
The Wow Signal

Mankind has always been fascinated by the possibility of life beyond Earth, the idea of other civilizations thriving on distant planets captivates the imagination we are driven perhaps by the hope that humanity is not alone in the universe and by science’s promise to always seek the unknown.

On August 15th, 1977 a massive radio telescope operated by the Ohio state university detected an unusually powerful signal from deep space the signal had all the characteristics scientists expected in a transmission from an intelligent extraterrestrial source. The event lasted for 72 seconds and was never heard again named the Wow Signal it was a tantalizing moment in the search for extraterrestrial life and for the relatively young science of radio astronomy.

Directed by: Bob Dawson

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  1. Parallel to the gripping story of the WOW signal itself, this is a superb documentary about how science gets done. Choice of methods, creative exploitation of means, how objectives and trade-offs go hand in hand, and how the availability of resources can shift at any time. Highly recommended.

  2. Well of course theres more than just us in this massive universe!
    Just one of the many things I discovered and was shown during two NDE’s*, numerous lucid dreams^, heightened intuition, spiritual awareness and all the life changing epiphanies that followed, is that while we are the only “humans” – we are not the only living species. In fact, there are many. And just like us, some are good, others….uh,
    not so good.
    Our purpose here on Earth (in this dimension) is absolutely spiritual. After death we immediately have a life review (“I saw my entire life flash before my eyes” origins) and reflect on our actions. Then depending on the goals remaining- WE choose where we go next.

    When it comes to understanding and approaching these types of questions – the best, and easiest way to approach simply.
    It needn’t be so complicated!
    (And although we each have free will, it often has to do with a matter of timing.)
    Start by looking up the numbers of reported sightings and all over the world that grows daily. Read through the evidence – from the tangible to the eye witness events.
    Interview those who had contact and/or observed interactions. There are hundreds of books, PDF’s and videos all about their communication.
    Then there’s the deep transcendental meditation people have been doing recently where they swear they initiate contact with them. (The ones with good intentions – I don’t know much about them, I’ve only seen snippets in the news, but telepathy is the preferred method of communicating, thats how it was during both NDE’s and in dream states)
    The more people together in a group, the higher the vibration which leads to a stronger connection and more likely to “reach them”.
    There are rapidly expanding worldwide and new groups popping up all over.

    *Nearly all research on NDE’s found the majority shared very similar out of body experiences, with the largest study reporting they’d encountered or felt “a powerful divine presence” were in “the realm of Angels” with many seeing loved ones who had passed.

    ^ To be fully awake in dreams is SO cool! I’d have them every night if I could, but unfortunately they’ve been random. Our souls don’t actually require sleep, just our physical bodies, so our soul “travels” to various places – yet need to remain in our bodies for a short time while we’re asleep. And although all souls dream, only a small percentage recall them, and an even smaller percent dream in color. (Mine are almost always in vivid color)
    The majority are in black and white.

  3. Chills! The Wow Signal just never gets old. That 72-second blip of potential alien communication still ignites my inner sci-fi geek years later. It’s a concrete reminder that the universe is vast and the unknown out there is vast beyond comprehension. a small world cup‘s addictive gameplay and endless replayability will keep you coming back for more.

  4. The univers may be full of intelligent races,but they must forever exist in total ignrance of each other,quarantined by space itself

  5. Long term space travel can only be done without people’s earth suits. Once release (death) we travel through the Universe to our origins.

  6. Wonderful honest documentary by the best peoiple in the game. Good luck SETI.

  7. Very boring documentary about the history and the state as SETI, the central focus being as the name suggests a signal from 1977 that lasted for 72 seconds. I’d say unless you’re obsessed over the science research industry you should skip this one.
    A total waste of time.

  8. sounds like a large-scale money-laundering operation to me – the perfect blag

  9. One of the best documentaries talking about our quest to find the alien civilizations and not only that this documentary discuss about the radio telescopes in a big way.

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