Award winning journalist John Pilger examines the role of Washington in America’s manipulation of Latin American politics during the last 50 years leading up to the struggle by ordinary people to free themselves from poverty and racism. Since the mid 19th Century Latin America has been the ‘backyard’ of the US, a collection of mostly vassal states whose compliant and often brutal regimes have reinforced the ‘invisibility’ of their majority peoples. The film reveals similar CIA policies to be continuing in Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. The rise of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez despite ongoing Washington backed efforts to unseat him in spite of his overwhelming mass popularity, is democratic in a way that we have forgotten or abandoned in the west. True Democracy being a solid 80% voter turnout in support of Chavez in over 6 elections.

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Good documentary. Interesting, but when I saw the CIA snipers causing all the trouble at the rally, just so they can blame Chavez, I wasn’t as much surprised as I thought. I guess given the US foreign policies since WW2 was pretty easy to see that one coming.
Ameri-KKK… funny, some of them are still on the “comi” tip HAHA! wake up, it’s the 21st century, Billy Bob red neck.
jesus your so intelligent
hahahaha how fair and balanced of you. you must be a fan of fox news
fuck you America
fuck you America
Shutup, get a life! Democracy deserves fighting for! America is the world’s biggest and best democracy, so go crawl back to your hole…ignortant wart!
@James Matheson your comment is so wrong. America is not much of a democracy. It is a capitalist society based on greed and poor governance. A good democratic country should not neglect its own citizens, e.g. not providing healthcare to the most vulnerable rather than those who can afford it. Good democratic countries allows people to say and make their opinions known. America claims this but it does not exist. Outspoken people are brought down, imprisoned, and discredited. America is a great country and I am a big fan as a frequent tourist, but what I have noticed is if you don’t have the wealth or the means to benefit from democracy, you don’t benefit as normal citizens should. Apologies for offending you but it’s the truth.
Actually India is the worlds biggest democracy, about 3 times as many people then the US lol. As for the best democracy, that is pretty subjective, but what is not, is the fact that less then 50 % of the pubic actually votes in the US. One of the worst voter turnouts in the world.
I know your comment feels right, but the facts don’t lie lol
Fantastic, great to see John Pilger still working and still putting out great, thought provoking documentaries. I saw another documentary which documented many of the same issues in this film with regards to the raping of latin American countries by the corporations of the United States of America but I can’t recall what it was, it’s great though to see a documentary focused entirely on the subject and by such a brilliant man as Mr Pilger.
I wonder, when the turning point comes in this revolution, and the majority of people see the United States for what it is – a tyrannical empire – I wonder what will happen. Martial law? Perhaps they have allowed the myriad of recent documentaries exposing the shadow government and the real power structure behind their so-called “democracy” as a way of provoking the people to the point where they can declare Martial law in the defence of “National Security”.. makes you think huh?..
Fantastic, great to see John Pilger still working and still putting out great, thought provoking documentaries. I saw another documentary which documented many of the same issues in this film with regards to the raping of latin American countries by the corporations of the United States of America but I can’t recall what it was, it’s great though to see a documentary focused entirely on the subject and by such a brilliant man as Mr Pilger.
I wonder, when the turning point comes in this revolution, and the majority of people see the United States for what it is – a tyrannical empire – I wonder what will happen. Martial law? Perhaps they have allowed the myriad of recent documentaries exposing the shadow government and the real power structure behind their so-called “democracy” as a way of provoking the people to the point where they can declare Martial law in the defence of “National Security”.. makes you think huh?..