Children of the Master Race looks at the Nazis’ secret breeding programme called Lebensborn, and how the surviving children have lived their lives in the knowledge that they were bred to rule the world.

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Children of the Master Race looks at the Nazis’ secret breeding programme called Lebensborn, and how the surviving children have lived their lives in the knowledge that they were bred to rule the world.
This is now one of my favorite documentaries! The pain and guilt these people must live with on behalf of their parents is almost unbearable to watch.
My apologize but this line made me laugh .. ”
my father was a “stud” who had to produce children. My mother was a whore? – The Last Nazi The Master Race documentary”
Why the fuck did they post the “Speaking German” tag on top of the actual translation? Otherwise, very good doc. Keep up the good work.
The ending was good, I liked watching this.
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Warning – the above is a fake comment used to mask a link to a
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Warning – the above is a fake comment used to mask a link to a
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Even funnier thing; the jews bankrolled Hitler who was a bastard Rothschild
Even funnier thing; the jews bankrolled Hitler who was a bastard Rothschild
Even funnier thing; the jews bankrolled Hitler who was a bastard Rothschild
Even funnier thing; the jews bankrolled Hitler who was a bastard Rothschild
thats the biggest load of shit ever ,,,, honestly please do the human race a favour and honestly end your own life , i beg to any g0d that is out there that you will die soon , if jews were all powerfull they would wipe out a cunt like you
funny the jews think they are the master race as well
funny that you have no idea what your talking about , and that youre spouting racist evil shit that causes such terrible events as the holocaust , you cunt
Nationalism is nationalism. It’s not like if a Jew is a nationalist it in some way is justified. People that are fanatic about “their people”, and land, that see themselves as chosen, better, superior are pretty much Nazi material. Crimes are justified based on this superiority. It’s a fact that theirs allot are Nationalist Jews.If you look at Israelis foreign policy it resembles those beliefs.
Yeah, the Romans called everyone else barbarians, including the Gauls, and the Gauls considered the Romans as barbarians. Nowadays you hear reference to the afghanistan fighters as barbarians, in some literature. eg) The Grand Chessboard