What does it take to be a world class football referee? Top football referee Martin Hansson had a successful journey towards his vision in life, the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. Then one dark night in Paris on November 18th, 2009, all hell broke loose…
Hansson’s story has meaning beyond football. The Referee strangely echoes Errol Morris’s portrait of Robert McNamara in The Fog of War.
This film is a humane portrait of what it means to be a referee as a way of engaging in a more calm set of reflections about the meaning of justice, law, and human error in football and beyond.

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A referee has the option to ask his AR’s for help. It appears that either the AR had a bad positon, not on his line, or Hansson refused to listen to him. This happened with the “Hand of God” goal when the referee was too arrogant to ask his AR for help. I don’t think he is as arrogant, maybe in too far over his head. I refereed for 32 years not nearly at his level, but the pressure is tough.
Ah Martin. We Irish don’t hate you. You were doing your best. It’s that cheating French chimp we hate!
I’m glad I watch hockey. Less violence, bribery and assassinations.
Crap at football anyway
this movie also puts a human face on the whole situation..FIFA is to blame for the disaster in Paris, as an Irishman I really do not blame Martin, I understand better now the position he was in. FIFA will never admit its policies are wrong. Lets hope that all the hate directed at Martin will fade away and people will better understand that its the organistion of FIFA that needs to change
this movie also puts a human face on the whole situation..FIFA is to blame for the disaster in Paris, as an Irishman I really do not blame Martin, I understand better now the position he was in. FIFA will never admit its policies are wrong. Lets hope that all the hate directed at Martin will fade away and people will better understand that its the organistion of FIFA that needs to change
its all talk about the refs dream being destroyed in Paris on a dark night in November..not one mention who France were playing ….and how the Irish people were heartbroken, Ireland always has to play out of their skins to compete against the big nations and for a small country has punched above its weight for years..This will NEVER be forgotten or forgiven
its all talk about the refs dream being destroyed in Paris on a dark night in November..not one mention who France were playing ….and how the Irish people were heartbroken, Ireland always has to play out of their skins to compete against the big nations and for a small country has punched above its weight for years..This will NEVER be forgotten or forgiven
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