From his famous motorcycle trips to his historic role in the Cuban Revolution, Argentinean revolutionary Che Guevara is profiled in a documentary produced to explore the life of the man whose visage has become an iconic symbol of hard left politics. This man, who ordered the execution of countless human beings while in charge of the notorious La Cabaña prison in Havana, who terrorized Cuban society and who denied freedom to thousands of citizens whom he considered “deviants” or “anti-revolutionaries” can never be accepted as a hero, martyr or – the shock of it – a saint.

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There is too much political propaganda on this site, the documentary it’s not a comparative critique to nothing or empirically informative. I think the opinion of the Cubans is only relevant in this whole affair. I think people living in rich countrys have the perception that Cuba would be like them if it were free (would be awesome), but most likely not, I know enough the Antilles to expect a free Cuba closely resembles more to Dominican Republic (hope not Haiti), I am not a Marxist, but I prefer to CHE’s that Henry Kissinger (nobel peace prize).
I agree!! I have communicated that to some of their staff and they can’t see it. The left brain virus has infected them and they are powerless against it. Check out the one on the KKK. Blames conservatives!!!!!
Well, Che did do a real good job of keeping the niggers down in Cuba. Any of you marxist turds able to name any no-white in the Cuban leadership for the pas 50 years?
please upload pure documentries to show reality donot propogate your own ideas in ithipocrits..whoever did this lacks knowledge of history. documentarying is something to take seriously as it is information to be spread among people. not to rewrite history as a peanut character. get to know a little che guevara and you will find something very different. guess that if i told something bad about your god you would feel angry right?
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Guys the best way to know someone is to talk to to him. Since Che is dead now we should read the books written by him to know about him. Mind u that cinema is the most powerful medium to put a thought in someone’s mind. I dont know how Che was as a person and as to Cubans, but one thing is sure that the maker of this video has tried to propagate him as a terrorist. Revolutionary has been shown as a terrorist. Terrorist are always do things for their personal gain but this man had a passion for Communism and even left his powerful posts in Cuba to start a revolution elsewhere.
All “ISM”s wether it be capitalism, socialism, communism – are all the same fucking thing. Label what you want, but at the end of the day our governments are slaves too the corporate empire and the banks that these same governments, are in debted too. In turn, in-debting the people. Argue away with your “left” and “right” views, or which Ism is the worst – but underlying all your “fact throwing” is the simple truth of the debt that has been thrust upon us; the people.
Que bueno seria que a esta jarta de comunistas los metieran en una rastra y se axficiaran todos como lo hicieron esos perros comunistas en Cuba con los que no pensaban como ellos y que los que quedaran vivos los llevaran a comer y a vivir como los cubanos de a pie en la isla, pero sobre todo que no pudieran abrir sus bocas ni para quejarse.
Che asesino!
It takes time to have someone like…
i am cuban.
for all of you who support this MURDERER, try living in cuba…you couldn’t handle it. because all of you live in the west. communism is a reductive ideology and it has a “manifesto” that calls for the seizure of power through “despotic inroads.”
mingos and twotroo are truly ignorant
abajo fidel! down with fidel!
i am cuban.
for all of you who support this MURDERER, try living in cuba…you couldn’t handle it. because all of you live in the west. communism is a reductive ideology and it has a “manifesto” that calls for the seizure of power through “despotic inroads.”
mingos and twotroo are truly ignorant
abajo fidel! down with fidel!
Truly inspirational but also it shows the other side of Shea…The cruel side!
first of all you cannot put all communists in the same bag, the same way you can do so with any ideology, people are different and you never realy know them.
in the other hand, the difference between the killings of the marxism and the capitalism is that you don´t really know the numbers of the second one.
they prefer control you mind and your money then your body. if you want that, that´s up to you.
and another thing, august 6 and 9 1945…why? 240000 deaths in 2 days because of one single country. and go find out the relation of usa with all the current genocides in africa… you´d be surprised
Che was a scumbag. There is no disputing this. He had those who disgreed with his communist agenda killed. He had homosexuals imprisoned, tortured and killed as “bourgeois”. Leftists will whine and write it off as American propaganda but they can’t actually demonstrate how it is incorrect; they simply resort to ad hominem and smearing of the source.
Communists killed more than any ideology in the 20th century. Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Tito, Hoxha, the Sandinistas, the FARC, the Soviets in Afghanistan, Juche, taken all together Communists killed 142 million people in the 20th century (and that is a lowball estimate; my main source is R.J Rummell, if you have any problems with my figures take it up with him). Communists/Marxists and those who suppot them and their ideas are as bad ideologically and worse in practice than Hitler and fascists.
Like nobody ever died due to Capitalist greed.
It must be so simple being you..
You are right,twotroo2bgood and Franklin you are far too quick to reach conclusions and do not give your world much thought.
Without the actions of Guevara, and others in history similar to him in their indignation and bravery, our world would be without social progress. Yes inevitably socialism has proven itself largely unworkable, but the underlying idea behind it is far more noble then the greed and individualism that underpins capitalism. I take my hat off to any man that stands up and fights for something they believe in…. Viva la Revolution!
You think you know everything, but are wrong. How can I know you are wrong, you ask? Well, I know you are wrong because I am right, and we disagree. And because we disagree, and I know I am right, you MUST be wrong. Therefore, because you are wrong, everything you say is a lie, or propaganda, and you don’t know what is REALLY happening, or how the world REALLY works, or how/why historical events REALLY occurred, and what their impact on the world REALLY was.
Does anyone else see the problem here is? I swear, it seems like most of the arguments(“debate” is too nice a word for how people treat each other online, behind their safety blanket of anonymity) about these types of things boil down to that: I know you’re wrong because I am right. I cannot think of a single time I saw someone, when confronted with an idea completely at odds with their own opinion, say, “Really? What exactly makes you think that?” Unless it was dripping with sarcasm.
bullshit american propaganda Viva La Revolucion Viva Che
Excrement eating communist turd. Best thing Che ever did was send the slave descendants in Cuba back to the sugar fields. Best thing Castro did was round up the homosexuals like you and send them to die of AIDS in Miami.
hipocrits..whoever did this lacks knowledge of history. documentarying is something to take seriously as it is information to be spread among people. not to rewrite history as a peanut character. get to know a little che guevara and you will find something very different. guess that if i told something bad about your god you would feel angry right?
It’s funny how all radical leftists have to resort to killing their own people in order to maintain power. As bad as western nations are, at least they don’t kill any citizen who disagrees with them. Marxists always have to resort to violence to maintain power because once the people realize their freedoms will necessarily be curtailed, they rise up.
“As bad as western nations are, at least they don’t kill any citizen who disagrees with them.”
In the case of the USA tehy do invade, bomb and destablise whole countries should disagree with their governments.
“As bad as western nations are, at least they don’t kill any citizen who disagrees with them.”
But if you watch the film above I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what the CIA did…
that shows how much you really know about Marxism or western capitalism you be a good sheep and keep eating your grass you keep working and paying taxes government will take care of rest