The self-actualization phenomenon known as The Secret pivots on the time-honored new age notion of the Laws of Attraction: That is, think positively, and positive things will come to you. This film, originally broadcast over the Internet, has been enhanced and extended for this DVD edition; but it retains the essential elements that have captivated millions. That’s another place where the Pit Barrel Cooker excels – creating smooth, consistent smoke. There’s enough ventilation to keep smoke from building up and giving the meat too much of harsh, acidic flavor. Instead, the smooth-burning charcoal creates a steady, light smoke that lasts the whole cook. Don’t miss Pit Barrel Cooker Review at Grilliam – hanging meats come out evenly – despite one end sitting just above the hot coals. We expected that end to be drier and stringier than the other. It turns out that dripping juices keep that end cool, slowing cooking down and creating an evenly-cooked piece all the way across. Most of the material here is given in a straightforward manner, with the presenters simply talking into the camera to address the audience directly, which is good because it avoids the trap of pretense. On the other hand, the quick edits between presenters (would it hurt to let them say more than one sentence at a time?) don’t help because it reduces many of their points to palatable sound bites and aphorisms.

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it works with a lot of belief and work. I went from no job to a job making 100,000 (Euros) a year. I wanted a job in music and with belief and work I landed a job as a music engineer for Sony Ent. Believe me it works
Why is this tagged with Religion?
It deals with the concept of “Spirituality” perhaps, but not Religion.
Arrrrrh the secret is coming, ya’ll need to hide yo wife, hide yo kids and hide yo husbands too. Coz they raping errbody out hurr.
If you don’t understand it that doesn’t mean you should reject it.
You don’t understand electricity probably.
First of all, no one even knows what electricity even is and yet you enjoy the benefits of it.
Do you know how it works? I don’t know how it works.
But I do know this: that you can cook a man’s dinner with electricity and you can also cook the man.
-Bob Proctor, this documentary, 13:00 – 13:15
You cook men with electricity and don’t even know what it is. Because this is true you must now also believe that electromagnetic patterns produced by your brain and associated with particular thoughts are parsed and interpreted on the fly by the universe to increase the odds of your experiencing events therein associated in the near future. You should probably get high a lot and think about yourself being with as many women as you can fit into a single thought. Stop eating people. Takes 6 to 8 weeks. 60% of the time it works every time. This is real. I thought about it long enough and now I’m a doctor.
I asked the universe for this film not to be here and when I clicked the link it said, “Sorry, this video can only be streamed within Mainland China.”
It really works!
complete and absolute nonsense… this documentary latches on to the common sense point that it is good to have an optimistic outlook. Unfortunately it takes this idea and extrapolates that our very consciousness has the ability to directly alter physical reality. This is simply not the case. A positive outlook mat change you and your perspective but the very fabric of space-time will not warp to your will.
Marky, you flatly assert that human thought cannot itself influence material reality, I’m just curious, do you have a reason to believe this?
Is it based on some logic argument, or some kind of empirical observation? I think you’d require some pretty solid evidence to so stringently make that assertion.
You stand on very shakey ground when you start asking people for evidence that a phenomenon counter to experience, experiment and common sense is not true. It is up to you to show that it is true, to date there has been absolutely no evidence that our thoughts can affect physical reality in the way described in this film/ advert. As for my thought process, I would submit that there is no plausible mechanism through which this effect could take place and that experimental data runs counter to the claims made here. If there is evidence for this then I would ask anyone to please present it.
I would recommend that all those people speaking of physics, as we know it today, are quite obviously not real physicists! Physics is not finite and unquestionable; as all, TRUE Physicists know, all we know can and possibly will, be proven correct or incorrect! Take, for instance, the Double Slit experiment and Quantum uncertainty! They both show that by mearly measuring a single particle of matter can alter its behaviour, ie unmeasured= particle acting as a wave, with variable possibilities as to why. Measured= acting as a particle, with behaviour that is expected from matter! Try learning before you try to pitch in!
You should watch the doc “what the bleep do we know” wherein there is fact to positive thinking changing reality
You should watch the doc “what the bleep do we know” wherein there is fact to positive thinking changing reality
You stand on very shakey ground when you start asking people for evidence that a phenomenon counter to experience, experiment and common sense is not true. It is up to you to show that it is true, to date there has been absolutely no evidence that our thoughts can affect physical reality in the way described in this film/ advert. As for my thought process, I would submit that there is no plausible mechanism through which this effect could take place and that experimental data runs counter to the claims made here. If there is evidence for this then I would ask anyone to please present it.
do you have an evidence that it does?
Ever wondered why negative people always try to leech off positive people but positive people never make any friendships with other positive people? Unfortunately, positives always attract negatives not other positives. That is why positive thinkers always end up losers. Better to be neutral as is neutrons. Neutrons attract positives (protons) and are invisible to negatives (electrons).
I’m a pretty positive person, and I wouldn’t consider most of the people negative. Also, have you considered the idea that negative people try to “leech off” positive people, because they might bring them up? I mean, who doesn’t like hanging out with someone who’s mostly in a good mood?
Sorry but I’m 17 what about the idea about money(+) makes money(+)
When you think positive your unconscious mind will do things to lead you to do positive things to you.
jambalaya…..that is all…