
The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw

“The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw” is a 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception. That is a ground-breaking 44-minute video also by Barrie Zwicker. He was the first mainstream journalist in the world to go on air (in January 2002) and ask hard questions about the official story of 9/11.

The Great Deception is a compilation of his series of seven commentaries on 9/11. In The Great Conspiracy, Zwicker updates and expands his critique. He analyses the use of fear to befuddle the public. He deconstructs the so-called “war on terrorism”. He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11 and George Bush’s highly inappropriate behaviour that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission to be a total coverup operation.

Throughout, he analyses the role of the mainstream media as complicit in keeping the public massively misinformed and befuddled. And he suggests what we can do. Those who have seen both works find them complementary.

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  1. Susan Lindauer was negotiating as a CIA “Asset” in the Middle East from 1990s to 2001. Her CIA bosses informed her they expected a jet hijacking as early as April 2001. By August 2001, they were more specific, they warned her not to go to NY or fly as the hijacking was imminent, and that the target would be the WTC. She was ordered to inquire of her Middle East contacts if they had any further information. After the attack, one of the Middle Eastern men told her: “Susan, you knew, you told us this would happen. Your Govt knew, why didn’t they stop it, why did they allow their own people die?” Susan has proof she informed the White House, the FBI, and attorney gen Ashcroft. Susan also warned her friends not to fly or go to NY in October and September 2001. Ashcroft reportedly stopped taking flights around that time. Her book: EXTREME PREJUDICE is a must read—tells all!
    So there is sufficient evidence to arrest and try bush and cheney and others. Why are they not being charged? People are scared. Anyone who is tough enough to blow the president’s head open in public at a parade, with cameras, or shoot his brother in the head while hundreds of people are standing around the two, or are able to get their hands on anthrax—these are people who will not sit back while you file a charge and prepare a case against them.
    Since the 9/11 attack, the jackals have gone on to far more heinous crimes with 500 times more deaths, just as illegally and just as openly. And do not forget, they bitch-slapped the people and stole billions. And we are here looking at billowing smoke trying to find a clue as to who did this? We are all cowards.

  2. It’s a National Socialist USA, the 911 Reich, with the deceived ready to stomp all over anyone who won’t go along with the lie. Wanting to be truly free, just and honest is now life threatening. We are as expendable as an unborn child. If you start with murdering your own flesh and blood, where do you go from there? I don’t believe the lie that those innocent children are not human beings, either. I did not even believe the Gulf of Tonkin Report and when to the Federal military prison at Portsmith N.H. instead, but I got a clean conscience. Yep. I got the best of them.I always took the punishment,but remained free in spirit at all times. It was worth it.

  3. This is why learning history is so important. It can be a great predictor for the future. There is something definitely stinky going on in the Bush Clan. This family is always associated with WAR, and the evil it creates, going back to WWII when Prescott Bush helped finance Hitler and the NAZI Party through his bank. It’s no wonder Bush Jr is smiling all the time. One of the dumbest of the family got to play President and killed over 4000, with 30,000+ injured of your son’s and daughters, mom’s & dad’s. Add the estimated 400,000 up to 2,500,000 Iraqis slaughtered, all because of LIES they KNEW they were telling, I’d say Bush and his accomplices got away with quite a few War Crimes. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini all did the same crap. They lied their asses off to start unjustified Wars. I have to laugh at how they all claim to be Christians, Catholics, Morons…I mean Mormons, and love God, Jesus, along with the Virgin Mary and Holy Ghost (and all that other nonsense). These people LIE MORE THAN SATAN and all of his DEMONS put together. Yes dsrtdomme…All governments can be diabolical, even the U.S.A. It won’t be the 1st nor will it be the last.

  4. Self Determination for “PALESTINE”. We must remember the reasons why these actions took place, in the first place. The injustices perpetrated against the Palestinians, who lived for over 3000 Yrs, prior to the establishment of the State of Zionist, in 1947. Can we really blame these people for feeling the way they do?. I don’t thick so. 

  5. Self Determination for “PALESTINE”. We must remember the reasons why these actions took place, in the first place. The injustices perpetrated against the Palestinians, who lived for over 3000 Yrs, prior to the establishment of the State of Zionist, in 1947. Can we really blame these people for feeling the way they do?. I don’t thick so. 

  6. Is it becoming too late to push for a trial based on critical information?

  7. My father believes the US government is corrupt, but not diabolical. What what said at the end of this video I have heard a lot. One being that the secret couldn’t be kept. IF it was a government operation, then yes, it can be kept secret. 

    I do not know how 9/11 happened. None of us, unless party to the crime, will know. The government will never tell. It is classified as all hell. I do believe our government has been a part of large conspiracies, therefore perfectly capable of doing 9/11. I believe that we at the very least let it happen. Whoever did it is sick. Those poor people jumping kills me. All the suffering. 

  8. My father believes the US government is corrupt, but not diabolical. What what said at the end of this video I have heard a lot. One being that the secret couldn’t be kept. IF it was a government operation, then yes, it can be kept secret. 

    I do not know how 9/11 happened. None of us, unless party to the crime, will know. The government will never tell. It is classified as all hell. I do believe our government has been a part of large conspiracies, therefore perfectly capable of doing 9/11. I believe that we at the very least let it happen. Whoever did it is sick. Those poor people jumping kills me. All the suffering. 

  9. I really wonder why the American people have not lynched Bush and dismantled a Government that is quite obviously not “For the People” or “By the People” and rebuilt a Gov’t that truly reflects these ideals?????

    • because they don’t know how…

    • it’s simple. those of us who realize the government is not for the people are too few and far between. This whole osama thing nowadays has done nothing but shine light on just how few people I know that have educated themselves with whats really going on in the world.

    • it’s simple. those of us who realize the government is not for the people are too few and far between. This whole osama thing nowadays has done nothing but shine light on just how few people I know that have educated themselves with whats really going on in the world.

  10. I have two words – Good and evil. I have two statements – truth and lies. Look Deep for yourself and Family.

  11. I have been wondering for almost 10 years now, how anyone in their right mind can believe the “official” story told by these imbeciles and mass murderers.


    • I believe it’s easier for some to believe the lies than face the consequences of accepting the truth.

      If the U.S government was capable of killing a few thousand of it’s own citizens without any mercy then what else would they be capable of doing to their own(or other) people?

      If they can tell such a big lie when virtually all the evidence is contradicting it while simply dismissing that evidence as lies what else could they be lying about?

      It’s not really surprising given America’s foundations on ‘faith’ of the religious, social, political, scientific and economic varieties.

      Many Americans literally take it as a matter of faith that their government wouldn’t do such things and is only working for the good of the American people, and there are some people for whom questioning faith simply is not an option. No matter how much you have to delude your view of reality to maintain it.

      It’s saddening but it’s also a fact of life that some people are that way, but there are very few who truly can not have their faith broken and thus as long the whole ‘truther’ movement keeps people thinking about it I believe most of them will eventually come back to reality.
