This film interviews many Occultists from various traditions including the founders of the Temple of Set Michael Aquino and Lillith Aquino. It also includes clisp from Anton Lavey’s Satanis as well and shows H.R. Gigers art

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OMG, this is a funny video, hope no one took it to seriously though, hahaha !
i like strange topics like this but this is very low quality, very dull, laughable and a total waste of time if you want either entertainment or education factor
wow I forgot how hairy and smelly people looked in the eighties
Wow the comments people make are unbelievable. i don’t know why some of you even bother with this website as your obviously not intelligent enough to understand anything presented to you in these documentary’s.
Before posting such pompous comments you should check your spelling, for example “your” & “documentary’s.”
I will stand with you in the name of good grammar!
Before posting such pompous comments you should check your spelling, for example “your” & “documentary’s.”
stand back and take a look at your selves. if your christian you believe in a GOD who was born of a virgin and who is actually his father. be objective. either god made man or man made god.. or man is god. christians believe god will become man to save man but not that man can be come god to save himself
they got nothing on hazing.
they got nothing on hazing.
You guys are fucking retards, and obviously 11 years old or younger. Did you just learn the word vagina or are you a pussy for real? My guess is the second one. Whether you believe in this or not, shut your mouth and enjoy something for it’s entertainment value. The Bible is just as rediculous to me as this video is to you.
dumbass documentary
dumbass documentary
“i visited my teacher, she took me up through her vagina, i could feel her get pregnant with me” hahahaahahahaaha
Tahahahah this is awesome
A good documentary if you want to see how retarded people are.