Ashin Sopaka is a Burmese exile. The military government has taken away his political status and his right to express himself. But they haven’t taken his right to walk. Ashin is a Peacewalker. Following in the spirit of Gandhi’s peaceful protests, Ashin has encouraged people from all over the world to walk in the name of peace and freedom. In 2007, he started a Peacewalk that would span the length of Thailand. During the walk, Ashin and his followers were continuously harassed and threatened by military authorities that tried to sabotage the walk. In this documentary, Ashin recounts his experiences of the Peacewalk and his hope for a better future for Burma and her people.

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Thanks for watching! Glad our documentary raised some thoughts 🙂
Wish this man and his friends the best..and by the way, the Thai-Burma “Friendship Bridge” …not so friendly ..WTH
Same as the highway from Lhasa to Kathmandu is called the Friendship Highway. Just more propaganda.
Beautiful documentary. Certainly helped identify who the “peace killers” are in our society.
Gov’t, Military, and Corporations…..all the same. Peace Killers for Profit.