Until now, GamerSpawn History has focused on documenting the detailed history of triple A military shooter franchises like Battlefield and Call of Duty. But with this documentary film, we’ll shift gears in order to bring you an indepth look into the conception, development, and continued growth of the industry’s biggest open world action series, Grand Theft Auto. Today, Rockstar Games is a worldrenowned brand and a household name for millions of gamers. But the massive franchise that continues to change and impact the industry had very small beginnings.

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There hasn’t been a grand theft auto I haven’t played, it’s seemingly been a benchmark of what’s possible in sandbox games and continues to be the leader. The quality of the series doesn’t appear to have diminished over time, and I believe that’s partly in-thanks to the developers keeping the game edgy and fresh. After all, there’s nothing like releasing some stress by running a rampage through an unsuspecting city.
= beautiful
Can’t wait for 5. Its going to be the best game they have ever put out.