The Hunt for Dr. Death
In the autumn of 1941, a young Austrian doctor called Aribert Heim was assigned to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp. In just six weeks, he murdered hundreds of inmates by carrying out horrific and needless experiments. His ‘procedures’ included injecting poison directly into the hearts of his patients, often timing them to see how long it took them to die. He would amputate limbs without reason, and without anaesthetic, and would even keep mementos of his victims, using skin as a lamp shade, and a skull as a paperweight. He evaded capture and has never answered for his crimes – but now 60 years on and with Heim well into his 90s, fresh evidence has emerged suggesting that he might still be alive. This film follows Dr Efraim Zuroff in his international manhunt for one of the world’s most wanted Nazi war criminals. With Heim’s horrific crimes soon to be consigned to history forever, this Nazi hunt will be the last of its kind and the clock is ticking for Zuroff to bring his target to justice.
what Nazis did to Jews, Jews are doing to the Arabs in occupied Palestine … in this way, Jews deserve what Nazis did to them .. Hail Hitler
Can’t think coherently. Can’t spell correctly.
Can’t think logically. Can’t spell correctly.
STFU you nazi racist POS
Why can’t any of these people bother to learn how to pronounce the German names properly?
I think they should hunt down ANYONE involved in genocide, German, Israeli, or of any other race…. regardless of their age.. It is not fair to the victims to allow them to live out the rest of their lives in peace as if they didnt do anything wrong.I just find this guys accent and the way he talks extremely annoying. It sounds like he’s trying a little too hard to sound like the godfather.
catch them all and do the same experiments on them like they did to the poor folk in the camp’s
Thank goodness, for individuals who seek justice for those who suffered at the hands of Hitler and his evil Nazi regime.
I lived 13 years in israel and i have seen people old and young Palestinian refugees
go to see their stolen homes , streets and life’s with the hands of people from Poland even from Ethiopia , of course they fled their homes from Israeli mascaras not because the wanted to start a new life in a tent ,I consider this Israel a Nazi state
some say that this is called stocholm syndrom where the victim emitates and unites with the his torturer
eeey.. what about the old man outside the house? they dident say what happened to him, it could be Heim
I am sorry but the experiments were not “needless”. It was cruel, yes, but it did great help and advance medical science. Same case with Japan’s Unit 731. Don’t forget where the German and Japanese doctors got their ideas from.
Why all the attention and focus on the jewish holocaust??? Theirs was not the only one!!!! Here’s another thought-provoking question: If the jewish holocaust was so terribly debilitating and horrifying, how is it that so many of them are still so wealthy??? There are hundreds of other groups who’ve had the same or even FAR WORSE done or perpetrated upon them and not many individuals within these other groups have anywhere near the personal wealth of most Jews, what’s up with that??? Also, why is nobody out there hunting down other war criminals from other wars??
Why all the attention and focus on the jewish holocaust??? Theirs was not the only one!!!! Here’s another thought-provoking question: If the jewish holocaust was so terribly debilitating and horrifying, how is it that so many of them are still so wealthy??? There are hundreds of other groups who’ve had the same or even FAR WORSE done or perpetrated upon them and not many individuals within these other groups have anywhere near the personal wealth of most Jews, what’s up with that??? Also, why is nobody out there hunting down other war criminals from other wars??
Obviously, you’ve never been locked up. What is a 93 year-old person going to do in prison? The same thing a 23 year-old does in prison, waste precious life. And to Johnny, Theodore N. Kaufman was right. Nietzsche said the same thing. He was sick of the pervading German anti-Jewish attitude and advised that all of the countries of Europe should combine and dismember Germany. I agree. There is nothing racist about being anti-German. Germany is a modern invention that didn’t exist until 1871. Please, the “German” race did not start in 1871! Germans are not a race. They are Hessians, Saxons, Austrians, etc. There is no such thing as a German race. Racists are always stupid and lack a historical perspective. We kicked Nazi butt in WWII, and we will do it again. Why can’t you racists figure it out? You lost the American Civil War, you lost WWII. For all your talk, you’re really a bunch of losers who can’t fight. So why is the Nazi army considered so great? Because the common people still believe propaganda over the historical record. Amazing how ignorant people can be. As for Israel and the Palestinians. Read The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbons. People have been killing each other in the so-called “holy” land for 5000 years and it ain’t going to stop now. I once heard a Palestinian say “My grandfather died here, my father died here and I’m going to die here.” I thought, “Right you are.” I once considered what I would do if I had a chance to go back to Germany before Hitler took over. I would advise both Jews and Germans to leave Germany. I have the same advise for Jews and Palestinians today. If they don’t want to leave, if their hell bent on fighting each other, after that, their on their own.
“Germany is a modern invention that didn’t exist until 1871…Germans are not a race!!!!! . The Germanic peoples (also called Teutonic in older literature) are a historical ethno-linguistic group, originating in Northern Europ and identified by their use of the indo-european Germanic languages, which diversified out of Common Germanic in the course of the Pre-Roman Iron Age.
“..dismember Germany?” “There is nothing racist about being anti-German.”?????????? You sound like an uneducated hateful idiot… Hating all Germans,a whole nation is Nazism. Saying that you ( I presume Americans) beet the Nazis? Is the same pride, which is based on lies, that formed the basis of the III Reich. Beating the Nazis was an effort of many nations and people.
The III Reich soldiers were very good soldiers. They also had better equipment, their army was better organized, and the tactics was better etc. Be fucking objective moron.
There are no chosen people. All who think they are better for some reason are the same shit as Nazis. So if you think that the arian race is the ruling race,Israelis are the gods chosen people, of You think that Americans won every war,and are god chosen people, etc YOU ARE A NAZI- a blinded by your own pride- nationalist. Sparking the flame of hatred amongst full of pride idiots is very simple.
“Germany is a modern invention that didn’t exist until 1871…Germans are not a race!!!!! . The Germanic peoples (also called Teutonic in older literature) are a historical ethno-linguistic group, originating in Northern Europ and identified by their use of the indo-european Germanic languages, which diversified out of Common Germanic in the course of the Pre-Roman Iron Age.
“..dismember Germany?” “There is nothing racist about being anti-German.”?????????? You sound like an uneducated hateful idiot… Hating all Germans,a whole nation is Nazism. Saying that you ( I presume Americans) beet the Nazis? Is the same pride, which is based on lies, that formed the basis of the III Reich. Beating the Nazis was an effort of many nations and people.
The III Reich soldiers were very good soldiers. They also had better equipment, their army was better organized, and the tactics was better etc. Be fucking objective moron.
There are no chosen people. All who think they are better for some reason are the same shit as Nazis. So if you think that the arian race is the ruling race,Israelis are the gods chosen people, of You think that Americans won every war,and are god chosen people, etc YOU ARE A NAZI- a blinded by your own pride- nationalist. Sparking the flame of hatred amongst full of pride idiots is very simple.
More fucking propaganda. How long these fuckers are going to mentnion Nazis all you fucking hear from the fucking americunts Nazis, evil Nazis, evil communism, Nazis, HItler, shit 70 years already get over it.
More fucking propaganda. How long these fuckers are going to mentnion Nazis all you fucking hear from the fucking americunts Nazis, evil Nazis, evil communism, Nazis, HItler, shit 70 years already get over it.
More fucking propaganda. How long these fuckers are going to mentnion Nazis all you fucking hear from the fucking americunts Nazis, evil Nazis, evil communism, Nazis, HItler, shit 70 years already get over it.
More fucking propaganda. How long these fuckers are going to mentnion Nazis all you fucking hear from the fucking americunts Nazis, evil Nazis, evil communism, Nazis, HItler, shit 70 years already get over it.
This guy is dumb. Living of the past, why doesn’t he try to hunt all of those Israelis who are exterminating Palestinians… What is a 93 year old person going to do in prison… Idiot!
This guy is dumb. Living of the past, why doesn’t he try to hunt all of those Israelis who are exterminating Palestinians… What is a 93 year old person going to do in prison… Idiot!
Seriously, your the idiot.
It would be appreciated if you kept your support for Palestine and your stupidity separate. You be making the rational supporters of Palestine look hateful.
what are you on about?? because of their age they dont deserve to be stood on trail? what a stupid comment! As far as your ”what are they goin to do in jail” comment goes. They’re going to die in jail, where they belong, thats what they’re going to do in jail.
Israeli’s are not exterminating Palestinians although the Arabs would like us all to think they are. Grow up, Yo.
Are you blind dead_head? look at the facts man…
yes they are…quit drinking the koolaide
yes they are…quit drinking the koolaide
yes they are…quit drinking the koolaide
They should hunt down anyone and everyone in involved in the racist hate-speech of ‘Germany Must Perish’ written by Jewish-American businessman Theodore N. Kaufman in late 1940 or early 1941(when the U.S was officially neutral). Excerpts:
“Today’s war is not a war against Adolf Hitler.
Nor is it a war against the Nazis.
It is a war of peoples against peoples; of civilized peoples
envisioning Light, against uncivilized barbarians who cherish Darkness.”
“They were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the German nation for conquest and mass murder.”
“This war is being waged by the German People. It is they who are responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the war.”
“No! The problem of Germanism must not again be passed along to the next generation.”
“To fight, to win, and not this time to end Germanism forever by
exterminating completely those people who spread its doctrine die to
herald the outbreak of another German war within a generation.”
“It is a definite obligation which the world owes to those who struggled
and died against the German yesterday, and to those who are fighting
him again today, as it is the bounden duty of the present generation to
those yet unborn, to make certain that the vicious fangs of the German
serpent shall never strike again.”
“And so it is with the people of Germany. They may respond for a while
to civilizing forces; they may seemingly adopt the superficial
mannerisms and exterior behaviorism of civilized peoples but all the
while there remains ever present within them that war-soul which
eventually drives then, as it does the tiger, to kill. And no amount of
conditionism, or reasoning, or civilizing — past, present or future —
will ever be able to change this basic nature.”
“They have lost the wish to be human beings. They are but beasts; they must be dealt with as such.
This is an objective viewpoint, carefully considered and factually sustained. It is the view taken of them in this book.”
This one has particular interest to Americans today…
“Germans are an execrable people! They think and dream of nothing but
chicanery. Their great joy consists in fault-finding, shrieking and
threats. They brandish arms which are like barbed clubs; from their
mouths instead of ordinary human speech, issue the rumbling of
artillery and the clash of steel; their life is one of perpetual
explosion. The German does not live on the heights; he avoids light,
and from his hiding place he picks to pieces treaties, exercises his
malign influence on newspaper articles, pores over maps, measures
angles, and traces with gloating eagerness the lines of frontiers.
love their country is for them to despise, flout and insult every other
country. They are capable of little else but cheating and lying, even
to themselves. They meddle in everyone else’s affairs, poking their
nose into matters that do not concern them, criticizing everything,
bossing everything, lowering and distorting everything.
“Yesterday they may have been called Pan-Germans; today Nazis; tomorrow
perhaps Supergerman. Time cannot change the infernal breed, whatever
its label. Time merely enlarges the field in which the German can, with
ever-increasing intensity and thoroughness, practice those monstrous
acts which his fevered, war-intoxicated brain dictates, and his vile
instincts and barbaric, savage soul prompts.”
And lot’s more racism, from an American Jew directed towards Germans, before the U.S was in the war or the
Holocaust had been started/invented yet.
Full text of the original volume found here:
Stop living in your parent’s basement and get a life.
Stop living in your parent’s basement and get a life.
Stop living in your parent’s basement and get a life.
good fucking god get a fucking life mate nobody give a flying fuck about your fucking novels.
good fucking god get a fucking life mate nobody give a flying fuck about your fucking novels.
good fucking god get a fucking life mate nobody give a flying fuck about your fucking novels.
good fucking god get a fucking life mate nobody give a flying fuck about your fucking novels.
Sorry, correct link for the ‘Germany Must Perish!’ book:
Note: I say they should be ‘hunted down’ because the hatred espoused by
such anti-German Jews and non-Jews no doubt contributed to why up to
13.5 million Germans died in the aftermath of the war under the control
of the Allies.
Including up to or possibly over 1 million German
POW’s that were purposefully exterminated by the Allies after the war
by placing them in “camps” that were no more than open fields with
barbed wire around them – little or no shelter or any ‘facilities’
despite the U.S Army having a large surplus of tents that could have
been provided.
And the U.S classified it’s German prisoners as
“Disarmed Enemy Forces” rather than “prisoners of war” which allowed
them to treat them far harsher, including preventing the Red Cross from
providing food or medical treatment.
The book ‘Other Losses:
An Investigation Into The Mass Deaths Of German Prisoners At The Hands
Of The French And Americans After WWII’ by James Bacque discusses some of
that –
The foreword of that book:
“More than five million German soldiers in the American
and French zones were crowded into barbed wire cages, many of them
literally shoulder to shoulder. The ground beneath them soon became a
quagmire of filth and disease. Open to the weather, lacking even
primitive sanitary facilities, underfed, the prisoners soon began dying
of starvation and disease. Starting in April 1945, the United States
Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men,
most of them in American camps.
~ Colonel
Ernest F. Fisher, PhD Lt.
Center of Military History
Quiet though, we don’t want anyone thinking concentration camps were normal for all sides in WWII…
Note: I say they should be ‘hunted down’ because the hatred espoused by
such anti-German Jews and non-Jews no doubt contributed to why up to
13.5 million Germans died in the aftermath of the war under the control
of the Allies.
Including up to or possibly over 1 million German
POW’s that were purposefully exterminated by the Allies after the war
by placing them in “camps” that were no more than open fields with
barbed wire around them – little or no shelter or any ‘facilities’
despite the U.S Army having a large surplus of tents that could have
been provided.
And the U.S classified it’s German prisoners as
“Disarmed Enemy Forces” rather than “prisoners of war” which allowed
them to treat them far harsher, including preventing the Red Cross from
providing food or medical treatment.
The book ‘Other Losses:
An Investigation Into The Mass Deaths Of German Prisoners At The Hands
Of The French And Americans After WWII’ by James Bacque discusses some of
that –
The foreword of that book:
“More than five million German soldiers in the American
and French zones were crowded into barbed wire cages, many of them
literally shoulder to shoulder. The ground beneath them soon became a
quagmire of filth and disease. Open to the weather, lacking even
primitive sanitary facilities, underfed, the prisoners soon began dying
of starvation and disease. Starting in April 1945, the United States
Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men,
most of them in American camps.
~ Colonel
Ernest F. Fisher, PhD Lt.
Center of Military History
Quiet though, we don’t want anyone thinking concentration camps were normal for all sides in WWII…
German POW’s captured by Canadians were sent to camps in Western Canada, where they were well- treated. Some learnt trades. Many decided to stay in Canada after the second world war.
For some reason Col. Fisher’s full title got cut off.
Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, PhD Lt.
101st Airborne Division, former senior historian at the United States Army Center of Military History
lol how is this not a personal vendetta what could puttung a 93 year old man in prison possibly bring ?
now what jews are doing with muslims and others (Gentile) who would seen their crimes?
bravo for your job …24 Bandits !!!!