The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting documentary-film created by that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. Throughout history people tendet to follow charismatic leaders and to believe everything they said. I say: Let’s be critical this time! Barack Obama is a great speechman – but do the things he does comply with what he promises?
The producers of this film thry to show that the Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans. It’s not about Left or Right: it’s about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.
This film answers who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and lays out his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the documentary for you!
If we understand that the President is just a puppet, then it’s a waste of time, even petty, to criticize his decisions, team, etc. We know who the real opponents are, so all efforts should be focused there. To spend so much time complaining about Obama is slowing the movement down. This entire movie could be remade substituting in Trump now. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize. You
Your folks must have been the peeps who taught black folks to how speak English .acent included.. Quite impressive. Keep talking apparently, people listen, and the truth is your aim, keep on, keeping on.
I’m really impressed with Kinsey’s allusion to the slaves who died building the pyramids. Thats good stuff. Absolutely right we are at that window in time now, when the first slave ships came to western Africa, When the first Jewish family was carted off by the Nazis. Their neighbors sat back an said ” well at least it wasn’t us” And that’s how I feel every time I see those kids getting sprayed at the G8 summit.We all think we would stand up and resist our oppressors but we are getting a great education on just how the Africans became slaves, and the Holocaust happened. I challenge you now to ask your self the question,”When the slave ship arrived on the shore” what would you do? When they started poisoning your Apache brothers with small pox, what would you do? WHEN they start loading your nieghbors on the boxcar what WILL you do???
Hmm i hope you dont get offended with this question, but how much does a site like yours earn?
It is quite a validation of Christian Scripture, with the prophesied, mark of the beast. This doc, documents the mindset that is so mindlessly cold-blooded enough to try and enslave the part of humanity they want to serve them and murder the rest. I see all those ancient people slaving away pounding granite to build something that is absolutely useless to them. That all the Bilderburger’s want, what’s the problem? If your genuinely mindless, you won’t have a problem with what they want. There is no love allowed in this great city, it might interfere with their agenda. Madaline Albright’s coldblooded take on bombing the Serbs, is a temp-let for what they are willing to do.
I do buy into a few conspiracy theories, but I think this guy takes it to a whole new level. Obama is a fraud, of course, but come on, these guys that made the film are looking for conspiracy in a schoolroom, so to speak. Also, KRS ONE, not exactly an intelligent guy but I do agree with what he said about Obama being black and causing people to sit back as though the civilization had come to acceptance.
Every thing they do from now on will be backed by lethal force if confronting effective resistance. Maintaining freedom of speech on the internet is a good way of finding out who needs to be in the camps. Obama as head of the UN Security Consul might be the man who causes all,great and small to receive the mark of the beast. This man may not be the same man who is called antichrist. Obama cannot be considered a spiritual leader. We are on the cusp of moving from the beginning of the end, to the end of the world. The Angel in Daniel described the beginning of the end, that has been going on since 911. The internet can be shut down by presidential order, it is to their advantage to keep it up and running for now.
One hour and thirty seven minutes in, Obama is a Vampire, and the metaphyiscal rules of vampirism come into play.
I really gave this “documentary” an honest try, but.
So…smog…because it doesn’t exist…is the same as the Nazi’s exterminating Jews. Same thing!
[Around 1 hour, 25 minutes, if you don’t believe me.]
I occasionally need to wear a tin foil hat to keep the CIA out of my brain…not that it works — I wish it did. But this is what we’re supposed to believe.
Only about 1/3 of this to go….I’m really tryin’!
Well, I’m about half-way through this tedious doc. I’ve so far learned that history continues. Apparently, I’m supposed to be shocked. I am, instead, bored.
The solution to the evils of history? Grab a megaphone and yell stuff at people who don’t care! That’ll show ’em!!!
Ooh! Obama was co-opted! Quick, let’s, um, bitch about it! That’ll cause *real* change!!!
Alex Jones has become a toy of his Build-a-Berg. As far as I can figure, he’s been co-opted to make people feel empowered by, um, Knowing The Truth! And the Truth Shall Set Ye Free!! As long as you don’t do anything. He has no answers, other than to feel disenfranchised, and don’t forget to Be Afraid!
Listen to your favorite puppet, be it Alex or Obama.
My choice is to keep on voting. I know, I know, that’s stoopid. I should show them who’s in charge by not voting. Then they’ll learn!
Ok, ok. I’ll slog through the rest….
lmfao, voting. yeah, way to hold their feet to the fire there dumb fuck. That will show them! I bet you type idiot posts like this in forums all day but have once written to your local rep, or even know who the fuck it is.
* have never
Whoa! I spoke too soon! I can save the planet by purchasing a HQ!!! version of this doc!!!
You know what they say…where there is much evil going on just follow the money and you’ll know who is leading it. How is it that Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama are Trillionaires? nuff said
He is no John F. Kennedy, they won’t have to shoot him.
This mans narcissism is his handlers chief weapon of control, he leads us in someones else’s agenda, the same agenda of GW. He sounds authoritative, but what he expounds leaves anyone with genuine principles empty hearted and cold. He has a because I said so attitude, devoid of any mutual respect. It infers we are his servants, he is not a servant of the people, but their master. He is only limited by what his handlers directions are. But I doubt he would betray elites like himself, for he knows almost no who he considers his equal. The people who put him there play him like a violin.He is proof of the tradition of American presidents of being even worse than the last one. Astounding after GW.
Here’s a whole analysis of this film showing how the filmmakers are taking things out of context…
I’m not saying that the bank doesn’t have a footing – there are a few good points, but I’m not seeing this as a reliable source of proof.
Here’s a whole analysis of this film showing how the filmmakers are taking things out of context…
I’m not saying that the bank doesn’t have a footing – there are a few good points, but I’m not seeing this as a reliable source of proof.
The Fed has now been audited whackos
The Fed has now been audited whackos
The Fed has now been audited whackos
To understand the “Obama Phenomenon” and the NWO one must understand the full dynamics of the Judeo-Christian Agenda and opposition of the Green Agenda which make up the two opposite sides of the single coin that is the NWO.
I say that because it has become a popular tactic of the Green Agenda to say that anyone opposing their views on global environmental management is part of the NWO and to portray themselves as opponents of the NWO when in reality they are just as much a part of it.
Such is the exact same tactic used by Obama in portraying himself as being opposed to the “big business” crowd and the “American Empire” when in reality he has already done as much or more to advance the Empire and the agenda of that “big business” crowd than most other presidents of recent times, and he’s just getting warmed up still.
To truly understand the NWO and it’s politics one must understand how America is used as the main catalyst for the NWO and you must have a firm grasp of the Delphi Technique and it’s false “one mindedness” created through manipulation of group dynamics using the three body system of thesis(right-wing), antithesis(left-wing) and synthesis(Americanism).
I say false “one mindedness” because anyone that doesn’t accept the synthesis(Americanism) is simply removed from the group entirely and not given any opportunity to “credibly” present their views to those in the group, they are un/anti-American and traitors who are not worth listening to.
By controlling what is deemed to be “radical” on both ends of the spectrum one can easily control what is deemed to be “the middle ground”(synthesis) that the facilitator is able to convince the majority is the “reasonable” point of view to hold and thus while meaningless domestic policies vary between parties important policies such as the use of covert actions and military force to enforce political “compliance” by foreign nations that resist Global Americanism never change in anything but name(such as “wars” or “armed conflicts” for Republicans and “armed interventions” and “peacemaking operations” for Democrats).
Of course the NWO is multinational and this isn’t a case of U.S.A vs The World, but the U.S is simply the best tool to use to implement their new order for many reasons, not the least of which being that the American people(sheeple) after almost 100 years of constant manipulation are the most easy to get to support the necessary actions. There is a good reason that it is Global Americanism that is being used to build a one world order, America was the testing grounds for the techniques now being “globalized” to bring about a global synthesis in the form of a one world order.
And ultimately in attempting to understand it all one must go to the source of most of the manipulation techniques used today by the NWO itself, Edward Bernays’ – his works from 1923 “Crystallizing Public Opinion”, 1928 “Propaganda”, 1945 “Public Relations” and 1955 “Engineering Consent” are good ones to start with.
Of particular interest in regards to the manipulation of the academic system and “academic” areas such as theoretical “climate science” used by the Green Agenda to push the AGW campaign is Bernays’ “Universities – Pathfinders in Public Opinion” of 1937.
Anyways, I know that I’m ranting away from the direct focus of this documentary but to understand Obama and his role in the grand scheme of things you must have at least a somewhat decent understanding of what the grand scheme really is.
Free thinking and direct research to come to one’s own opinion on a subject is always the best way of doing things, sadly the system has worked excellently at discouraging most people from doing that and they largely accept being programmed with certain information to repeat on command as being “intelligent” and most gladly accept whatever the defined “experts” say on the important issues they should have their own opinion of.
Teaching Americans to think for themselves would be too dangerous to the establishment, the perceived synthesis – Americanism.
You are simply regurgitating information fed to you from documentaries – I can tell because we have watched the same ones, and I can identify what your sources would be.
I am not defending anything – I am just saying – the fad of refering to Bernays, as though no one had ever tried public deception before he came along, is telling, and shows your sources. And of course – such a premise is patently ridiculous. Propoganda has been around as long as politics, and it has been mastered by many groups in the past. Bernays just had cheap access to a printing press.
The problem is not one of public programming, or freedom. It is one of raw stupidity. And here, I will call out your own hipocrisy: regurgitating the information recieved from alternative media is EXACTLY the same as regurgitating Fox. Because to the viewer, only corroboration counts towards credibility. The words themselves no longer mean anything.
… is called the Delphi METHOD, and was developed as a process of information sorting – designed to stop the human ego from dominating facts identified by a group. There is nothing sinister about it whatsoever.
You are simply regurgitating information fed to you from documentaries – I can tell because we have watched the same ones, and I can identify what your sources would be.
I am not defending anything – I am just saying – the fad of refering to Bernays, as though no one had ever tried public deception before he came along, is telling, and shows your sources. And of course – such a premise is patently ridiculous. Propoganda has been around as long as politics, and it has been mastered by many groups in the past. Bernays just had cheap access to a printing press.
The problem is not one of public programming, or freedom. It is one of raw stupidity. And here, I will call out your own hipocrisy: regurgitating the information recieved from alternative media is EXACTLY the same as regurgitating Fox. Because to the viewer, only corroboration counts towards credibility. The words themselves no longer mean anything.
… is called the Delphi METHOD, and was developed as a process of information sorting – designed to stop the human ego from dominating facts identified by a group. There is nothing sinister about it whatsoever.
I think your a shit head. Bernays was a part of the war council in the very early years and had a massive influence on the world that we now live in. Its obvious that YOU havent actually read any of his material and you completely miss the point. You exemplify the same stupidity you rest all the blame on.
Hitler personally attributed his skill in propaganda to the allies and the experience with them during WW1 and to Bernays. But thats not even the point. The point is that Bernays ran his mouth and outed the establishment and the fact that they control everything you think and do. Hes the reason women smoke, wemons lib was nothing more than a fraud to sell products and tax more americans, even Rockefeller said as much. The list goes on and on. If you think that all of “this” can be explained by stupidity then you sir are far to introspective.
I agree 100% It frustrates me to see so many people around me unaware of what is going on in this world.
have been looking at this one world order stuff for some time now, the more of this stuff that people see, the more they will begin to see this as having serious substance, good documentary…
You people are all just a buncha loons sitting around in tinfoil hats. This stuff is just rambling nonsense. You do not need to resort to conspiracy theories to understand the world, just observe the fact that the bigger the group the dumber it gets. The world is not run from some smoky backroom by a group of sinister <> – it is not run by anyone. We are like a troop of monkeys in a spaceship – no-one driving, everyone eating half the food and crapping on the rest, and a vocal minority of us banging on the doors with wrenches. I damn well hope there IS some Jewish-Mason-Green-Muslim conspiracy driving this thing, because otherwise we are f*****.
“…the bigger the group the dumber it gets.” Love it! This bodes well for OWS. Since it’s a huge group — all of us, whether you like it or not — it can only get smaller. There will be the “Let’s Fight the US Army!” group who will be killed or imprisoned, the “Let’s Make Demands!” group who will be co-opted, the “Let’s Choose a Leader!” group that will be sold out, and many more groups I don’t even want to imagine. I, too, hope there is some Nazi-Hippy-Oil-Catholic conspiracy driving this thing, because this monkey troop we call “humanity” is simply too stupid and lazy to follow orders for long. Really, we just want to eat, sleep, and fuck.
The NWO is on its last legs, and it knows it.
We are not monkeys – we can plan to be deceptive and coercive in advance. If you seriously think there are no humans out there trying – you are as naive as hell.
We are not monkeys – we can plan to be deceptive and coercive in advance. If you seriously think there are no humans out there trying – you are as naive as hell.
We are not monkeys – we can plan to be deceptive and coercive in advance. If you seriously think there are no humans out there trying – you are as naive as hell.
You people are all just a buncha loons sitting around in tinfoil hats. This stuff is just rambling nonsense. You do not need to resort to conspiracy theories to understand the world, just observe the fact that the bigger the group the dumber it gets. The world is not run from some smoky backroom by a group of sinister <> – it is not run by anyone. We are like a troop of monkeys in a spaceship – no-one driving, everyone eating half the food and crapping on the rest, and a vocal minority of us banging on the doors with wrenches. I damn well hope there IS some Jewish-Mason-Green-Muslim conspiracy driving this thing, because otherwise we are f*****.
You people are all just a buncha loons sitting around in tinfoil hats. This stuff is just rambling nonsense. You do not need to resort to conspiracy theories to understand the world, just observe the fact that the bigger the group the dumber it gets. The world is not run from some smoky backroom by a group of sinister <> – it is not run by anyone. We are like a troop of monkeys in a spaceship – no-one driving, everyone eating half the food and crapping on the rest, and a vocal minority of us banging on the doors with wrenches. I damn well hope there IS some Jewish-Mason-Green-Muslim conspiracy driving this thing, because otherwise we are f*****.
same shit different asswhole