With Advanced medical technology A scar less painless Heart treatment is possible. Most imp prevention is better than cure. You can prevent 80% heart attacks and bypass surgeries. A breakthrough in medicine by world renowned preventive cardiologist Dr Pratiksha G Gandhi, founder & chairperson of IPC Heart has successfully treated more than 30,000 cases through her team of over 100 doctors all over world with a success rate of over 95% in selected cases to avoid bypass surgery and angioplasty. Millions have been benefited by IPC preventive cardiology programs through print and electronic media.Details on website: www.ipc-india.org. A must see film for every person who has a heart and wants to know how to protect his heart !!

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Every country in the world should have atleasy one centre of IPC. Great work team IPC. Brillinat film Mr.Basant Tolani you are the best. Keep up the good work and thank you.
Grt work IPC. Thanx Tolani. Superb video with great info. Also thx to documentary heaven for posting the video.
Fantastic. More people should know about this.
Why dont they popularize EECP worldwide? it will save a lot of heart patients
Seriously I can´t believe how such an institute as IPC wouldn’t think twice before uploading such a badly produced video. Gives the impression that they are not professional at all.
At all of you. Thought it was clear that I was talking about the PRODUCTION. But I guess we all have different standards. Where I come from they produced the same quality videos in the 60’s.
Johan.. can you please post links to some world class documentaries that YOU have produced?
@Johan… LoLz… Stop shitting through your mouth Johan…. You stink…. LoL
You need a psychiatrist Johan. Feel sad for your family though, for putting up with a pathetic soul such as you.
Johan… Next time watch the video with your eyes and ears open rather thank making comments from your constipated brain
LMFAO …. Poor Johan…. hes losing his patients bcoz of this film
Are you a heart surgeon, Johan?
Excellent. thanx for posting. Sharing this.
In todays world where doctors are cheating their patients into believing that surgery is the only solution for heart blockages , this hospital IPC is doing a fantastic job by providing a noninvasive treatment for heart problems. Thanks to the maker of this video. It will save many patients from falling into a surgeons trap. Brilliant Video. Explains everything very clearly. Thumbs up to IPC and Thumbs up to the filmmaker Mr Basant Tolani. Fantastic work. Thank You.
thank you for posting this video…. explains welll… hats off to IPC for their fantastic contribution…. also to the filmmaker … explaining word by word… great video…
this is good. thank you for posting the vid. thanx to IPC also for their great work.
i have now seem more Indian chests than I ever could imagine lol … did reall y laugh when that guy was eating fries, and a hamburger, with an ashtray of smoked smokes hahaha
haha…. yeah… so true… we dont realize this how we screw ourselves up …. watching others do the same is always funny… until we land up in the hospital to be cut up into pieces for the same reason
Terrible sound halfway through between their accents and sound, can’t understand anything!