became a minor celebrity, despite having killed and eaten a young woman in the early 1980s.

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He may have got away with it in this world but God will certainly get the glory when it’s over with
I think he needs to eat a .45 ACP round or five. Defective POS.
Men are a Goddamned disease.
No we not love but some of us are sick in the head
What really makes me angry is not only the fact that he killed a poor sweet innocent lady Renée Hartevelt who showed him kindness, but to add fuel to fire what is really really sickening is that he got famous for his actions in Japan, and he was celebrated and was given talk shows and media exposure, and he became a porn star. And moreover, other women befriended him because of his actions.
This makes me think that this is a sick world and humans are sick sick sick beings capable of taking pleasure in sick things like rape, murder, cannibalism etc. 🙁
SOME humans. ..thankfully, not ALL. .. I totally agree w/ everything you say. ..and even a piece of shit is better than this despicable little ugly troll. Satan is alive and well, and living in Japan. ..and public humiliation is what he deserves, not celebrity. ..God! THAT, in itself, is disturbingly SICK. =(
j pizzel ur a fukin freak! get a grip
j pizzel ur a fukin freak! get a grip
j pizzel ur a fukin freak! get a grip
He’s loony as all hell. But I find him so interesting. I don’t blame the japanese public for buying all his books, turning him into a pseudo-celebrity. I mean, we’re all here because we wanted to know more about him, and how his fucked up brain works.
omg what a fucker he is really fucked up big time and by the way dont like fucking japanese people..
I have to go down stairs now to my local bar here in Tokyo to clear my head with my Japanese friends.
I think what’s missed is the over all acceptance by Japanese culture of the brutalization of a westerner. They applauded his actions. Don’t suppose that the killing of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of CIVILIANS during WWII or the wrongful detention of thousands of Japanese Americans has anything to do with this huh? Hate breeds hate. Living in the West I can say that MOST westerners are ARROGANT. They built this GREAT COUNTRY on the blood of native Americans and Africans. We still live off the blood of the rest of the world without care. It’s no wonder that Japanese authorities were nonchalant about a western girl being brutalized. We didn’t care when we burned alive thousands. Lets not forget that the French let him go.
I ADMIRE HIM ! Now that I have your attention – I hate him, Japan and French… Japan should be bombed again. And once more…
I ADMIRE HIM ! Now that I have your attention – I hate him, Japan and French… Japan should be bombed again. And once more…
In 1996 a french woman named Sophie toscan du plantier was murdered in Ireland to this day the french government are trying to get a suspect extradited to france to face trial, the same government that let this piece of shit walk free, it stinks to the high heavens fuck France and fuck this twisted sadist. he talks like he’s giving a lecture on it, the dutch should have after this guy.
Remind me to never go to France or Japan, disgusting barbarians.
Dude, compartmentalizing people into an ‘us vs them’ is stuff for monkeys in the jungle. What about Americans and their atrocities against each other, and against smaller countries (Vietnam for one) that have been made, and are continuing till this day? Not to mention the other countless nation states that are guilty of such heinous crimes against humanity. To think that a whole country is barbaric because of one man is…..well,…..barbaric.
i would find this sick fuck and slit his throat!
i would find this sick fuck and slit his throat!
Wish someone would. ..and THEY should get off, scott free, as well. Now THAT would be a service to the world.
I feel like flying to Japan, cutting his dick off, and feeding it to him.
Yes, and don’t forget to make a video of it, so he can be made to watch it over and over. ..justice would be served.
I feel like flying to Japan, cutting his dick off, and feeding it to him.
Wow, I love how they try and rationalize what he has done. This makes me so angry and sickened. There is this cocky look on his face that I would love to slap off. This poor woman try to give this poor pathetic excuse of a man a chance of friendship and this is what she gets. Not to mention her poor family. If I were one of her relatives I honestly would have hunted him down. Ugh!
Wow, I love how they try and rationalize what he has done. This makes me so angry and sickened. There is this cocky look on his face that I would love to slap off. This poor woman try to give this poor pathetic excuse of a man a chance of friendship and this is what she gets. Not to mention her poor family. If I were one of her relatives I honestly would have hunted him down. Ugh!
I honestly would want to hunt him down as it is
Wow, just when I though I was all tapped out, I managed to lose even more respect for the French government. Saying that letting a psychopath walk free is the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is the most imbecilic statement I have ever heard! The difference between the two is that one allows the election of it’s leaders, and the other does not. His claim is absolutely irrelevant. Issei Sagawa is a danger to society, he has proven it twice. I feel truly sorry for the family of Renée Hartevelt.
You, my friend, ARE absolutely correct….and I feel the same about the French laws concerning such crimes after this.
Watching this video had an impact on me far greater than when I first heard the news. Years ago, I was working in Japan as an English teacher, and it was there that I first heard of this psychopath and the crime that he had just committed. It was all over the news.
I didn’t pay much attention to it back then, but now that I know what really happened, it fills me with rage. If anyone deserves to be put to death (preferably in a slow and painful manner), it has to be this guy, even though I am not an outright supporter of the death penalty.
Having said that, I am torn by some of the responses posted here that Japan is a sick country and that the people are perverted. Don’t get me wrong. I am no less disgusted than anyone who watched this documentary, but to indict a whole nation of people by the action of one freak is a slippery slope and a dangerous one to go down.
During the 3 years I worked in Osaka (the second largest city in Japan), I naturally had to interact with the local people, and even got close to many of my students. In all fairness, I have to say that they were, for the most part, honest, hard-working, decent people who only wanted to make the most of life for themselves and their children.
Just as we cannot judge Christians by the acts of Timothy McVeigh, what Hitler did to the Jews cannot define who the German people are.
When civilizations hold a grudge for thousands of years in the name of Allah or in the name of Jesus, it was only half a century ago that my country dropped 2 A-bombs, deservedly or not, on the citizens of Japan. But not once did anyone there make me feel unwelcome or uncomfortable for being an American.
On the contrary, they embraced me right from the start, and showed me every bit of respect and kindness that any human being deserves and appreciates. All too often they were willing to go out of their way to help me, a foreigner lost in a foreign land.
And so I refuse to let this cannibal interfere with the fond memories I have of Japan. Looking back, I still remember the friendly faces that I shared a part of my life with. I still treasure those years.
Believe me, those people are not guilty.
Yes, I agree w/ you there. ..and I know many wonderful Japanese, and Chinese people, as well. ..but I’m pretty sure they were referring to the people in Japan making a ‘celebrity’ of him.’s quite surreal and unbelievable that he’s literally ‘thrived’ off of this heinous crime of his. ..and I’m pretty sure ( the celebrity – ness) would not be happening many other places, thankfully. ..I don’t understand it myself, or why on earth some of them would make this guy famous there.’s disgusting, and unbelievable.
Hitler only put the Jews to work in the LABOR CAMPS. Don’t fall for the lie of ‘The Holocaust.’ Watch “David Cole in Auschwitz” as a starting point on your journey to learning the truth. It’s on YoTube. From there, there is much evidence proving that ‘The Holocaust’ is nothing more than a lie.
Yes….you have made some righteous claims, and I agree with you. However, do not forget that people are influenced by their culture. Americans, which I am, have the same problem with their despicable gun culture. I think that such responses posted here are irrationally made in hatred and without consideration of the whole, let’s call it human error. It is great of you to point out your personal experiences that defends the rest of Japan. That IS important. Callous remarks are simply that, and should not be tolerated.
she was a really nice girl.. such a psychopath.
This video made me kinda hungry
You got my ‘thumbs up’ to go (munch) on Mr. Sagawa. ..what goes around, comes around. ..and that hideous little troll needs ‘karma’ to come back and bite him in the ass, big time, literally! . .He’d probably taste rotten though, because he IS rotten to the core. ..a discussing excuse for a human being.
I hope youre not serious because if you are you really have some fucked up issues there mate!
You are an immature witless fool.
of course he’s kidding. no need to get all panties in a bunch over it
You and J-Pizzel need to understand that humor is best saved for things that are not so hurtful to others, such as rape, murder, and….cannibalism. How about having your “panties in a bunch” stuffed in your mouths as someone like him devours your flesh after he post mortemly violates your A-HOLES!! You fuc*ing children with no sense of empathy that you both should reconsider your mere existence within the rest of humanity.
What were you saying about being hurtful to others again?
Ha ha .. .good burn.
Edit…..”You and J-Pizzel need to understand that humor is best saved for things
that are not so hurtful to others.” Ridiculing atrocities such as rape, murder,
and….cannibalism is simply wrong and ignorant. How about……………(the rest is above).
She was a kind woman. This guy should die.
That pretty much sums it up.
What a Freak should be put down like the Midgit freak he is !
here it works — >
I hate japan. Disgusting, perverted country. I never want to go there.
Your disgust is understandable. Japan is, in fact, the only country to have ever produced a deranged killer. Cannibalism is an act exclusive to Japanese nationals. Japan is also the only country where a person guilty of a horrible crime has been released because of legal loopholes and/or problems with international justice systems.
Japan is also very sorry you decline to visit. You look delicious.
Uh. ..just a minute. ..what about Jeffery Dahmer? .. and there’s a couple more, although can’t think of their names offhand.
@96105d063c334b296598b21cb23d8504:disqus @342438f333acb21438f101547d4388c1:disqus These comments are incredibly closed minded and ignorant of you both. You can’t judge a country on one person, especially a person as psychologically disturbed as this man. Japan is an impressive and traditional country. Don’t demean countries you obviously know nothing about and work on improving the country you live in yourself.
@disgust totally agree with you! japan is a fluckep country filled with even more flucked up people.. they are probably the sickest society in the world!.
you can’t judge a nation by one man
Yeah you’re right but remember Japan was also responsible for the Nanking massacre so yeah they are a pretty jacked up nation
Doing real well on the “likes” there buddy. 9months – not one!!
Doing real well on the “likes” there buddy. 9months – not one!!
Doing real well on the “likes” there buddy. 9months – not one!!
Doing real well on the “likes” there buddy. 9months – not one!!
Doing real well on the “likes” there buddy. 9months – not one!!
Doing real well on the “likes” there buddy. 9months – not one!!
America is so much better right. This is nothing compared to the sick shit that goes on in AmeriCUNT. whos the country with the highest number of child molesters, and sick fucking twisted motherfuckers. Who that guy in PA who went around took young boys and hacked them to pieces in the early 1900s they made a move about it. And you talk about japan
they should have killed that motherfucker wtf is wrong with people
AND the doctor that was treating him said he’s not really remorseful, deep down, remember? ..his videos are blatantly taunting and boastful!. ..sitting w/ knife and fork in front of who knows what that thing at the table is…it’s disgusting. ..he’s making jokes! about it. ..laughing, ha ha. ..he’s a sick, sick, nasty little man.